Research Project funded by the European Union under the EU Aid Programme for the Turkish Cypriot community
Implemented by the Research Institute Promitheas and the Memory and Narrative Centre
of Newspaper Articles
Portrayals of the Cypriot Identity in the Press
2003 / 2004 / 2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012 / 2013 / 2014 / 2015 / 2016 / 2017 / 2018 / 2019 / 2020 / 2021 / 2022 / 2023
1. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Taksim Şantajı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Blackmail about Taksim DATE: 1/1/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to the news of Fileleftheros, she stated that the developments that will start with the new and final initiative of the UN General Secretariat, which is expected to start next week with the more effective involvement of Washington and the EU, will be rapid. READ ARTICLE
2. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Yönetimi Vatandaşlarının KKTC'den ilaç almasından rahatsız ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot Administration is disturbed by its citizens buying medicine from TRNC DATE: 1/1/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot Administration has now added drugs to its propaganda aimed at its own people to undermine TRNC tourism. READ ARTICLE
3. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: DİSİ: Çözüm fırsatını kaybetmeyelim ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: DISY: Let's not lose the opportunity for a solution DATE: 1/1/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In its New Year's message, DISI, among other things, asked not to miss the opportunity to solve the Cyprus problem. READ ARTICLE
4. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'den 'barış çabasına' destek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Support for 'peace effort' from the South DATE: 5/1/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Some political parties and non-governmental organizations that continue their activities in Southern Cyprus published a message yesterday and expressed their support for the solution and European Union efforts of the Turkish Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
5. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyden ‘barış çabasına’ destek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Support for 'peace effort' from the South DATE: 6/1/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Some political parties and non-governmental organizations that continue their activities in Southern Cyprus published a message yesterday and supported the Solution and European Union efforts of the Turkish Cypriots. Some political parties and non-governmental organizations that continue their activities in Southern Cyprus published a message yesterday, saying that the Turkish Cypriots They supported the Solution and European Union efforts. READ ARTICLE
6. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Başbakan Eroğlu’ndan ilk kez! Toprak Tavizi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: For the first time from Prime Minister Eroğlu! Land Concession DATE: 6/1/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: TRNC Prime Minister Derviş Eroğlu said that the Turkish side could make some concessions on the land issue in order to reach an agreement in Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
7. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Simitis: Kıbrıs’ta çözümsüzlük, Türkiye’nin AB yolunu zorlar! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Simitis: Lack of solution in Cyprus will force Turkey's path to the EU! DATE: 6/1/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Prime Minister Costas Simitis said that he would put pressure on Turkey regarding the Cyprus issue during his country's EU term presidency. READ ARTICLE
8. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlara satılmaması için TÜK üreticinin elinde kalan ürününü almaya çalışıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: TÜK is trying to buy the remaining product from the producer so that it is not sold to the Greek Cypriots. AUTHOR: Ömer Alganer, Director of Soil Products Institution DATE: 8/1/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Barley-wheat purchases carried out by the Soil Products Institution (TÜK) ended yesterday. TÜK will continue its barley purchases next week if requested by the producers who keep their products to sell to Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
9. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Mitingdeki Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti bayrağı ilgi çekti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Republic of Cyprus flag at the rally attracted attention DATE: 16/1/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek newspapers gave extensive coverage to the demonstration held in TRNC the day before and supported their news with various photographs reflecting the demonstration. READ ARTICLE
10. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas İtalya'ya gidiyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas goes to İtaly DATE: 16/1/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It has been reported that Greek Parliament Speaker Dimitris Christofias will pay a return visit to Italian Parliament Speaker Pierre Ferdinando Kasini's visit to Southern Cyprus in July last year. READ ARTICLE
11. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Üniversitesi’ne başlangıç olarak 32 Milyon KL ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 32 Million KL as a start for the Greek University DATE: 16/1/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that the Greek Cypriot Council of Ministers approved an allocation of approximately 32 million KL for the increasing needs of the Greek University in 2003. READ ARTICLE
12. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türkler’İn malları istimlak ediliyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The properties of Turkish Cypriots are being expropriated DATE: 16/1/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Yalya and Ay of the Greek Administration. It was reported that Hirsofu Greek Cypriot Water Works Department will expropriate some properties, including many Turkish Cypriots, among the owners, due to road construction works related to the irrigation network in Marina villages. READ ARTICLE
13. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs'ta Türkler'e eziyet ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Tormenting Turks in Southern Cyprus DATE: 22/1/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A group of Turkish Cypriots living in Southern Cyprus, held a demonstration near the Paphos Gate in Nicosia, which is very close to the TRNC border, and said that they were treated unfairly and badly in the South. READ ARTICLE
14. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Harita görüşülüyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Map is on the table DATE: 4/2/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: During the meeting held between President Denktaş and Greek Cypriot Administration President Clerides, views were exchanged on the map in the Annan Plan. READ ARTICLE
15. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar itiraf etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks confessed DATE: 6/2/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In the book titled EOKA B&CIA, he admitted the fact that the Greek Cypriots broke away from the Republic of Cyprus and its government due to the Greek attacks. READ ARTICLE
16. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Denktaş Rum seçimleri bitene kadar görüşme istemiyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Denktaş does not want to meet until the Greek Cypriot elections are over DATE: 11/2/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Denktaş, who moved from the presidency to meet with President Rauf Denktaş and Greek Cypriot Administration President Glafkos Clerides before meeting again in the buffer zone at 09:30 yesterday morning, answered the questions of journalists. READ ARTICLE
17. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Denktaş-Klerides Görüşmesi... Denktaş: Al-ver olmadı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Denktaş-Clerides Meeting... Denktaş: There was no give or take DATE: 11/2/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Rauf Denktaş announced that he did not get what he expected in his meeting with the President of the Greek Cypriot Administration, Glafkos Clerides, and that there was no give-and-take process. READ ARTICLE
18. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde bugün seçim var ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: There is an election today in the south DATE: 16/2/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Presidential elections are held in Southern Cyprus today READ ARTICLE
19. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Eroğlu: Referandumda toprağınıza sahip çıkın ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Eroğlu: Protect your land in the referendum DATE: 3/3/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Prime Minister Derviş Eroğlu said the Annan Plan is aimed at destroying the Turkish Cypriots and asked the public to vote by keeping this fact in mind in a possible referendum. READ ARTICLE
20. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Bulunç, Annan planı Türkiye’yi adadan çıkarmak için hazırlanmış ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Bulutç: The Annan plan was prepared to remove Turkey from the island DATE: 9/3/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: TRNC Ankara Ambassador Ahmet Zeki Bulunç said that the Annan Plan is a document that is far from responding to the demands of the Turkish side. READ ARTICLE
21. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Denktaş Cuma akşamı dönüyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Denktaş returns on Friday evening DATE: 13/3/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Rauf DEnktaş, who left TRNC to go to The Hague on Saturday, March 8, for the appointment given by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan on March 10, returns home on Friday evening. READ ARTICLE
22. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos BM Planı temelinde çözüm istediğini açıkladı. ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos announced that he wanted a solution on the basis of the UN Plan. DATE: 13/3/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Administration President Tasos Papadopoulos announced that he wants the Cyprus problem to be resolved on the basis of the UN plan READ ARTICLE
23. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Böyle devam ederse barış değil Taksim olur ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: If it continues like this, there will be Taksim, not peace. AUTHOR: Şener Levent, one of the newspaper writers. DATE: 21/4/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The attitude taken by some Greek authorities towards Turkish Cypriots disappoints even the most ardent supporters of peace in Northern Cyprus READ ARTICLE
24. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Ulusal Konseyi'nden KKTC'ye ret, geçişe evet! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Rejection from the Greek Cypriot National Council to TRNC, yes to the transition! DATE: 23/4/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot National Council described the unilateral passage permit received by the TRNC as illegal, but announced that it would not prevent the passages. READ ARTICLE
25. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: AB Komisyonu kararı selamladı! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The EU Commission greeted the decision! DATE: 23/4/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The EU Commission announced that it salutes the TRNC government's decision to allow daily crossings to the Greek Cypriot side. READ ARTICLE
26. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: İkiside Kıbrıslıydı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: they were both cypriot AUTHOR: Mert Özdağ DATE: 24/4/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Sentences written by Mert Özdağ about the moment when two friends of 50 years, Hüseyin Derviş and Ages Haralambidis, reunited after 29 years are included. READ ARTICLE
27. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: 29 yıl sonra kucaklaşma ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hugging after 29 years DATE: 24/4/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A special news and interview was carried out by Yenidüzen newspaper about the opening of the crossings after 29 years. READ ARTICLE
28. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: AB Büyükelçisi Meer: Çözüm için yapacak çok iş var ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: EU Ambassador Meer: There is a lot of work to be done for a solution DATE: 24/4/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Negotiator Leopold Maurer, who participated in the Cyprus-EU membership negotiations on behalf of the EU, and Adriaan Van Der Meer, the EU ambassador in Cyprus, visited Ledra Palace yesterday at noon. READ ARTICLE
29. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum kadının gözyaşları… ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Tears of Greek Woman… DATE: 24/4/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A Greek Cypriot woman who did not bring her passport with her complained to Serdar Denktaş, the Minister of State Responsible for Tourism and Deputy Prime Minister, whom she found in front of the Foreign Press Association in the buffer zone, and asked him to help her get permission to see her house. READ ARTICLE
30. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: YBH: Türkiye'nin üyeliğini bekleyemeyiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: YBH: We cannot wait for Turkey's join DATE: 24/4/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Patriotic Unity Movement Foreign Relations Secretary Alpay Durduran stated that free movement is a concrete gain, but said that they will not allow those who want to leave the solution in Cyprus until after Turkey's membership in the European Union. READ ARTICLE
31. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Barış ateşlerini halkımıza çok gördü ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Our people have seen the flames of peace many times. DATE: 24/4/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Yesterday, after many years, President Denktaş walked around the streets of Nicosia and rained mocking insults on the Nicosia Municipality and our people. (Transferred as written by the newspaper) READ ARTICLE
32. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Anlayana aşk olsun ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Love to those who understand DATE: 24/4/2003 READ ARTICLE
33. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Basını: Şok Süpriz! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Media: Shock Surprise! DATE: 24/4/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Southern newspapers generally interpreted the TRNC Council of Ministers' decision to allow passage from north to south and south to north as shock and surprise. READ ARTICLE
34. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Serdar Denktaş: Türkiye'den gelen vatandaşlarımızın ilk başlarda geçmelerini tavsiye etmem! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Serdar Denktaş: I would not recommend our citizens coming from Turkey to pass at first! DATE: 24/4/2003 READ ARTICLE
35. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Karakaş: 16 Nisan'da Türk dış politikası iflas etti' ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Karakaş: Turkish foreign policy went bankrupt on April 16' DATE: 24/4/2003 READ ARTICLE
36. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: MAP: Kapıları kapatın, teröristler gelebilir! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: MAP: Close the doors, terrorists may come! DATE: 24/4/2003 READ ARTICLE
37. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Tarihi Gün ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Historical Day DATE: 24/4/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Crossings between the North and the South resumed after 29 years. READ ARTICLE
38. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Geçişlerde duygular yoğundu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Emotions were intense during the transitions AUTHOR: Michael Theodoulou DATE: 26/4/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The feelings of Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots after crossing the green line after the decision to allow freedom of movement within the island after 30 years were written down. READ ARTICLE
39. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Maraş Rum turistlerle dolup taştı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Maraş was filled with Greek tourists AUTHOR: Aysel Özüak DATE: 6/5/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In the book titled EOKA B&CIA, he admitted the fact that the Greek Cypriots broke away from the Republic of Cyprus and its government due to the Greek attacks. READ ARTICLE
40. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Denktaş polisten Rumlarla ilgili kara liste istedi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Denktaş asked the police for a black list regarding Greeks DATE: 6/5/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Rauf Denktaş asked for a black list to be prepared to prevent objectionable Greeks who committed crimes against Turks of Cyprus from passing to the TRNC, and announced that he had a meeting with the General Director of Police yesterday for this purpose. READ ARTICLE
41. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Simitis: 1 Mayıs 2004'e kadar Kıbrıs sorununun çözülmesini umut ediyorum... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Simitis: I hope that the Cyprus problem will be resolved by May 1, 2004... DATE: 6/5/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Kostas Simitis, Prime Minister of Greece, which holds the EU Term Presidency, said that she hopes that the Cyprus problem will be resolved by May 1, 2004, when the Greek Cypriot side will join the EU. READ ARTICLE
42. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Ara bölgede ortak temizlik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Joint cleaning in the buffer zone DATE: 16/5/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Nicosia Turkish and Greek municipalities started a joint cleaning work in the buffer zone READ ARTICLE
43. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Tiyatroyla barış köprüsü ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Peace bridge with theater DATE: 16/5/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Nicosia Municipal Theater, as a guest of the Greek Cypriot Satirigo Theatre, will perform Nobel Prize-winning author Dario Fo's Won't Be Paid! on Saturday, May 17, 2003 at 20.00. We don't pay! He will present his play at Satirigo Theater Hall. READ ARTICLE
44. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Yeşil Hat'ta ortak temizlik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Joint cleaning on the Green Line DATE: 16/5/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish and Greek municipalities of Nicosia carry out joint cleaning work in the buffer zone READ ARTICLE
45. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Çözüm anahtarı Türkiye'nin elinde ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Christofias: The key to the solution is in Turkey's hands DATE: 2/6/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Arguing that the key to the solution is in Turkey's hands, Christofias claimed that if negotiations are started before the Turkish side concretely changes its attitude and the preconditions for the expected end to the Cyprus problem are created, the dialogue will degenerate and the deadlock will entrench. READ ARTICLE
46. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Karşılıklı geçişler değişimi getirdi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Mutual crossings brought change DATE: 3/6/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The decision over the free mutual crossings has affected the daily lives of Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
47. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Andreas Hristu: Türklerin her türlü keyfiliği bastırılacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Andreas Hristu: All kinds of arbitrariness of the Turks will be suppressed DATE: 19/6/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Interior Minister Andreas Hristu also claimed that if Turkish houses in the south were usurped, all kinds of arbitrariness of the Turks will be suppressed. READ ARTICLE
48. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hannay: Türkiye sorunu çözümsüz bırakırsa hata yapar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hannay: Türkiye would make a mistake if it leaves the problem unresolved DATE: 19/6/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Britain's Special Representative for Cyprus, Lord David Hannay, stated that Turkey would be making a big mistake if it left the Cyprus problem unresolved until its EU membership. READ ARTICLE
49. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos AB zirvesine katılmak için Selanik’e gidiyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos goes to Selanik to attend the EU summit DATE: 19/6/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Administration President Tasos Papadopoulos is going to Thessaloniki tomorrow to attend the European Council summit. READ ARTICLE
50. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum yönetimi mallarını talep eden Türklere taviz vermiyor! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek administration does not make any concessions to the Turks who demand their property! DATE: 3/7/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Kipros Hrisostomidis was asked to comment on Hritsos Kliridis' statement that Turkish Cypriots are expected to apply to the judiciary en masse to get back the property they left behind in the South. READ ARTICLE
51. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: KKTC'den Güney'e ürün taşınması için iki ay geçici izin ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Two-month temporary permit to transport products from TRNC to the South DATE: 3/7/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish Cypriots will be given temporary permission for two months to transport from TRNC to the South, but the trucks will undergo technical inspection in Southern Cyprus, as is also applied to Greek Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
52. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Denktaş: Rumlar yeni oyun peşinde ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: European Commission: Greek Cypriot side is a full member, Türkiye is an invader AUTHOR: Denktaş's statement DATE: 5/7/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: EN: Making a statement in response to Greek Cypriot leader Tasos Papadopoulos' claim that 89.3 percent of the TRNC lands belong to Greeks, TRNC President Rauf Denktaş said, Papadopoulos's words are the new game of the Greeks. READ ARTICLE
53. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar, Londra'da Türk aleyhtarı propaganda yaptı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots living in London marched saying Turkish soldiers and immigrants out DATE: 16/7/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriots living in London marched saying Turkish soldiers and immigrants out READ ARTICLE
54. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Ulusal Konseyi, Denktaş’ın önerilerine yanıtını, Avrupa başkentlerine de gönderecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek Cypriot National Council will send its response to Denktaş's suggestions to European capitals DATE: 16/7/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was announced that the Greek Cypriot administration leader Tasos Papadopoulos will notify the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan as well as the European capitals in a letter about his response to President Rauf Denktaş's proposal to open Nicosia International Airport and a part of the closed Maraş to the joint use of the two parties under the control of the UN. READ ARTICLE
55. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Ulusal Konseyi, Denktaş'ın önerilerine yanıtını, Avrupa başkentlerine de gönderecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek Cypriot National Council will send its response to Denktaş's suggestions to European capitals. DATE: 16/7/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was announced that the Greek Cypriot Administration Leader Tasos Papadopoulos will notify the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan as well as the European capitals in a letter about his response to President Rauf Denktaş's proposal to open Nicosia International Airport and a part of the Closed Maraş to the joint use of the two parties under the control of the UN. READ ARTICLE
56. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Araba hırsızlığı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Car theft DATE: 17/7/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that 3 cars were stolen from the gallery on the Larnaca-Dhekelia road yesterday READ ARTICLE
57. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Sigaralara el kondu... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Cigarettes were confiscated… DATE: 17/7/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Larnaca police found 4 cartons of cigarettes during a search of the vehicle driven by a 38-year-old Greek resident of Derinya, who was driving on the Pile-Larnaka road. READ ARTICLE
58. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs Türkler'in çalıştırılması konusu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The issue of employing Turkish Cypriots DATE: 17/7/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Minister of Labor and Social Security Yakovos Keravnos said that Turkish Cypriots who want to work in Southern Cyprus can go to the local offices of the Ministry of Labor and register for unemployment, just like Greek citizens, within the framework of the Greek administration's demands regarding the employment of Turkish Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
59. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türklere de 10 yıllık pasaport ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 10-year passport for Turkish Cypriots DATE: 17/7/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After the issue of the Greek Cypriot Administration issuing passports valid for 10 years to Greek Cypriots and 2 years to Turkish Cypriots was reported in the Turkish Cypriot press, the Greek Cypriot Ministry of Internal Affairs made a statement that it was not known that this was the case. READ ARTICLE
60. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de salgın hastalık ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: epidemic in the south DATE: 17/7/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It has been reported that whooping cough has increased in the Famagusta region of Southern Cyprus READ ARTICLE
61. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Vasiliu ile söyleşi… ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Interview with Vasiliu… DATE: 17/7/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: During Vasiliu's interview, he touched upon the EU membership process of Southern Cyprus and the Cyprus issue. READ ARTICLE
62. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: 20 Temmuz mesajları, Rum basınında ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 20 July messages in the Greek press DATE: 21/7/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Newspapers in the Greek Cypriot side included the events held yesterday in TRNC due to the 20 July Happy Peace Operation and the messages sent by President Denktaş and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on the occasion. READ ARTICLE
63. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum hükümetinin Türklerden tahıl satın alma kararı Rum çiftçileri ayaklandırdı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek government's decision to buy grain from the Turks revolted the Greek farmers DATE: 1/8/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Athienu farmers reacted greatly to the Greek Administration's decision to purchase 1500 tons of barley from Akıncılar farmers and started preparing for action. READ ARTICLE
64. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlara satılmaması için TÜK üreticinin elinde kalan ürününü almaya çalışıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: TÜK is trying to buy the remaining product from the producer so that it is not sold to the Greek Cypriots. DATE: 1/8/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Barley-wheat purchases carried out by the Soil Products Institution (TÜK) ended yesterday. READ ARTICLE
65. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Gece kulübü sahibi Ruma kuzeye geçiş için Rum polisi izin vermedi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek police did not allow nightclub owner Ruma to pass to the north DATE: 1/8/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A Greek who owns a nightclub in Limassol was arrested the previous night while trying to cross the Aydemet Greek Barricade to the TRNC. READ ARTICLE
66. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rum suçlu, Geçitkale'den tüydü! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot criminal escaped from Geçitkale! DATE: 4/8/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A Greek Cypriot criminal escaped from Geçitkale Airport to Romania via Turkey READ ARTICLE
67. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Denktaş, Rumların Maraş’a geri dönmesine izin versin ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: Denktaş should allow the Greeks to return to Maraş DATE: 4/8/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Parliament Speaker Dimitris Christofias stated that TRNC President Rauf Denktaş should allow the Greek Cypriots to return to Maraş under the UN Administration READ ARTICLE
68. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hrisostomidis Görüşmelerin başlamasına hazırız ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hrisostomidis We are ready for the talks to start DATE: 6/8/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Newspapers published in Southern Cyprus included the statement of the Greek Cypriot Spokesperson Kipros Hrisostomidis regarding the attitude of the Greek side towards the start of the negotiations. READ ARTICLE
69. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Pile’den sigara almaya ceza ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Penal for buying cigarettes from Pile DATE: 6/8/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Cigarettes belonging to Greeks who bought cigarettes from Turkish shops in Pyla were confiscated and fines were imposed. READ ARTICLE
70. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar, Türkiye aleyhinde diplomatik atağa hazırlanıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks are preparing for a diplomatic attack against Türkiye DATE: 6/8/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was written that the Greek Cypriot Administration would launch a diplomatic attack against Turkey in the European arena after full membership on May 1, 2004. READ ARTICLE
71. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar kararsız, Türkler ümitsiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks indecisive, Turks hopeless DATE: 6/8/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The newspaper published a special report on the property issue, asking the Greek and Turkish Cypriots what they think about Turkish sidde's proposal of solving the issue by exchange and compensation. READ ARTICLE
72. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos: Türkiye’nin AB üyeliğine engel olmayız ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos: We will not prevent Turkey's EU membership DATE: 3/9/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: While defending that he wants to see a solution to the Cyprus problem, Papadopoulos, the leader of the Republic of Cyprus, said: I want to see this solution before Cyprus enters the European Union. I don't hear what is being said on the Turkish side, he said. READ ARTICLE
73. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Bir grup Türk işçi Güney’de grev başlattı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A group of Turkish workers started a strike in the South DATE: 3/9/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was announced that in Southern Cyprus, Turks are employed for lower wages and without social rights than their Greek counterparts, and Greek employers fire Turks who resist this. READ ARTICLE
74. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Talat, Rumları Annan'a şikayet etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Talat complained about the Greeks to Annan DATE: 6/9/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: CTP Chairman Mehmet Ali Talat sent a letter to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan and complained to the Greek Cypriot Administration about the expropriation of the properties of the Turkish Cypriot people in Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
75. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Seçim hazırlıkları Rum yönetimince izleniyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Election preparations are being monitored by the Greek administration DATE: 7/9/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Spokesperson Kipros Hrisostomidis said that the developments in the TRNC are being monitored by the Greek Administration and all developments are taken into consideration. READ ARTICLE
76. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Dışişleri’nde yeni kayıplar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: New losses in the Greek Cypriot Ministry of Foreign Affairs DATE: 7/9/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Following the disappearance of antique items and paintings, the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that now an animal fossil has been lost. READ ARTICLE
77. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Limasol’da süpermarket sahibine ateş açıldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Shots were opened at the supermarket owner in Limassol DATE: 7/9/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that supermarket owner Lazaru Lazaros was shot twice by two unidentified people in Limassol. READ ARTICLE
78. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Yeşilırmak'ta kamp ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Camping in Yeşilırmak DATE: 7/9/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that the bi-communal initiative organization consisting of Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot organizations will organize a camp under the name of peace camp in Yeşilırmak on 5-6 September. READ ARTICLE
79. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Seçimlerin 'illegal' olduğu yönündeki sataşmalardan vazgeçin! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Stop taunting that the elections are 'illegal'! DATE: 19/9/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: CTP Chairman Mehmet Ali Talat stated that the elections to be held in TRNC in December are at least as legal as the elections held on the Greek side. READ ARTICLE
80. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos ve Hristofyas’ın Maraş’la ilgili görüşleri ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos and Christofias' views on Maraş DATE: 1/10/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot leader Tasos Papadopoulos and Parliament Speaker Dimitris Hristofyas, while commenting on TRNC President Rauf Denktaş's statements about the opening of Maraş, warned Greek Cypriots of Marash origin not to fall into Denktaş's trap READ ARTICLE
81. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Çözümün maliyeti ve Rumlar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The cost of the solution and the Greeks DATE: 1/10/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriots continue to discuss the report of former President of the Greek Cypriot Administration George Vasiliu and his team, which states that in a solution based on the Annan Plan, the island's economy will move forward rather than backward. READ ARTICLE
82. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: RİK'in Türkçe yayınları beklemede ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: RIK's Turkish publications are on hold DATE: 1/10/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: POLİTİS, reported that although five months have passed since the measures regarding the support of Turkish Cypriots were announced, the project to develop Turkish broadcasts of RIK television, which is among these measures, has not yet come into force. READ ARTICLE
83. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar'dan gövde gösterisi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Show of strength from the Greeks DATE: 2/10/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus organized a military parade yesterday on the so-called Independence Day of the Republic of Cyprus. (Given as written by the newspaper.) READ ARTICLE
84. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güney’de yaşayan Türkler için Kuzey’e arabalı geçişler şarta bağlandı! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: For Turks living in the South, car passage to the North has become a condition! DATE: 5/10/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Citizens who buy goods and furniture from the south will be taxed at the rate of 30%. READ ARTICLE
85. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde Pontuslu Rumlar, beş Türkü yaraladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Pontic Greeks in the south wounded five Turks DATE: 16/10/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In Southern Cyprus, 50 Pontic Greeks raided the workplace where a Turk named Hüseyin Yusuf worked in Larnaca at around 20.00 the previous evening, injuring Yusuf and 4 other Turks. READ ARTICLE
86. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Bazı Türk ve Rum siyasiler Ledra Palace'ta bir araya geldi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Some Turkish and Greek politicians met at Ledra Palace DATE: 16/10/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Presidents and officials of some political parties in TRNC and Southern Cyprus came together yesterday at the Ledra Palace Hotel under the control of the UN Peace Force, within the framework of meetings routinely held by the Slovak Embassy. READ ARTICLE
87. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde Pontuslu Rumlar, beş Türkü yaraladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Pontic Greeks in the south wounded five Turks DATE: 16/10/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In Southern Cyprus, 50 Pontic Greeks broke into the workplace where a Turk named Hüseyin Yusuf worked in Larnaca at around 20.00 the previous evening and injured Yusuf and 4 other Turks. READ ARTICLE
88. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyden ithalat başladı! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Import from the south has begun! DATE: 22/10/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Council of Ministers granted an import permit to a furniture manufacturer for raw materials and furniture manufacturing materials from the south READ ARTICLE
89. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar bizi becerecek... Yazıklar olsun ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greeks will fuck us... Shame on you AUTHOR: Ferdi Sabit Soyer DATE: 3/11/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author criticizes the discourse towards Greek Cypriots in the television program in which Denktaş participated. READ ARTICLE
90. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Türkçe yer isimleri tartışma konusu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish place names are a matter of debate DATE: 8/11/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: An official from the Nicosia Greek District Governorship reportedly said that the birthplace names on the birth certificates given to Turkish Cypriots are the same as they were recorded in the Greek Cypriot Administration and that there is no indirect recognition, as some claim. READ ARTICLE
91. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde Türk ürünleri ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish products in the south DATE: 8/11/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: SIMERINI claimed that Southern Cyprus was flooded with various clothes produced in Turkey and that consumers were protesting this. READ ARTICLE
92. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Av tüfeğiyle KKTC'ye geçen Rum tutuklandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot who crossed into TRNC with a hunting rifle was arrested DATE: 13/11/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A Greek Cypriot named Sotiris Dimitriou who crossed into the TRNC with hunting rifles belonging to himself and his wife, was arrested by the police. READ ARTICLE
93. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Kostas Simitis: Üyelik stratejisi meyve verdi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Kostas Simitis: Membership strategy bore fruit DATE: 22/11/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Speaking while announcing the 2004-2008 policy lines of the PASOK party, PASOK President Prime Minister Costas Simitis claimed that the Luxembourg, Helsinki and Copenhagen decisions constitute the peak moments of a fruitful strategy, and Cyprus now belongs to the European family. READ ARTICLE
94. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde arabalar artık daha ucuz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Cars are now cheaper in the south DATE: 22/11/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: HARAVGİ wrote that the Greek Parliament almost unanimously approved two bills that envisage changes in vehicle consumption tax, registration and navigation licenses at its meeting yesterday, and that the new laws envisage reducing the prices of vehicles. READ ARTICLE
95. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Mangriotis güneyde ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Mangriotis in the south DATE: 22/11/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: HARAVGİ and other newspapers wrote that Greek Undersecretary of Foreign Affairs Yoannis Mangriotis will be paying a 3-day official visit to Southern Cyprus starting today. READ ARTICLE
96. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: KKTC’den Güney Kıbrıs’a narenciye ihracatı gündemde ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Citrus fruit exports from TRNC to Southern Cyprus are on the agenda DATE: 4/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot Administration and the EU continue their work on citrus exports from TRNC. READ ARTICLE
97. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar, Çin ve Bulgaristan ile denizcilik anlaşması imzaladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: GreekS signed a maritime agreement with China and Bulgaria DATE: 4/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was written that an agreement in the maritime field was signed between Southern Cyprus and China at the ceremony held the other day. READ ARTICLE
98. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türk işçilerin eylemi güneyde yankı yarattı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The action of Turkish Cypriot workers resonated in the south DATE: 4/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The demonstration of Turkish Cypriot workers working in Southern Cyprus the other day was given wide coverage in its news. READ ARTICLE
99. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Denktaş'a göre 'Bursa' neyse 'Kıbrıs' da o! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: According to Denktaş, 'Cyprus' is what 'Bursa' is! DATE: 5/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Rauf Denktaş admitted that he sees Cyprus as a province of Turkey READ ARTICLE
100. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kazak Bankası, Kıbrıs Rum kesiminde şube açıyor page 14 ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Kazakh Bank opens a branch in Greek Cyprus DATE: 16/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Kazkommersbank, one of the leading banks in Kazakhstan, opens a branch in the Greek Cypriot side READ ARTICLE
101. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs bütçe görüşmeleri başladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Southern Cyprus budget negotiations have started DATE: 16/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Parliament started discussing the 2004 budget of Southern Cyprus with the general assembly meeting held yesterday. READ ARTICLE
102. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: BM Genel Sekreteri Annan: Kıbrıs çözüm planım halen masada ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: UN Secretary General Annan: My Cyprus solution plan is still on the table DATE: 17/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: UN Secretary General Kofi Annan's first reaction and statements regarding the elections held in Northern Cyprus last Sunday were included. READ ARTICLE
103. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türk seçmenler, olumlu mesaj verdi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish Cypriot voters gave a positive message DATE: 17/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Foreign Minister George Papandreou said that the election results in TRNC sent a positive message, but they were waiting to see what Ankara's attitude would be. READ ARTICLE
104. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hrisostomides, Papadopulos'un girişim başlatması için Annan'la temasa geçeceğini açıkladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hrisostomides announced that Papadopoulos will contact Annan to initiate the initiative DATE: 17/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that the President of the Greek Cypriot Administration, Tasos Papadopoulos, will ask the UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to take the initiative to restart the negotiations on the basis of the Annan Plan. (quoted as the newspaper wrote) READ ARTICLE
105. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis: Kıbrıslı Türkleri cesaretlendirelim ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis: Let's encourage Turkish Cypriots DATE: 18/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: DISY President Nikos Anastasiadis expressed his hope that Greek Cypriot Administration President Tasos Papadopoulos would establish contact with the forces that made a positive statement on the solution of the Cyprus problem. (Reported as stated by the newspaper) READ ARTICLE
106. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Annan Planı'nda Mülkiyet Rejimi: Vatandaşın El Kitabı bugün gazeteniz KIBRIS'ta! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Property Regime in the Annan Plan: Citizen's Handbook is in your newspaper CYPRUS today! DATE: 18/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Following the booklet and website titled Annan Plan for Cyprus: Citizen's Handbook prepared within the scope of the 'Cyprus Decides' project coordinated by the International Peace Research Institute, Oslo (PIRO) Cyprus Office, the newly published Property Regime in the Annan Plan: Citizen's It was reported that the Handbook was distributed to the citizens as a supplement of the Kıbrıs newspaper on the relevant date. READ ARTICLE
107. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Yönetimi, KKTC'den yurtdışına çıkan Rumları kara listeye aldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The rum* Greek Administration blacklisted Greeks who went abroad from TRNC DATE: 18/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to Politis Newspaper news: With the information the Greek Administration received from LATA, it blacklisted the Greeks who went abroad via TRNC. (reported as the newspaper wrote) READ ARTICLE
108. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Yönetimi, Kıbrıslı Türklere yönelik bedava otobüs seferlerini kısıtlıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Administration restricts free bus services for Turkish Cypriots DATE: 18/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It has been announced that the free bus services allocated by the rum*Greek Administration for the Turkish Cypriots have been abolished on weekdays until the end of the year. (quoted as the newspaper wrote) READ ARTICLE
109. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs'ta mezarlıktan tabut çalındı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A coffin was stolen from the cemetery in Southern Cyprus DATE: 18/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: On 25 November 2003, two coffins worth 300 Cyprus Liras were stolen from the cemetery in Ksilotimbu. READ ARTICLE
110. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Yönetimi, uyuşturucu kaçakçısını Fransa'ya iade etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Administration extradited drug trafficker to France DATE: 18/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that 68-year-old Tarapei Chiaker, of Lebanese origin, who was wanted by the French police and captured by the Greek police at Larnaca Airport last Tuesday, was handed over to the French authorities. READ ARTICLE
111. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Denktaş: Annan Planı intihardır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Denktaş: Annan Plan is suicide DATE: 19/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Rauf Denktaş, at the press conference where he evaluated his meeting with US State Department Special Coordinator Thomas Weston, said that the Annan Plan was suicide and unacceptable; He stated that Turkey's desire to become an EU member was exploited by the Cyprus obstacle. READ ARTICLE
112. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos, görüşmelerin başlaması için Annan'a mektup gönderecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos will send a letter to Annan to start talks DATE: 19/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus Leader Tasos Papadopoulos will send a letter to UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to restart negotiations for the solution of the Cyprus problem. READ ARTICLE
113. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: AP: Kıbrıs'ta çözüm Ankara'nın yolunu açar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: AP: A solution in Cyprus paves the way for Ankara DATE: 19/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In a decision adopted by the European Parliament (EP) in Strasbourg, it was stated that a solution in Cyprus would significantly facilitate Ankara's EU membership goal. READ ARTICLE
114. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kemeraltı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: colonnade? AUTHOR: Bener Hakkı Hakeri DATE: 20/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In his column titled Cyprus from Past to Present dated December 20, 2003, by columnist Bener Hakkı Hakeri, it was written that Kemeraltı, located in the dead-end street opposite the courtyard of Köprülü Mosque, called Cadde Cami Cedit in Leymosun, was destroyed by the 'Greeks' after 1974. READ ARTICLE
115. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Yorgos Lagodondis'i İngiltere'ye gönderen III. Makarios değil İngilizler miydi? ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: III, who sent Yorgos Lagodondis to England. Was it the British, not Makarios? AUTHOR: TAK's news dated 12 July 2003 DATE: 20/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Related Newspaper re-published the news text which is the TAK's Yorgos Lagondondis was dead headlined news dated 12 July 2003. READ ARTICLE
116. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Aralık 2004 Türkler için dönüm noktası ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: December 2004 was a turning point for Turks DATE: 21/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Fileleftheros and other newspapers reported that while Greek Parliament Speaker Dimitris Hirstofyas expressed his determination to accept the conditions set by UN Secretary-General Kofi Anan for the resumption of negotiations, he doubted how encouraging the messages he received from the Turkish and Turkish Cypriot sides were for renewing this goodwill mission. The Turkish translation of the news containing his statements was included. READ ARTICLE
117. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türklerin AB seçimlerine katılımı ele alındı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Participation of Turkish Cypriots in the EU elections was discussed DATE: 21/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In the Turkish translation of the news published by Fileleftheros and other newspapers, it was stated that a meeting was held the previous day under the chairmanship of Greek Cypriot Administration Leader Tasos Papadopoulos, with the participation of the Greek Cypriot Minister of Internal Affairs and the Greek Cypriot leader. Cypriot Leader. At this meeting, the participation of Turkish Cypriots in the EU Parliament parliamentary elections was discussed with the Public Prosecutor, party leaders and representatives. READ ARTICLE
118. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Annan'dan kayıplar konulu mektup ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Letter from Annan about the disappeared DATE: 21/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In the Turkish translation of the news published by Haravgi and other newspapers about A few days ago, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan made some suggestions to the President of the Greek Cypriot Administration, Tasos Papadopoulos, regarding the resumption of the investigation procedure of the Autonomous Disappearances Committee and the implementation of the agreement dated 31 July 1997 between President Rauf Denktaş and the then President of the Greek Cypriot Administration, Glafkos Clerides. It was reported that he sent a letter. READ ARTICLE
119. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Pile'den alışveriş yapan Rum tutuklandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Rum/Greek Cypriot shopping in Pyla were arrested DATE: 22/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Larnaca police stopped and searched the vehicle of a 50-year-old Greek resident in the Greek part of Nicosia, who was traveling on the Dhekelia-Rhizoelia road, and 14 cartons of cigarettes were seized because they were purchased from the Turkish shop in Pile. READ ARTICLE
120. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türk ve Rum gençler barış toplantılarını sürdürüyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek and Turkish Cypriot youth continue their peace meetings DATE: 22/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish translation of the relevant Haravgi newspaper news that the YEP (Youth Encounters For Peace) program is still ongoing and young people from both communities are currently holding meetings in Pile and discussing various issues. READ ARTICLE
121. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum gençlerden ‘barış’ sesleri ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Voices of 'peace' from Greek youth DATE: 31/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The festival, organized by Turkish and Greek Cypriot youth last Sunday in order to express their hopes for a solution as we enter the new year, was held unilaterally due to the prohibitionist mentality of the TRNC Ministry of Foreign Affairs. READ ARTICLE
122. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Erdoğan: Kıbrıs’ta çözüm için ön kabulün olmaması gerekir ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Erdoğan: There should be no pre-acceptance for a solution in Cyprus AUTHOR: Erdoğan interviewd by Uğur Dündar DATE: NA/12/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: While AK Party Chairman Recep Tayyip Erdoğan emphasized that it was not possible for them to accept the give-get-free policy in Cyprus, he stated that there should be no preconceptions for the solution of the problem. READ ARTICLE
123. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Avrupa Komisyonu: Rum kesimi tam üye, Türkiye işgalci ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: European Commission: Greek Cypriot side is a full member, Türkiye is an invader DATE: NA/NA/2003
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The EU Commission announced that if there is no solution to the Cyprus problem, the Greek Cypriot side will become a full member as the Republic of Cyprus, in which case Turkey will be deemed to have occupied EU territory. READ ARTICLE
124. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum polisinden kaçak mülteci avı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek police hunt for illegal refugees DATE: 8/1/2004 READ ARTICLE
125. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas, Kanada’ya gitti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas went to Canada DATE: 8/1/2004 READ ARTICLE
126. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs'ta barış engellenemez ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Peace cannot be prevented in Cyprus DATE: 8/1/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: EDON's 14th Congress has been completed. In addition to hundreds of EDON members, representatives of Turkish Cypriot youth organizations and representatives of youth organizations from dozens of foreign countries also attended the congress. READ ARTICLE
127. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Limasol'da Türk ilkokulu açılması dikenli bir konu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The opening of a Turkish primary school in Limassol is a thorny issue DATE: 9/1/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek administration described the TRNC's request to open a Turkish primary school in Limassol for the children of Turkish Cypriots living in Southern Cyprus as a thorny issue. READ ARTICLE
128. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos: Kıbrıslı Türkler yasal vatandaşımızdır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos: Turkish Cypriots are our legal citizens DATE: 14/1/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A meeting was held with the participation of Greek community organizations under the chairmanship of Greek Government Leader Papadopoulos READ ARTICLE
129. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Dikenli tel aralanınca... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: When the barbed wire is parted... AUTHOR: Mert Ozdag DATE: 3/2/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates the anniversary of the opening of the gates on April 23, 2003, socially and politically. READ ARTICLE
130. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Klerides: Türk tezlerinin değiştiğini söyleyenler aptaldır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Klerides: Those who say that Turkish theses have changed are stupid AUTHOR: Klerides' statements DATE: 6/2/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Former Greek Administration President Klerides and his staff said that although the decision to accept the supreme arbitration and the Annan plan to be submitted to the popular vote was made by FOREIGN, Clerides said in his speech at the Greek National Council held on Monday that those who believe that the Turkish side's attitude has changed are stupid. READ ARTICLE
131. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos: Henüz hiçbir şey bitmedi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopulos: Nothing is over yet DATE: 16/2/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Administration President Tasos Papadopoulos said that everything is not over by reaching an agreement on the solution calendar in New York, and that the path to be followed is long and difficult. READ ARTICLE
132. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs'ta Annan Planı temelinde çözümü destekleme cephesi oluşturuluyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A solution support front based on the Annan Plan is being formed in Southern Cyprus DATE: 16/2/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was announced that a solution support front will be formed in Southern Cyprus on the basis of the Annan Plan READ ARTICLE
133. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Denktaş: Rumlar önerilerimizi reddetti! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Denktash: Greek Cypiots rejected our suggestions! DATE: 2/3/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Denktaş announced that all the amendment proposals regarding the Annan plan made by the Turkish side were rejected by the Greek Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
134. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum göçmenlerin gerçek sayısı 103 bin ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The real number of Greek immigrants is 103 thousand DATE: 8/3/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Based on the data of the Greek Population Department, data on the number of Greeks who emigrated in 1974 and those who returned according to the Annan plan were published READ ARTICLE
135. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hızla al-ver sürecine giriliyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Rapid give-and-take process begins DATE: 8/3/2004 READ ARTICLE
136. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlardan Derinya'da eylem ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Action from Greeks in Derinya DATE: 8/3/2004 READ ARTICLE
136. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlardan Derinya'da eylem ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Action from Greeks in Derinya DATE: 8/3/2004 READ ARTICLE
137. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum yönetiminin önerisi hazır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek administration's proposal is ready DATE: 8/3/2004 READ ARTICLE
138. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar, yeni Kıbrıs bayrağını kabul etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks accepted the new Cyprus flag DATE: 17/3/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Foreign Minister George Yakovu stated that the Greek Cypriot side responded positively to the proposal of the technical committee regarding the federal state flag. READ ARTICLE
139. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumların ilk tepkisi: Hayır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The first reaction of the Greeks: No DATE: 9/4/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After Greek leader Papadopoulos urged his people to say ‘no’ to the Annan plan in the referendum, 85 percent of the respondents to the telephone poll said 'no’ to the plan READ ARTICLE
140. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: On binlerden evet ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Yes from tens of thousands DATE: 23/4/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Tens of thousands of people gathered for rally to show support for the ‘Yes’ vote on the referendum eve. READ ARTICLE
141. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kongre üyelerinin KKTC'yi ziyareti yasal ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Congress members' visit to TRNC is legal DATE: 24/4/2004 READ ARTICLE
142. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Birleşik Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti'ne Türkler'den EVET, Rumlar'dan HAYIR ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turks said YES, Greeks said NO to the United Republic of Cyprus DATE: 25/4/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish Cypriots said Yes to the United Cyprus Republic with a rate of 64.91%, and Greek Cypriots said No with a rate of 75.98% in the referendum. READ ARTICLE
143. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde panik! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Panic in the South! DATE: 29/4/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After the Annan Referendum elections, the Greek Cypriot mediareported that the Greek Cypriot administration panicked after the Turkish Cypriot side announced that they would implement the unilateral plan. READ ARTICLE
144. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: AB Geri Adım Attı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: EU took a step back DATE: 30/4/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After the Annan Plan referendum, the approval of the change of the right to represent the Turkish Cypriots in the PACE with the proposal of the Greek Cypriot deputies to the Council of Europe* READ ARTICLE
145. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kuzey'den 'Evet', Güney'den 'Hayır' ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH:Yes' from the North, 'No' from the South DATE: 25 /4/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The newspaper published the results of the referendum held in Cyprus regarding the Annan Plan. READ ARTICLE
146. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Korodan da kutlamaya 'Hayır' ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: No' from the choir to celebration DATE: 1/5/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The bi-communal choir for peace in Cyprus did not take part in the events celebrating the entry of southern Cyprus into the EU, which started yesterday in Eleftheria Square. READ ARTICLE
147. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Barikatlarda alarm ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Alarm at barricades DATE: 2/5/2004 READ ARTICLE
148. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Çözüm için halen fırsat var ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: There's still an opportunity for a solution DATE: 4/5/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Kıbrıs Newspaper interviewed the Greek Cypriots after Southern Cyprus joined the EU and asked them whether they were satisfied with the latest situation. READ ARTICLE
149. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar tokat yedi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots got slapped DATE: 1/6/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Speaking at the general board meeting of the municipalities union, the president of the union, Huseyin Beyar, stated that for the first time in an international organization, the elections held on the Turkish Cypriot side in an international organization were democratic and legal and that there was a representation of a person elected in this way. He evaluated it as an important achievement. Beyar noted that the Greeks also objected to this the most. READ ARTICLE
150. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos'tan ikinci referanduma hayır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: No to a second referendum from Papadopoulos AUTHOR: Tassos Papadopulos's statements DATE: 6/6/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Greek Administration Tasos Papadopoulos, speaking at an event organized by the World Coordinating Committee of the Cyprus Struggle, the Greek Federation of America and other Greek organizations in the United States, where he is located, said that it is out of the question to bring the Annan Plan back to the Greek people for a second vote READ ARTICLE
151. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneye ihracat serbest ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Export to the south is free DATE: 19/6/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The regulation regulating trade between TRNC and Southern Cyprus was published in the Official Gazette. READ ARTICLE
152. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas-George Görüşmesi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas-George Meeting DATE: 1/7/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Speaker of the Greek Cypriot Parliament and AKEL Secretary General Dimitris Hristofyas met with British Liberal Party Member of Parliament Andriu George the other day. READ ARTICLE
153. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Tasos Hükümetinin Girişimleri Boşa Çıkıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Initiatives of the Thassos Government are Failing DATE: 1/7/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Southern media wrote that the Greek Government's efforts to prevent TRNC Prime Minister Mehmet Ali Talat's meeting with British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw were in vain and that this meeting will be held today as scheduled, at least according to the statement made by the occupied areas. READ ARTICLE
154. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rumların kuzeydeki mallarını satmaları endişe yarattı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots selling their properties in the north caused concern DATE: 4/7/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: ALİTHİA newspaper, in its headline news titled The Number of Foreign Buyers Is Increasing in the Occupied Territories - PANIC - Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots Are Selling or Exchanging Goods, stated that the Greek Administration is worried about the Greek goods in the occupied territories due to the ever-increasing sales and the observed increase in construction. reported that he was in READ ARTICLE
155. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos: Planın bu şekliye göndeme gelmesi söz konusu edilmiyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos: It is out of the question for the plan to be referred to in this form DATE: 5/7/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to Fileleftheros and other newspapers, Greek Cypriot Administration President Tasos Papadopoulos, speaking at Larnaca Airport the day before upon his return from Austria, said, It is out of the question for the Annan plan to be brought back to the agenda as it is. READ ARTICLE
156. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Eski Rum Başsavcı Markides: Papadopulos'un Hayır'ın sonuçlarına karşı stratejisi yok ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Former Greek Chief Public Prosecutor Markides: Papadopulos has no strategy against the consequences of No DATE: 5/7/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Former Chief Prosecutor of the Greek Cypriot Administration, Alekos Markidis, emphasized that the President of the Greek Administration, Tasos Papadopoulos, who encouraged the Greek people to say no, did not have a strategy to counter the negative developments created by this policy. READ ARTICLE
157. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos: Planı Türklerin lehine olduğu için reddettik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos: We rejected the plan because it was in favor of the Turks DATE: 6/7/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Greek Administration Tasos Papadopoulos, who is in the Austrian capital Vienna for an official visit, said that they rejected the Annan plan because it is in favor of the Turks. READ ARTICLE
158. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Klerides: KKTC yasal bir varlık olarak tanınabilir ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Klerides: TRNC can be recognized as a legal entity DATE: 6/7/2004 READ ARTICLE
159. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Annan Planını Türklerin lehine olduğu için reddettik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We rejected the Annan Plan because it was in favor of the Turks DATE: 6/7/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The head of the Greek administration, Tasos Papadopoulos, who was in Vienna for an official visit, said in his statement that they rejected the Annan Plan because it was in favor of the Turks. READ ARTICLE
160. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Larnaka'daki Türk mallarına soruşturma ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Investigation into Turkish properties in Larnaca DATE: 18/7/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The incident of selling Turkish goods in Larnaca by forging documents will also be investigated in England. READ ARTICLE
161. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Aradipli Rum kadın Karpaz'da kaza yaptı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek woman from Aradip had an accident in Karpaz DATE: 2/8/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek woman Banayodas Saka, who was passing north from Aradip village in Southern Cyprus and wanted to visit the Karpaz region, lost control of the vehicle she was driving on the Yeşilköy-Ziyamet main road at around 15:00 yesterday, causing an accident. READ ARTICLE
162. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de her ay 1400 Kıbrıslı Türk tedavi görüyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 1400 Turkish Cypriots receive treatment in the South every month DATE: 4/8/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: SIMERINI newspaper, in its news titled The 'Occupation' of Turkish Cypriots, argued that Turkish Cypriots flocked to Southern Cyprus from the TRNC to get free medical examinations. READ ARTICLE
163. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Andreas Hristu ve Anastasiadis ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Andreas Hristu and Anastasiadis AUTHOR: Ferdi Sabit Soyer DATE: 4/8/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates the Annan Plan and the Cyprus Problem based on the interview with Andras Hristu. READ ARTICLE
164. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Çevreciler Hareketi Erenköy yolunun açılmasını istedi! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek Environmentalists Movement wanted the Erenköy road to be opened! DATE: 8/8/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Environmentalists Movement demanded the demilitarization of Kokkina and the opening of the Pomos, Limnidi, Pirgo and Karabostasi roads READ ARTICLE
165. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türk ve Kıbrıslı Rum kadınlar birlikte çalışacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot women will work together DATE: 15/8/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Women representatives of the Women's Research Center and the Patriotic Unity Movement (YBH) will work together with Greek Cypriot women in the women's mechanism to solve women's problems. READ ARTICLE
166. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Metehan Sınır Kapısında Fotoğraf Yasaklandı İddiası ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Allegation that Photography is Banned at Metehan Border Gate DATE: 2/9/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: SIMERINI newspaper claimed that taking photographs and conducting interviews were prohibited by a decision taken by the Turkish occupation forces at the Ay Demetios / Metehan Border Gate and that this decision was met with reaction among Turkish Cypriot journalists. READ ARTICLE
167. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: RMMO’ya iki yeni devriye botu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Two new patrol boats for RMMO DATE: 2/9/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: SIMERINI newspaper wrote that the other day that two new patrol boats arrived in Southern Cyprus by ship from Italy and were taken to Zigi (Terazi) Naval Base by sea and joined the RMMO member. READ ARTICLE
168. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rumlar'dan barış çağrısı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Call for peace from Greek Cypriots DATE: 2/9/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriots who attended the AyMamas ceremony said that security measures were taken well and they called for peace. READ ARTICLE
169. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: DİSİ: Rum liderliği Kıbrıslı Türklerle diyalog başlatmalı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: DISI: The Greek leadership should start a dialogue with the Turkish Cypriots DATE: 6/9/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Nikos Anastasiades, Chairman of the Democratic Mobilization Party DISI, the main opposition Party in Southern Cyprus, and his delegation went to the TRNC yesterday and visited the villages of Korucam and Karpasa, where Maronites live. READ ARTICLE
170. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Girneli Rum: Malımı satacağım ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek from Kyrenia: I will sell my property DATE: 17/9/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A Greek originating from Kyrenia announced that he decided to sell his assets, which he said were in the TRNC, to Turkish Cypriots READ ARTICLE
171. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: güneyde trafik cezaları el yakacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Traffic fines will be painful in the south DATE: 17/9/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek administration is taking strict measures to prevent traffic accidents READ ARTICLE
172. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: 1 Ekim Törenleri… Rumlar gövde gösterisi yaptı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: October 1 Ceremonies… Greeks made a show of strength DATE: 2/10/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus held a military parade yesterday on the claim of independence day of the so-called Republic of Cyprus READ ARTICLE
173. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Vasilius: Kıbrıs'ın çözüme ihtiyacı var ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Vasilius: Cyprus needs a solution DATE: 7/10/2004 READ ARTICLE
174. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rum ve Türk okullarındaki öğrenciler ve öğretmenler birbirini ziyaret edecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Students and teachers in Greek and Turkish schools will visit each other DATE: 7/10/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: 5 unions, of which Turkish and Greek Cypriot teachers are members, published a joint declaration with the aim of joint participation and doing their best in good faith in solving the problems that may arise in Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
175. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs 'Bostancı Kapısı' konusunda isteksiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Southern Cyprus is reluctant about 'Bostancı Gate' DATE: 19/10/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Minister of Internal Affairs and the Minister of Public Works and Transportation said that Greek Cypriots were reluctant to open the Bostancı border gate. READ ARTICLE
176. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristu: Kıbrıslı Türkler, Güney’de avlanabilir ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristu: Turkish Cypriots can hunt in the South DATE: 1/11/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Minister of Internal Affairs Andreas Hristu said that Turkish Cypriots who are Cypriot citizens can hunt in Southern Cyprus as long as they have the permits required by the Republic of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
177. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Serdar Denktaş'tan Papadopulos ile görüşmelerine ilişkin açıklamalar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Statements from Serdar Denktaş regarding his meetings with Papadopulos DATE: 1/11/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: POLITIS newspaper published an interview with TRNC Foreign Minister Serdar Denktaş about his meetings with Greek Cypriot Administration President Tasos Papadopoulos. READ ARTICLE
178. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar, silahlanma programını buz dolabından çıkardılar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greeks have taken the armament program out of the icebox-fridge DATE: 5/11/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: On the basis of the armament program of the Greek Ministry of Defense, a thermal camera will be installed on the Russian-made T-80 type tanks owned by the Greek National Guard Army in order to create night vision capability READ ARTICLE
179. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopoullous 'imambayıldı'ya meraklandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoullous is curious about 'imambayildi' AUTHOR: Ferdi Sabit Soyer DATE: 11/11/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The attitude of the Padopoulos administration towards the Cyprus problem. READ ARTICLE
180. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum basınının iddiası: Lefkoşa'da bir Yunanlı, iki Türk'ten dayak yedi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek media claim: A Greek was beaten by two Turks in Nicosia DATE: 18/11/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Angelis Angeli, who resides in Greece, claimed that he was beaten by two Turks in Nicosia the previous day. READ ARTICLE
181. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kaybedilmiş dava ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The lost case AUTHOR: Cenk Mutluyakalı DATE: 2/12/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates the political situation of Turkish Cypriots stuck between the Republic of Cyprus and Turkey. READ ARTICLE
182. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Benzin koyanlara da ceza! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: punishment for those who put gas in! AUTHOR: Erdoğan interviewed by Uğur Dündar DATE: 5/12/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek police do not allow Greeks to pass to Southern Cyprus by confiscating even the snails they bought from the TRNC. READ ARTICLE
183. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Balkenende Güney Kıbrıs'ta ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Balkenende in Southern Cyprus DATE: 5/12/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Jan Peter Balkenende, Prime Minister of the European Union Presidency Netherlands, came to Southern Cyprus after his visit to Greece. READ ARTICLE
184. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneydeki davaya devam ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Continuing the case in the south DATE: 5/12/2004 READ ARTICLE
185. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Vasiliu: Plan hayalet gibi ortaya çıkacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Vasiliu: The plan will appear like a ghost DATE: 6/12/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Former President of the Republic of Cyprus and EDI Chairman Vasiliu made a statement to Halkın Sesi Newspaper. READ ARTICLE
186. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Yeni taslak, Rum Yönetimi'ni memnun etmedi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The new draft did not please the Greek Administration DATE: 8/12/2004 READ ARTICLE
187. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Baf sokaklarında öğrenci kavgası ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Student brawl on the streets of Paphos DATE: 13/12/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY:In the incident that took place in Southern Cyprus at the end of the week, it was reported that a large number of high school students from Limassol and Paphos fought on the streets of Paphos, causing major damage to cars and shops. READ ARTICLE
188. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos'tan bir şart daha ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: One more condition from Papadopoulos DATE: 25/12/2004
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Administration Leader Tasos Papadopoulos, who put forward a series of conditions for the parties to sit at the table again in Cyprus, added a new one to his conditions. READ ARTICLE
189. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Referanduma Rumlardan hayır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks say no to the referendum DATE: NA/NA/2004 READ ARTICLE
190. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Kozmetik değişiklikler olmaz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: No cosmetic changes DATE: 6/1/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The message he gave while cutting the New Year's cake at the New Year's event organized by the Greek Parliament Speaker, AKEL Secretary General Dimitris Hristofyas, attracted attention. READ ARTICLE
191. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Yönetimi'nin önündeki üç diken ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The three thorns in front of the Greek Government DATE: 8/1/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that the Greek Administration will make some preparations in the first months of 2005 on issues related to the Cyprus problem and Turkey's EU relations READ ARTICLE
192. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türklere hukuken tutulması zor sözler verildi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: given difficult promises to keep legally to the Turkish Cypriots DATE: 10/1/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The first Greek commissioner in the European Union, Markos Kiprianu, stated that many promises were made to the Turkish Cypriots, which were difficult to fulfill from a legal point of view READ ARTICLE
193. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rumların saldırıları ve KKTC seçimleri ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots' attacks and TRNC elections.. AUTHOR: Hasan Erçakıca DATE: 27/1/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It is about the economy of Turkish Cypriots and how it is negatively affected by Greek Cypriots' policies and the Annan Plan. READ ARTICLE
194. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hrisostomidis Talat’ın sözlerini yorumladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hrisostomidis commented on Talat's words DATE: 6/2/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Administration Spokesperson Kipros Hrisostomidis described TRNC Prime Minister Mehmet Ali Talat's words regarding the absence of troops from the island and the TRNC's integration with the world as a thing of the past READ ARTICLE
195. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Amerikanlıların Ercan'dan gelmesi Papadopulos'u öfkelendirdi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The arrival of the Americans from Ercan angered Papadopulos DATE: 15/2/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Greek Administration Tasos Papadopoulos and the Greek Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomed the financial assistance to be given to the TRNC and the arrival of a US diplomat to the TRNC via Ercan Airport with American businessmen with a reaction READ ARTICLE
196. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum tarafındaki dağınıklığa dikkat edin ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Pay attention on the mess on the Greek side AUTHOR: Hasan Erçakıca DATE: 17/2/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: He talks about the changes that need to happen on the Greek side in order for there to be a change in the Cyprus problem and that there will be changes in the coming days. READ ARTICLE
197. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: RMMO uyuşturucu şebekesini çökertti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: greek national guard army cracks down on drug network DATE: 6/3/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It is reported that the Greek National Guard Army, in cooperation with the police, has destroyed a network that smuggled drugs into a unit of the army in Nicosia READ ARTICLE
198. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: İngiliz Üsleri Konusu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: British Bases issue DATE: 10/3/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: K.S. EDEK Honorary President Vasos Lissaridis described the statement made by Greek Foreign Minister Yorgos Yakovu regarding the British bases, that the Greek Administration did not find it appropriate to bring up the issue of British bases at this stage, as a statement made prematurely READ ARTICLE
199. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: İşte Güney'in itirazları! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Here are the objections of the south! DATE: 26/3/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Changes to the Annan plan that the Greek Cypriots will bring to the table if negotiations begin READ ARTICLE
200. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rumladan yeni iddia: Ercan'a doğrudan uçular başladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: New claim from Greek Cypriots: Direct flights to Ercan started DATE: 8/4/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Rumlar KTHY'nin direkt uçuşlarının başladığını savundu READ ARTICLE
201. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Annan planındaki değişiklik taleplerimizi masaya geleceği güvencesiyle bildirebiliriz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We can inform our demands for changes in the Annan plan with the assurance that they will come to the table DATE: 11/4/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Parliament Speaker Dimitris Hristofyas said that the Greek Cypriot side has no objections to informing the UN Secretary-General of its demands for changes to the Annan Plan, if it is assured that they will be brought to the negotiating table. READ ARTICLE
202. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Annan planındaki değişiklik taleplerimizi masaya geleceği güvencesiyle bildirebiliriz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We can inform our requests for changes in the Annan plan with the assurance that they will come to the table DATE: 11/4/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Speaker of the Greek Cypriot Parliament, Dimitris Hristofyas, said that the Greek side has no objections to informing the UN Secretary General of the demands for changes to the Annan Plan if it is assured that they will be brought to the negotiating table. READ ARTICLE
203. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos: Değişiklikleri açıklamak doğru taktik değil ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos: Explaining the changes is not the right tactic DATE: 17/4/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Administration Leader Tasos Papadopoulos said, It is not the right tactic for the Greek Cypriot side to announce the changes it wants in the Annan plan. READ ARTICLE
204. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar iç ticaretin güçlendirilmesini talep etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks demanded strengthening of internal trade DATE: 27/4/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Directorate General for Enlargement of the EU Commission 1. Timo Suma, Director of the Unit, Leopold Maurer, Head of the Turkish Cypriot Community Working Branch, and Ambassador Adrian Van Der Meer, Head of the Cyprus Representative Office of the EU Commission, met with Greek officials in Southern Cyprus, and Greek officials requested the EU to be more open to proposals for internal trade during this meeting READ ARTICLE
205. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Mavronikolas: İşgal ordusu iyi niyet göstermiyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Mavronikolas: The occupation army does not show good will DATE: 1/5/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Mavronikolas, who visited the Timuos barracks in Makedonitissa on the occasion of Easter and made statements there, said that mine clearance works in the Astromerit/Zodya region will continue in other regions announced with the start of this process. READ ARTICLE
206. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hiçbir süreç üzerinde anlaşmaya varmadık ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We have not agreed on any process DATE: 11/5/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Administration President Tasos Papadopulos said that they did not reach an agreement on any process during the tripartite meeting with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan in Moscow. READ ARTICLE
207. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs'ı bölmek için solcuları öldürmeleri gerekiyordu... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH:They had to kill the leftists to divide Cyprus... AUTHOR: Sevgül Uludag DATE: 17/5/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Interview with Petros Petru whose father was killed by EOKA fighter READ ARTICLE
208. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar itirazlarını ilettiler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greeks conveyed their objections DATE: 20/5/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The special representative of the Greek Leader Tasos Papadopoulos, Tasos Conis, met for the second time with Kieran Prendergast, the undersecretary-General of the UN Secretary-General for political affairs READ ARTICLE
209. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de Kıbrıslı Türklerin ilaç masrafı 3 Milyon KL'den fazla ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Medicine costs for Turkish Cypriots in the South are more than 3 Million TL DATE: 20/5/2005 READ ARTICLE
210. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Türkiye çok fazla aldı, iade etsin ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: Türkiye took too much, should return it DATE: 3/6/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Hristofyas said that Turkey received much more than it deserved in the Annan plan and that a decision should be made to return the excess. READ ARTICLE
211. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos: Türk medyasının haberleri hayal ürünü ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos: Turkish media's news is imaginary DATE: 5/6/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The President of the Greek Administration, Tasos Papadopoulos, described the news in the Turkish media regarding the theses he conveyed to the UN Deputy Secretary General, Sir Kieran Prendergast, as imaginary, although he did not reject their essence. READ ARTICLE
212. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Samson: Halkın isteği doğru değerlendirilmedi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Samson: The people's wishes were not evaluated correctly DATE: 6/6/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: MAHİ included an interview with DISY Parliamentarian Nikos Samson and stated that Samson criticized AKEL and the Greek Government in the interview. READ ARTICLE
213. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs sorununa kadın desteği ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Women's support for the Cyprus problem DATE: 6/6/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: HARAVGİ and other newspapers stated that the declaration of the World Women's March included a paragraph expressing support for the struggle of the Cypriot people to find a bi-communal, bi-zonal federal solution to the Cyprus problem on the basis of UN resolutions. READ ARTICLE
214. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türk ve Rum sanatçılar müzikle Kıbrıs'ı birleştirdi... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot artists united Cyprus with music DATE: 18/6/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Yıltan Taşçı and Adamos Katsantonis gave a concert called You cannot prevent peace in Cyprus READ ARTICLE
215. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos, AB Anayasası Anlaşması’nı imzaladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos signed the EU Constitution Agreement DATE: 6/7/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Administration Leader Tasos Papadopoulos signed the European Union Constitution Agreement, which was accepted by the Greek parliament by majority vote last week. READ ARTICLE
216. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Enformasyon Dairesi personeli öldürüldü ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Information Office personnel were killed DATE: 12/7/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: 55-year-old Kiriakos Kiriaku, who worked as a bellboy in the Greek Cypriot Press and Information Office, lost his life yesterday morning as a result of an armed attack by a masked person. READ ARTICLE
217. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Biz de seni tanımayruz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We don't know you either DATE: 17/7/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Former DSP Deputy Chairman Rahşen Ecevit said, Turks of Northern Cyprus should not be disturbed by their situation. If the EU and other countries do not recognize him, they will just say, as Popeye said, 'We don't recognize you either,' he said. READ ARTICLE
218. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kleridis: Kaybedilmiş fırsatlar ve trajik hatalarımız var ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Kleridis: We have lost opportunities and tragic mistakes DATE: 18/7/2005 READ ARTICLE
219. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs sorununun en önemli ve yaşamsal boyutu, insan ve toprak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The most important and vital dimension of the Cyprus problem is people and land DATE: 19/7/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: TRNC Businessmen Association, in its meeting with President Mehmet Ali Talat, demanded that the population increase and citizenship in the country be regulated by law. READ ARTICLE
220. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: İstanbul'da Rum-Yunan turizmi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot-Greek tourism in Istanbul AUTHOR: Tayfun Cagra DATE: 19/7/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author explains his vacation in Istanbul and says it was full of Greeks and Greek Cypriots. The author evaluates this in the context of the Cyrus problem READ ARTICLE
221. NEWSPAPER: Yenidüzen ARTICLE TITLE: Başbakan Soyer konuk gazetecilere seslendi: Papadopulos siyasetine sessiz kalmayın ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Prime Minister Soyer addressed visiting journalists: Do not remain silent about Papadopoulos's politics DATE: 20/7/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Prime Minister Ferdi Sabit Soyer, at the press conference he held for foreign journalists from various countries on the island for the July 20 events, called on the world not to remain silent against the deadlock policy of Greek Cypriot Administration President Papadopoulos, and called on the Security Council and the European Union, especially the EU Term President, the guarantor, England. He said that they bear responsibility. READ ARTICLE
222. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Avni Aker cehenneminden Anorthosis çıktı-Anorthosis zoru başardı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anorthosis emerged from Avni Aker's hell-Anorthosis achieved the difficult DATE: 4/8/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Anorthosis won the match played with Trabzonspor. The match turned into a demonstration such as showing TRNC flags, of nationalist performances. READ ARTICLE
223. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum radyosunda Papadopulos - Hristofyas çekişmesi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos - Hristofyas conflict on Greek radio DATE: 10/8/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek press included the echoes of the Greek Administration President Tasos Papadopoulos's announcement that he could have a social meeting with President Mehmet Ali Talat by connecting to a private radio program. READ ARTICLE
224. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum uçağı Atina'da düştü - Kıbrıs'ı kahreden facia ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek plane crashed in Athens - The disaster that devastated Cyprus DATE: 15/8/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that the Greek passenger plane crashed north of Athens, the capital of Greece. READ ARTICLE
225. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: AyMamas ayini başladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: AyMamas ritual has begun AUTHOR: Sevdiye Gökaydın DATE: 2/9/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriots held a ceremony at Aymamas church in Güzelyurt (Morfu). READ ARTICLE
226. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Kıbrıs Rum tarafı görüşmelere hazır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: The Greek Cypriot side is ready for talks DATE: 4/9/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to HARAVGİ newspaper, AKEL General Secretary and Parliament Speaker Dimitris Christofias received the US congress delegation, which was on the island the previous day for a visit. READ ARTICLE
227. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas, TC kökenli KKTC vatandaşlarını şikayet etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas complained about TRNC citizens of Republic of Türkiye origin DATE: 11/9/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In his speech at the meeting attended by AKEL Chairman Dimitris Hristofyas, he referred to the situation in Cyprus while touching on the issue of citizenship. READ ARTICLE
228. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs, petrol için coğrafik araştırma yapacak şirket arıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Southern Cyprus is looking for a company that will conduct geographical research for oil DATE: 11/9/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Southern Cyprus and Egypt are reportedly looking for a company that will conduct geographical research related to oil and natural gas in the seas area between the two countries READ ARTICLE
229. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum yönetiminden Türk gazetecilere engel ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek administration blocks Turkish journalists DATE: 1/10/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Administration of Southern Cyprus did not allow members of the TRNC Foreign Press Association who wanted to follow the so-called Independence Day celebration on October 1. READ ARTICLE
230. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: North Cyprus Turizm Ltd Rumları korkuttu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: North Cyprus Tourism Ltd scared the Greeks DATE: 9/10/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek press reported that the fact that TRNC will participate in the tourism fair in England next month under the name North Cyprus Tourism Ltd has caused Greek hotel owners and the Greek Tourism Organization (KOT) great concern. READ ARTICLE
231. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum istihbaratı 'işadamlarının' peşinde ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot intelligence is after 'businessmen'
DATE: 17/10/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that the Greek Cypriot Intelligence Agency (KIP) was monitoring the 'partnership relations' between Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot businessmen. READ ARTICLE
232. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum yönetimi AB belgelerinden memnun ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek administration is satisfied with EU documents DATE: 9/11/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Southern Cyprus newspapers wrote that the 3 documents regarding Turkey's negotiation process with the EU, which were agreed upon by the EU Commissioners' Bureau Chiefs and expected to be approved by the EU Commission on Wednesday, were changed in line with the demands of the Greek Cypriot administration and that the Greek Cypriot administration was pleased with this situation. READ ARTICLE
233. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Uzun: Rumlar mali yardımı engellemeye çalışıyorlar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Uzun: The Greek Cypriots are trying to prevent financial aid DATE: 9/11/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Finance Minister Ahmet Uzun said Greek Cypriots were trying to block the European Union financial aid regulation for Turkish Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
234. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Dillirga'da Muhtar vurgunu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Headman's profiteering in Dillirga DATE: 12/11/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Rum headman and his collaborators sold the lands belonging to Turkish Cypriots from Dillirga for 1 Million Cypriot Liras with fake documents, 160 witnesses will be heard in the case to be heard at the Paphos Accident Court READ ARTICLE
235. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Attila duvarı diyorlardı oldu Yorgo duvarı' ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They were calling it Attila's wall, it became Yorgo's wall DATE: 2/12/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Talat described as nonsense the accusations that the Greek Cypriots' bridge works on Ledras street were aimed at political and military interests. Nicosia Mayor Kutlay Erk said that he was ready to meet with the authorities regarding the opening of the Lokmacı barricade. READ ARTICLE
236. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Kontrol Anglo-Amerikanlarda ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: Anglo-Americans are in control DATE: 6/12/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In his statements to the Ethnos tis Kiriakis newspaper published in Greece yesterday, the Speaker of the Greek Parliament and AKEL Secretary General, Dimitris Hristofyas, said that the time to launch a new initiative on the Cyprus problem depends on the British and Americans because they are in control. READ ARTICLE
237. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar, tüzüklerin ayrılmasında ısrarlı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks insist on separation of statutes DATE: 11/12/2005
ARTICLE SUMMARY: THE TURKISH SIDE SHOULD GIVE UP ITS INSISTANCE. The Greek administration said that it may be possible for the Financial Assistance Regulation, proposed by the European Commission to alleviate the isolation of the Turkish Cypriot community, to be accepted if the Turkish side gives up its insistence on combining the Financial Assistance Regulation and the Direct Trade Regulation. READ ARTICLE
238. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar Kuzey Kıbrıs'tan kaçırılan eski eserlerin peşinde ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks are after ancient artifacts smuggled from Northern Cyprus DATE: 1/1/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cyprus side wants the German government to return the works of art that a Turk named Aydın D. brought from the island to Germany in the 1970s. READ ARTICLE
239. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Hücrede yılbaşı! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: New Year's Eve in the cell! DATE: 2/1/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: European Parliament member Marios Matsakis, who was arrested at the Ledra Palace checkpoint on December 31st for violating the military zone in Akıncılar and stealing the Turkish flag from the empty guard post, was brought before the court yesterday after spending New Year's Eve in a cell. READ ARTICLE
240. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlardan İngiltere'ye tehdit ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Threat to England from the Greeks DATE: 13/1/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Administration is making extraordinary efforts to prevent British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw from meeting Talat at the Presidency during her visit to Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
241. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Yönetimi, KKTC turizm sektörünü baltalamayı hedefliyor. ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek Administration aims to undermine TRNC’s tourism sector DATE: 30/1/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish Cypriot Young Businessmen Association (GIAD) criticizes the practices against Turkish Cypriots during their transition to Southern Cyprus READ ARTICLE
242. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Siyasetin üstündeki ağır yük: Bürokratik tıkanıklık ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The heavy burden on politics: Bureaucratic congestion AUTHOR: Hasan Erçakıca DATE: 2/2/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: America, England and Russia also respond to the new attitude of the Turkish Cypriots regarding the Cyprus problem. Accordingly, the attitude of the Greek Cypriot side is expected to soften. READ ARTICLE
243. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Köprü durduğu sürece Lokmacı açılmayacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: Lokmacı will not open as long as the bridge remains standing DATE: 9/2/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Tradesmen and Craftsmen visited the Greek Cypriot House of Representatives President and AKEL General Secretary Dimitris Hristofyas yesterday to discuss the issue of opening the Lokmaci Barricade. READ ARTICLE
244. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Gandır çocuğu da Taksim istesin ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Trick the child into wanting Taksim. DATE: 10/2/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Jack Straw, angry with Papadopoulos, said, TRNC will be recognized gradually. READ ARTICLE
245. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Siz köprüyü yıkın, biz duvarı yıkalım ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: You destroy the bridge, we will destroy the wall DATE: 10/2/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Tradesmen and Craftsmen (KTEZO) discussed the opening of the Lokmacı Barricade with the Greek Cypriot Parliament Speaker and AKEL Secretary General Dimitris Hristofyas. READ ARTICLE
246. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rum balıkçı teknesi ve 2 Rum balıkçı kurtarıldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek fishing boat and 2 Greek fishermen were rescued DATE: 13/2/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish soldiers rescued a Greek Cypriot fishing boat and 2 fisherman off the coast of Kokkina (Erenköy) READ ARTICLE
247. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Olayların olumlu ve olumsuz yanları birlikte değerlendirilmelidir ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The positive and negative aspects of events should be evaluated together. AUTHOR: Hasan Erçakıca DATE: 1/3/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: While T. Papadopoulos was meeting with K. Annan in Paris, a group of Turkish Cypriots went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus to be registered on the voter lists. The author evaluates different aspects of the Cyprus problem in this context. READ ARTICLE
248. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum diş doktorları zor durumda ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek dentists are in a difficult situation DATE: 4/3/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: ALİTHİA and other newspapers wrote that around 740 Greek dentists working in the South are in a very difficult situation due to the shortage of anesthesia drugs that have been occurring for the last 3 years, and that they are trying to obtain these drugs either from foreign countries or from the TRNC in order to fulfill their duties. READ ARTICLE
249. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristu'dan toplumsal hak talebine hayır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristu says no to the demand for social rights DATE: 6/3/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Minister of Interior of the Greek Cypriot Administration Andreas Hristu said that the demand made by a group of Turkish Cypriots, led by Mustafa Akinci and Ali Erel, for the restoration of social rights in the Republic of Cyprus is ‘impossible' until the final solution READ ARTICLE
250. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: BM’den Tassos’a Şamar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: UN Slaps Tassos DATE: 25/3/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The newspaper claimed that UNSG Annan’s letter to TC Leader Talat following his meeting with GC Leader Papadopulos in Paris has disproved Greek Cypriot thesis regarding the meeting READ ARTICLE
251. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: EOKA’nın 51’inci Kuruluş Yıldönümü Eylemle Kınandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 51st anniversary of EOKA’s establishment was condemned with a demonstration DATE: 2/4/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Some NGOs in TRNC protested and condemned the 51st anniversary of EOKA's establishment READ ARTICLE
252. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de seçim rüzgarları ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Wind elections in the South AUTHOR: Bekir Azgın DATE: 3/4/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Elections in the south, the author foresees that AKEL and DISI will compete to be the first. READ ARTICLE
253. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: AKEL-DİKO İşbirliğine devam ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: AKEL-DIKO Cooperation continues DATE: 15/4/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: ALİTHİA newspaper commented on yesterday's statement of AKEL General Secretary and Parliament Speaker Dimitris Hristofyas that he will demand the Presidency of the Parliament again and stated that the scenario of the 2001 parliamentary and 2003 presidential elections will continue the same in the 2006 parliamentary and 2008 presidential elections, and that the leadership of AKEL and DIKO on this issue newspaper wrote that it was seen that they agreed. READ ARTICLE
254. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumların Türkiye'ye karşı yeni kozu Eurocontrol ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The new trump card of the Greek Cypriots against Turkey is Eurocontrol DATE: 15/4/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriots are making intense efforts to ensure that Turkey opens its airspace to Greek Cypriot planes by using the creation of the Single European Sky, which was implemented under the management of the European Civil Aviation Organization Eurocontrol, of which Turkey is also a member. READ ARTICLE
255. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum siyasiler, sayımın demografik yapıyı değiştirmeye yönelik olduğunu iddia etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek politicians claimed that the census was aimed at changing the demographic structure DATE: 1/5/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Politicians in the Greek Cypriot side claimed that the population and housing census held yesterday in the TRNC was aimed at changing the demographic structure. READ ARTICLE
256. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs nereye gidiyor? ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Where is Cyprus going? AUTHOR: Bekir Azgın DATE: 1/5/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A conference was held in the south, bringing together European international relations experts. The author evaluates the Cyprus problem based on this conference. READ ARTICLE
257. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Mısır, Rumlar ile petrol aramaya başladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Egypt started to explore for oil with the Greeks DATE: 8/5/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Having completed his visit to Egypt, Greek Administration President Tasos Papadopoulos returned to the island yesterday morning. READ ARTICLE
258. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos-Anastasiadis Çekişmesi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos-Anastasiadis Conflict DATE: 12/5/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Southern newspapers wrote that the conflict between DISI President Nikos Anastasiadis and Papadopoulos, who accused Greek Administration President Tasos Papadopoulos of interfering in the election, continued. READ ARTICLE
259. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rum, KKTC Yargısından Kaçamadı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot Couldn't Escape TRNC’s Judiciary DATE: 18/5/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A GC who had a traffic accident in TRNC, causing the death of one, stood behind a TC court in Famagusta READ ARTICLE
260. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti yasaları uygulansın ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The laws of the Republic of Cyprus should be applied DATE: 6/6/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Hüseyin Luricinalı, a TC who received a parking ticket in Southern Cyprus, called on Greek authorities to comply with the laws of RoC READ ARTICLE
261. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum kesimi, başlıca silah ithalatı yapan ülkeler arasında ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot side is among the main arms importing countries DATE: 8/6/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan said countries must do more to protect small arms depots against thieves and smugglers. READ ARTICLE
262. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum polisinden taciz-Rum polisi tarafından tehdit edildik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Harassment from the Greek Cypriot police - We were threatened by the Greek Cypriot police DATE: 8/6/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After three of the five prisoners who escaped from prison were caught in southern Cyprus, the Turkish Cypriot reporter on duty to monitor the court was threatened by the Greek Cypriot police. READ ARTICLE
263. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: İngiltere, BM kararlarından dolayı silahlara el koydu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Britain confiscated weapons due to UN resolutions DATE: 10/6/2006 READ ARTICLE
264. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Mülteci olayında Rum parmağı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek finger in the refugee issue DATE: 10/6/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek owner of the vehicle, who tried to take the refugees into a vehicle in Geçitköy after entering the TRNC, but fled leaving the refugees there when she was seen, was arrested. READ ARTICLE
265. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar, ek protokolü yeniden gündeme getirmeye hazırlanıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots are preparing to bring the additional protocol to the agenda again DATE: 11/6/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to diplomatic sources, the Greek Cypriots are trying to raise tensions to show the EU once again that Turkey is not complying with the Union's decisions, thereby attempting to relieve the pressure on themselves. READ ARTICLE
266. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Papapetru: Kıbrıs sorunu yıkıma doğru ilerliyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papapetru: Cyprus problem is heading towards destruction DATE: 12/6/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: ALİTHİA Newspaper featured an interview with Mihalis Papapetru, who resigned from the EDI chairmanship due to the failure of his party in the parliamentary elections held in Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
267. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlardan Erdoğan'ın taraf, halk ve devlet ifadelerine tepki ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Reaction from Greek Cypriots to Erdogan's statements about party, people and state DATE: 23/7/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The visit of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who came to the TRNC with a crowded delegation to participate in the celebrations of the 32nd anniversary of Operation Happy Peace, which was carried out on July 20, 1974, and the statements he used in his statements in this context, were widely covered by the Greek press READ ARTICLE
268. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: 1974 getirileri ortadan kaldırılmadan çözüme ulaşılamaz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: A solution cannot be reached without eliminating the consequences of 1974 DATE: 23/7/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Parliament Speaker AKEL Secretary General Dimitris Hristofyas claimed that a solution that does not eliminate the fundamental problems that she argued that the July 20 Peace Operation created and maintained is the source of new adventures and many problems. READ ARTICLE
269. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos'un gayrı insani tavrı sürüyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos' inhumane attitude continues DATE: 23/7/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A group of Canadians who escaped from Israel's attack on Lebanon became ill during the cruise. Their requests from Southern Cyprus to allocate buses and to go to their country by air were rejected by the Republic of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
270. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos'un Kıbrıs'ta 'kıyım isteği' iddiası ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos' claim of 'demand for massacre' in Cyprus DATE: 24/7/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: On the 32nd anniversary of the Peace Operation, a new research on what happened on the island was published. READ ARTICLE
271. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rum rehberlerin KKTC aleyhindeki prropagandalarınaönlem alınmalı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Precautions should be taken against Greek Cypriot tourist guides' propaganda against TRNC DATE: 26/7/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: TC Guides Association criticized GC tourist guides of making propaganda against TRNC during the tours from south to north. READ ARTICLE
272. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Kilisesindeki Porno skandalına araştırma ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Investigation into the porn scandal in the Greek Church DATE: 27/7/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: There was a development yesterday regarding the sex scandal involving Pastor Isaak, who is second in the hierarchy after Limassol Metropolitan Athanasios and is expected to replace Athanasios if he is elected archbishop. READ ARTICLE
273. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: 2 Toplumlu Öykü ve Şiir Yarışması sonuçlandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Bi-communal Story and Poetry writing competition concluded DATE: 1/8/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The winners of a bicommunal story and poem writing competition have been announced READ ARTICLE
274. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum fanatizminin zirveye vurduğu gece ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The night when Greek Cypriot fanaticism reached its peak AUTHOR: Necmi Belge DATE: 13/8/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: APOEL's fanaticism during football match with Trabzonspor. READ ARTICLE
275. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos: Güneyde çalışan Türklerin sayısı ikiye katlandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos: The number of Turks working in the south has doubled DATE: 27/8/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Administration President Tasos Papadopoulos said that the number of Turkish Cypriots working in Southern Cyprus has doubled in recent years. READ ARTICLE
276. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar, Güvenlik Konseyi'nin tutumundan memnun ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots are satisfied with the attitude of the Security Council DATE: 2/9/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that the Greek Cypriot Administration was satisfied with the assessment of the Security Council, which expressed support for the implementation of the agreement reached between Talat and Papadopoulos on July 8. READ ARTICLE
277. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türk ve Rum Kadınlardan Ortak Etkinlik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Joint Event from Turkish and Greek Cypriot Women DATE: 3/9/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Women offices of two trade unions from both sides-DEV-İŞ and PEO- organizing a joint event within the scope of September the 1st World Peace Day READ ARTICLE
278. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Moldovyalı kadını sınırdışı ettiler, bebeğini kaybettiler! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They deported the Moldovan woman and lost her baby! DATE: 8/9/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: While the Moldovan woman, who has been living permanently on the Greek side for the last 8 years, was deported and sent to Moldova by the Greek authorities yesterday, based on the order published on July 17, 2006, her little daughter, who refused to go to Moldova, disappeared. READ ARTICLE
279. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Alelacele bir çözümü kabul etmeyiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: We do not accept a hasty solution DATE: 18/9/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The speech of Dimitris Hristofyas, the President of the Greek Cypriot Assembly and General Secretary of AKEL, who attended yesterday's opening of the monument erected for the Greek Cypriot losses in the Cyprus Tragedy in the Forest of the Lost in Thessaloniki, stating that they cannot accept a hasty solution READ ARTICLE
280. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Uyuşturucuyu Kuzey'e getiren Rum yakalandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot who brought drugs to the North was caught AUTHOR: Gokhan Ozturk DATE: 19/9/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Drugs were seized from the house of a university student in Famagusta. Michail Thedosu was arrested on suspicion of bringing these items to the south. READ ARTICLE
281. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos: İzolasyon bir masaldan ibaret ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos: Isolation is just a fairy tale pg5 DATE: 1/10/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Papadopoulos, the President of the greek government argued that the economic isolation of the Turkish Cypriots was just a hoax and was put forward due to political interests. READ ARTICLE
282. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Tekrar yakınlaşma politikamız değişmedi, değişmeyecek de ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: Our policy of rapprochement has not changed and will not change DATE: 5/10/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that AKEL was the guest of the CTP Famagusta District organization the previous evening, and AKEL General Secretary and Parliament Speaker Dimitris Hristofyas made a speech at the dinner. READ ARTICLE
283. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Yönetimini'nin kayıpları istismarı...Kayıp dediler, Kayıp yakını ödeneği verdiler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek Administration's exploitation of the missing people... They said missing, they gave relatives of the missing allowance DATE: 12/10/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was revealed that the Greek Cypriot administration gave missing allowance to the family of someone known to be dead. READ ARTICLE
284. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Türkler Kiliseyi Dans Okuluna Çevirdiler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turks Turned the Church into a Dance School DATE: 17/10/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Fileleftheros, one of the Southern newspapers, claimed in its news with photographs under the title Turks Turned the Church into a Dance School that the Turks turned the Ay-Luka Church in the Lapta region into a dance school. READ ARTICLE
285. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar Saldırganlaşıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks Becoming Aggressive DATE: 18/10/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: TC Presidential spokesperson Erçakıca said Nikiforos 2006 Military Exercise was a rehearsal for the invasion of Northern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
286. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rumların Kötü Niyetini Kınıyoruz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We condemn the bad faith of the Greek Cypriots DATE: 3/11/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In an interview, Prof. Dr. Güven, the rector of EMU said the Greek Cypriots has launched a campaign against a collaboration between the EMU and San Diego State University from thee USA READ ARTICLE
287. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Barikatta 15 Kasım gerginliği... İki tarafın faşistleri saldırdı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: November 15 tension at the barricade... Fascists from both sides attacked DATE: NA/11/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: On November 15, fascist groups from both sides organized violent protests and attacks. READ ARTICLE
288. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Talat: AB, Rum tarafının esiri oldu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Talat: The EU has become a prisoner of the Greek side DATE: 1/12/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Talat said that the Greek Cypriot side put its demands as a precondition for Turkey's EU process. Talat stated that the EU is a prisoner of the Greek side. READ ARTICLE
289. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de et savaşları sürüyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Meat Wars continue in the South DATE: 15/12/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Meat wars continue on the Greek side on Christmas and New Year's Eve, when meat consumption will rise. READ ARTICLE
290. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Türklere ölüm, Türk köpeklerine balta ve ateş ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Death to the Turks, ax and fire to the Turkish dogs DATE: 27/12/2006
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Unidentified people wrote slogans on a high building near the Lokmacı check point in Southern Cyprus READ ARTICLE
291. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Çözüm için diyalog şart ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: Dialogue is necessary for a solution DATE: 2/1/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Parliament Speaker and AKEL Secretary General Dimitris Hristofyas stated that dialogue is the only option for finding a solution to the Cyprus problem READ ARTICLE
292. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: O duvar yıkılacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: That wall will be domilished AUTHOR: Interview-Başaran Düzgün DATE: 2/1/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In an interview with the outlet, TC Leader Talat said the Greek Cypriot Administration putting forward excuses for not demolishing the wall dividing Nicosia at Lokmaci barricade READ ARTICLE
293. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Bir Kıbrıslırum okurumuzdan ihbar: Kutrafa'da köprünün altında iki Kıbrıslıtürk yatıyor... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Denunciation from a Greek Cypriot reader: Two Turkish Cypriots are lying under the bridge in Kutrafa... AUTHOR: Sevgul Uludag DATE: 17/1/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A Greek Cypriot reader reported that two Turkish Cypriots were lying under the village of Kutrafa in the south of Cyprus and explained the details of the incident. READ ARTICLE
294. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos ile Hristofyas karşı karşıya ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos and Hristofyas face to face DATE: 20/1/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek press wrote that Hristofyas and Papadopoulos faced a great contradiction READ ARTICLE
295. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos: İki ayrı hukuki varlık yaratan çözümü kabul etmeyiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos: We do not accept the solution that creates two separate legal entities DATE: 22/1/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Administration President Tasos Papadopoulos said that they will not accept the procedures and proposals for a solution that creates two separate legal entities in Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
296. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rum polisinden voyvodalık ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Voivodship of the Greek police DATE: 1/2/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to the text, the Greek police raided a Turkish company’s office without an arrest warrant due to the dispute between the owner of the company and the owner of the office used by the company, another TC READ ARTICLE
297. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Lillikas: Kıbrıslı Türkler, ortak değil azınlıktır 3-2-7 page2 not converter ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Lillikas: Turkish Cypriots are a minority, not a partner pg2 DATE: 3/2/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Foreign Minister Lillikas argued that Turkish Cypriots are not legal co-members of the Republic of Cyprus, but a minority such as Maronic and Armenians living in Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
298. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum yönetimi petrol için üç türlü izin verecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek administration will grant three types of permits for oil DATE: 16/2/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was stated that the permits to be granted by the Greek Administration, which launched the tender process for oil and natural gas exploration off Cyprus yesterday, will be of three types READ ARTICLE
299. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'den alışverişe sıkı denetim ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Strict control on shopping from the South AUTHOR: Huseyin Ekmekcı DATE: 17/2/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Meat, meat products and milk and dairy products will not be allowed to enter from south to north. READ ARTICLE
300. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs ile Fransa arasında savunma anlaşması ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Defense agreement between Southern Cyprus and France DATE: 2/3/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A cooperation agreement was signed between Southern Cyprus and France, which provides for cooperation in the defense and military fields and for Southern Cyprus to provide some facilities to France in the military field. READ ARTICLE
301. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Yönetimi, Kuzey Kıbrıs'taki üniversiteleri çökertme çabasında ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek Administration is trying to collapse the universities in Northern Cyprus DATE: 4/3/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek administration has toughened the visa application for US citizen university students studying in Northern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
302. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Lefkoşa’nın eski ve yeni Türk-Rum belediye başkanları akşam yemeğinde buluştu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Former and new Turkish-Greek mayors of Nicosia met for dinner DATE: 22/3/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Current and former mayors of Nicosia gathered up together at a dinner and discussed the areas of cooperation READ ARTICLE
303. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar, Türkiye'nin müzakerelerini bloke ediyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots are blocking Turkey's negotiations DATE: 25/4/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Administration is actually blocking the negotiations without waiting for the advice of the EU Commission regarding the negotiations with Türkiye... READ ARTICLE
304. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Paşardis: Annan Planı otopsi masasındadır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Paşardis: Annan Plan is on the autopsy table DATE: 25/4/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Government Spokesperson Hristodulos Paşardis said that the Annan Plan can be found on the autopsy table, not on the negotiation table. READ ARTICLE
305. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Mal Tazmin Komisyonu’na 146 Başvuru Yapıldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A total of 146 people applied to the Property Compensation Commission DATE: 25/4/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Sümer Erkmen, the head of the Property Compensation Commission which was founded in 2005 said the applications of the GC to the commission are increasing and so far a total of 146 people have applied. READ ARTICLE
306. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kuzeye geçen turiste TEHDİT ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: THREAT to the tourist who is crossing to north AUTHOR: Erol Uysal DATE: 27/4/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Brochures are distributed to tourists coming to Southern Cyprus, telling them that Northern Cyprus is under occupation and that it is not legal to buy a house there. READ ARTICLE
307. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Mahkemesi Türk taleplerini reddetti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Court rejects Turkish demands DATE: 1/5/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to the Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus of 1960, the lawsuit filed by 78 Turkish Cypriots in the Supreme Court of Southern Cyprus demanding the right to choose and be elected has been concluded READ ARTICLE
308. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: 1960 Haklarına Ret ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Denial of the rights of 1960 DATE: 1/5/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The lawsuit filed by 78 TC in the GC Supreme Court, demanding to exercise their right to vote and to be elected in accordance with the 1960 Constitution of the RoC hah been rejected. READ ARTICLE
309. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Bakoyannı: Kıbrıs'ta bir fırsat penceresi ancak 2008'de açılır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Bakoyanni: A window of opportunity in Cyprus will only open in 2008 DATE: 21/5/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis claimed that the Annan Plan was history and argued that a window of opportunity on the Cyprus issue could only be opened in 2008. READ ARTICLE
310. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rum eğitim Bakanına göre ünivrsitelerimize 'Bolonya' kapısı kapanmış ! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: According to the Greek Cypriot Minister of Education, the 'Bologna' door to our universities is closed! DATE: 21/5/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to Greek Cypriot minister of education Akis Kleanthous, the issue of participation of universities in the north of Cyprus in the Bologna process has been completely closed. READ ARTICLE
311. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Palekitro (Balıkesir) toplu mezarı bulundu... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Palekitro (Balıkesir) mass grave was found... AUTHOR: Sevgul Uludag DATE: 3/6/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A mass grave containing around 18 women and children was found in Balıkesir (Palekitro). READ ARTICLE
312. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: İki toplumlu İnsan ve Doğa Sergisi açıldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Bi-communal human and nature exhibition has been held DATE: 6/6/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The exhibition displays 200 photographs of natural beauties and disasters in the north and south of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
313. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum İnşaat şirketleri güneydeki Türk malları için atakta ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek construction companies are on the attack for Turkish goods in the south DATE: 23/6/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that Greek construction subcontracting companies went to Turkish Cypriots residing both in the TRNC and abroad and convinced them that they could get the right to sell their remaining goods on the Greek side READ ARTICLE
314. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar yer yok gerekçesiyle engel çıkardı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots said no space and blocked DATE: 5/7/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The outlet said Turks and the Turkish press were excluded from a seminar in the UK parliament, organized by the National Federation of Cypriots in the UK. The reason for rejection of participation was given as lack of space. READ ARTICLE
315. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs Rum Federasyonu savunmada / Niye iki satırlık yazı yazmaktan çekindiniz? ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot Federation is in defense / Why did you hesitate to write a two-line article? AUTHOR: Feyzi Beyar DATE: 14/7/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Çetinkaya club president Zeki Ziya said that KOP president Kutsokumnis was not sincere. READ ARTICLE
316. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Japonlar uçakla Güney'e gidip kızıl ton balığı alıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Japanese go to the South by plane and buy red tuna DATE: 19/7/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Japanese business people traveled to the Greek side on scheduled flights to buy fresh red tuna and take it to Japan READ ARTICLE
317. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar'dan 20 Temmuz'a kınama ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Condemnation from Greek Cypriots to July 20 DATE: 21/7/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: While Papadopoulos declared July 20 as cursed, Hristofyas said The message of the day is: total mobilization in the struggle for justice for Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
318. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum hükümet ortakları federasyon tezini inkara başladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek government partners have started denying the federation thesis DATE: 22/7/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It is reported that the Greek government front is approaching EUROKO, and two officials from DIKO and EDEK, partners of the Papadopoulos government, yesterday put forward a stance against the bi-communal bi-sectional federation READ ARTICLE
319. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: AİK’ten elektrik çalındığı iddiası ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The claim that electricity was stolen from AIK DATE: 24/7/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It is alleged that electricity has been stolen from the Greek Electricity Administration line, this has been going on since 1964 READ ARTICLE
320. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Palmas: Türkiye henüz karasularımızı ihlal etmedi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Palmas: Türkiye has not violated our territorial waters yet DATE: 7/8/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot administration spokesman Vasilis Palmas said that the Greek side has not yet violated within the scope of Turkey's oil exploration activities in the Eastern Mediterranean. READ ARTICLE
321. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: RMMO'ya yeni 41 adet tank ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 41 new tanks for RMMO / GNNG DATE: 9/8/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Offers submitted by a Russian, a French and a Ukrainian company for new tanks are being evaluated. READ ARTICLE
322. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kayıplara Hazin Tören ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A Sad Ceremony for the Missing Persons DATE: 17/8/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The remains of 5 TCs who were collected from the roads by the GCs on 11 May 1964, shot and thrown into a well in the village of Protara were buried in Nicosia Cemetery. READ ARTICLE
323. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Talat: Rum tarafı bütünlüklü çözüm müzakerelerine karşı... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Talat: The Greek side is against the holistic solution negotiations... DATE: 7/9/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Talat said that he could not get any results from Papadopoulos, whom he went to meet with about the need for an urgent solution. We see that the Greek side has spread the problem over time. READ ARTICLE
324. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlardan liman talebi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The demand for a port from the Greeks DATE: 17/9/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Southern Cyprus, which wants Turkey to open the ports, again threatened with membership READ ARTICLE
325. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: İki toplumlu Lapta Kampı etkinliği yarın başlıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Bi-communal Lapta Camping event begins DATE: 20/9/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Enorasis Culture and Environment Club is organizing a bi-communal friendship camp event , aiming to make a contribution to the unification efforts of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
326. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Lillikas: Sahte devletin tanınmasını engelledik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Lillikas: We prevented the recognition of the fake state DATE: 24/9/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Former Foreign Minister Giorgos Lillikas, who was in the cabinet from the AKEL wing before the dissolution of the triple alliance, said that Turkey's efforts to recognize the fake state have not been successful. READ ARTICLE
327. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Cumhurbaşkanlığı Sözcüsü Erçakıca: İyi niyet görmesek de KıbrısRum tarafının önerileri değerlendirilecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Presidential Spokesperson Erçakıca: Even if we do not see good will, the proposals of the Greek Cypriot side will be evaluated. DATE: 17/10/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Presidential spokesman Hasan Erçakıca stated that the world public opinion should put pressure on the Greek Cypriot leader Papadopoulos and that if pressure is applied, Papadopoulos will take further steps towards a solution. READ ARTICLE
328. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rum menşeli fişekler yasak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek origin cartridges are prohibited DATE: 27/10/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Announcing that the hunting season is about to start, the explosives inspectorate warned hunters that the usage of hunting cartridges originating from Southern Cyprus is prohibited READ ARTICLE
329. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumların gözü DAÜ'D ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks' eyes are on EMU DATE: 29/10/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: EMU rector Güven said that since he took office, he has continued to rise among the world's universities with the great breakthroughs he has made in the fields of structural-economic-academic-international relations, and with this rise, the eyes of Greek Decipherers are also on EMU. READ ARTICLE
330. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Pahalılığı körükleyip, vatandaşı Güney’den alışverişe yönlendiriyorlar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They're fuelling price hikes and directing citizens to the South for shopping DATE: 1/11/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Ertuğruloğlu, the head of the main opposition UBP accuses Talat leadership and CTP government of making wrong economic regulations, thus causing citizens to turn to shopping in the south and not protecting TC’s interests against GCs READ ARTICLE
331. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs karantinada 7 kasım 2007 ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Southern Cyprus is in quarantine DATE: 7/11/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The EU has banned the circulation of animals in the domestic Sunday in Southern Cyprus, the export of meat and meat products and milk and dairy products abroad READ ARTICLE
332. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Talat: Çözüme 'evet' diyen taraf olarak cezalandırılmaya devam edilmemiz kabul edilemez ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Talat: It is unacceptable that we continue to be punished as the party that said 'yes' to the solution DATE: 16/11/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Mehmet Ali Talat made statements regarding the solution of the Cyprus problem. He said that the Greek Cypriot side rejected the efforts for a solution and that the international community found fault in this. READ ARTICLE
333. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: AKEL KINADI: Rum gençlerin taşkınlarına kınama ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: AKEL CONDEMNED: condemnation of the floods of Greek youth DATE: 18/11/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: AKEL and its youth branch EDON condemned some Greek student groups for shouting extremist slogans and making offensive movements during the condemnation events organized on the Greek side on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the establishment of the TRNC READ ARTICLE
334. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum'da silahlanma sivillere kaydırıldı, her ev bir mevzi, her pencere bir mazga1 ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: In Greek, armament was shifted to civilians, every house is a position, every five windows is a grate DATE: 9/12/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The reserve soldiers who were taken under arms were told the meaning of the phrase every house is a position, every window is a loophole, which was stated as a new slogan, and extensive information was given about the way weapons and ammunition were used. READ ARTICLE
335. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs'ta Türkçe'ye ilgi artıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Interest in Turkish is increasing in Southern Cyprus DATE: 11/12/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish language course interest of high school students in Southern Cyprus has increased every passing year, it is reported that one out of every 15 students learned Turkish this year READ ARTICLE
336. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Erçakıca: Rum'un esas amacı izolasyonların kalkmasını önlemek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Erçakıca: The main aim of the Greek Cypriot side is to prevent the isolations from being lifted DATE: 13/12/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Presidential spokesman Hasan Erçakıca said that the main aim of the Greek side, which claims that the Latakia-Famagusta flights are used for illegal immigration, is to prevent the isolation of the Turkish Cypriots from being lifted. READ ARTICLE
337. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Bağnaz Rum idarecilerin çığlıklarına prim vermeyin ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Do not pay heed to the screams of bigoted Greek administrators DATE: 25/12/2007
ARTICLE SUMMARY: TC PM Soyer said those [GC Administrators] who called on the GC people to say no to the Annan Plan referendum, today also oppose the process that will ensure that the TC people will be brought up to EU standards. READ ARTICLE
338. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos: Hem strateji, hem de alternatif önerilerimiz var ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos: We have both strategy and alternative suggestions DATE: 2/1/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The leader of the Greek Cypriot administration, Tasos Papadopoulos, suggested that they have strategies and alternative proposals for the correct solution of the core issues of the Cyprus problem and stated that they will undertake an initiative at the appropriate moment. READ ARTICLE
339. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Halkımızın Güney’I tercih etme nedeni kalite ve çeşitlilik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Quality and diversity are the reasons why our people prefers South DATE: 11/1/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The results of the research over the shopping habits of the TCs in Southern Cyprus, commissioned by KADEM announced. Cheaper prices is the fourth reason why TC prefer South. READ ARTICLE
340. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Erçakıca: Çözüm vizyonu konusunda yeni bir şey yok ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Erçakıca: There is nothing new about the solution vision DATE: 12/1/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Presidential spokesman Hasan Erçakıca comments on the process regarding the Cyprus issue. He emphasized the importance of a solution that will be accepted by the Greek side. READ ARTICLE
341. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs'ta sahte euro olayları devam ediyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Fake euro events continue in Southern Cyprus DATE: 15/1/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A 30-year-old Bulgarian who bought a carton of cigarettes with a fake 100 Euro banknote was caught in Paphos the other day READ ARTICLE
342. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Türk-Sen ile SEK sorunlara çözüm bulmak için yeni yöntem ve stratejiler belirledi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Türk-Sen and SEK determined new methods and strategies to find solutions to the problems DATE: 1/2/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Türk-Sen announced that in collaboration with the SEK confederation in South Cyprus, they have determined new methods and strategies in order to find solutions to the problems of the TCs working in the construction sector and other sectors in South. READ ARTICLE
343. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Timvios davasında ilginç gelişme... Kıbrıs Rum yöntimi AİHM'den bilgi sakladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Interesting development in the Tymvios case... Greek Cypriot administration hid information from the ECHR DATE: 3/2/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It has been revealed that the Greek Cypriot Administration, which made efforts to intervene in the case of Greek Cypriot Mike Timvos, who applied to the European Court of Human Rights for compensation for the immovable property he abandoned in Northern Cyprus, hid information from the court. READ ARTICLE
344. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum başkan adaylarının Kıbrıs sorunundaki önerileri ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The proposals of the Greek presidential candidates on the Cyprus problem DATE: 11/2/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The southern press expressed the opinion that there are expected to be rapid developments in the Cyprus problem after the presidential elections to be held on the Greek side, and included the suggestions of the 3 main candidates competing in the elections about what will happen in the Cyprus problem READ ARTICLE
345. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Kıbrıs sorununa çözüm bulunmasına Türkiye hazır ise biz de hazırız ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Christofias: If Türkiye is ready for a solution to the Cyprus problem, we are ready too. DATE: 3/3/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Christofias was protested at a ceremony he attended, stating that if Turkey is ready for the solution of the Cyprus problem, they are also ready. READ ARTICLE
346. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas'ın Lokmacı şartları ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas's Lokmacı conditions DATE: 6/3/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative in Cyprus Michael Möller met with President Talat yesterday; He suddenly became optimistic about the unconditional opening of Lokmacı, but the Greek Cypriot Administration President Dimitris Hristofyas's conditions for the opening of the crossing were leaked to the press by his entourage READ ARTICLE
347. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rumların Lokmacı Tezgahı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots' plot for Lokmacı AUTHOR: Opinion - Ata Atun DATE: 10/3/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Atun said although the Greek Presidents change, the tactics and political tricks of the Greeks has never changed. Regarding the opening the Lokmacı crossing, Their aim is not to open the door, but to show the Turks as the irreconcilable side he said. READ ARTICLE
348. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum sözcü, açıklamalardan üzüntü duyuyormuş! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek Cypriot spokesman was saddened by the statements! DATE: 12/3/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Government Spokesman Stefanos Stefanu said they were saddened by the statements made by Turkish Cypriot and Turkish officials in recent days. READ ARTICLE
349. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Erçakıca: Çözüm, Türkiye dışlanarak bulunacak değil ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Erçakıca: The solution will not be found by excluding Türkiye DATE: 2/4/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Presidential Spokesperson Erçakıca evaluated the Cyprus problem. The solution cannot be found by excluding Turkey, he said. He stated that the Greek side is working to aggravate the isolation imposed on the Turkish Cypriot people. READ ARTICLE
350. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum tarafı askerlerin çekilmesini isteyecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek side will demand the withdrawal of soldiers DATE: 7/4/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It is reported that the first proposal that the Greek government will submit to the negotiating table within the framework of confidence-building measures is a proposal for the withdrawal of troops in Nicosia READ ARTICLE
351. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas günahlarının hesabını vermeli ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Christofias should give account of his sins DATE: 15/4/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: TC President Talat said the Greek Cypriots are the ones who need to prove their desire for a solution, adding that Greek Leader Christofias was trying to absolve himself of his own sins of deceiving all until the last day and then rejecting the Annan plan READ ARTICLE
352. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum yönetimi yerleşikler tartışmasını başlattı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek administration started the discussion on residents DATE: 4/5/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot Administration Spokesman Stefanu argued that the issue of TRNC citizens of Turkish origin, whom they define as residents, is one of the biggest problems of the Cyprus problem and announced that the Greek Cypriot Administration will open this issue for discussion within the framework of technical committees and working groups. READ ARTICLE
353. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: KKTC'de 50 bin Türkiyeli kalabilir ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Christofias: 50 thousand Turkish citizens can stay in TRNC DATE: 6/5/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Dimitris Hristofyas said that more than 50,000 Turkish citizens will not be able to stay on the island for citizens of Turkish origin, which is one of the important issues of the Cyprus problem. READ ARTICLE
354. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Türk tarafı: Rum tarafi yalan söylüyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: the turkish side: the Greek side is lying DATE: 11/5/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Spokesman Erçakıca pointed out that the Turkish Cypriot delegations serving in the working groups and technical committees carried out their duties with great dedication and outstanding performance, and said that the Turkish side was ready to start comprehensive settlement negotiations on June 21, 2008 READ ARTICLE
355. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Doktorların nabzını iyi tutun barış sürecini hızlandırın ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: keep the pulse of doctors on track, speed up the peace process DATE: 21/5/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Bicommunal 'Doctors for Cyprus' Group which will gather at a dinner in the buffer zone will call to the leaders for 'making good use of the peace and solution opportunity' and ‘accelerate the peace process’. READ ARTICLE
356. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas tepkileri çarpıttı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas distorted the reactions DATE: 7/6/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Greek Cypriot Administration Hristofyas claimed that the reactions of the Turkish Cypriot community to the Memorandum of Mutual Understanding signed between Southern Cyprus and the United Kingdom may be a sign that the Turkish Cypriot side may demand things outside the parameters of Decolonizing the Cyprus problem adopted by the UN. READ ARTICLE
357. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Alçaktan uçak Türk uçağı şikayet edildi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Low-flying Turkish plane was complained DATE: 11/6/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot government has filed a complaint with the International Aviation Organization and Eurocontrol about the Turkish passenger plane, which it claims flew too low over South Nicosia the previous day READ ARTICLE
358. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: YYK Güney Kıbrıs Rum Yönetimi'ni protesto etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Supreme Board of Broadcasting protested the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus DATE: 13/6/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: YYK Chairman Diren said the terrestrial broadcasts of NTV, ATV, ART and Genç TV in North Cyprus were negatively affected due to the interference caused by the power increase of PIK and ERT. READ ARTICLE
359. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: İki toplumlu Deniz panayırı'nda Birleşik Kıbrıs dilekleri ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: United Cyprus wishes at the bi-communal Sea Fair DATE: 17/6/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: There was an intense participation in the sea fair organized by Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot non-governmental organizations in Famagusta. READ ARTICLE
360. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Tek egemenlik, tantana, 1 Eylül!... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Single sovereignty, pandemomium, September 1!... AUTHOR: Sami Ozuslu DATE: 4/7/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluated the summit held between Talat and Christofias on July 1. Leaders decided to make a new start on September 1. READ ARTICLE
361. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Çözümün anahtarı Ankara'da ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The key to the solution is in Ankara DATE: 9/7/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Hristofyas, arguing that the key to a solution is in Turkey's hands, said, The solution largely depends on Ankara's will.. READ ARTICLE
362. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: İnsanlık için bir yüz karası ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A disgrace to humanity DATE: 16/7/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Main opposition UBP Chairman Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu condemned the mentality that carried out the fascist coup d’etat carried out on July 15, 1974, describing it as a disgrace for humanity. READ ARTICLE
363. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Başpiskopos Hrisostomos: Partenojenez ile Kıbrıs türkleşecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Archbishop Hrisostomos: Cyprus will be Turkified by parthenogenesis DATE: 18/7/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Archbishop of the Greek Church 2. Hrisostomos said that if the current form of the so-called Republic of Cyprus disintegrates, Cyprus will become Turkified READ ARTICLE
364. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Stefanu: Hakemlik ve takvimleri kabul etmiyoruz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Stefanu: We do not accept refereeing and calendars DATE: 20/7/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek* Government Spokesman Stefanos Stefanu said that the Greek side's theses on calendars and arbitration are very well known, and their approach to this issue was conveyed by President Hristofyas to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon at their last meeting READ ARTICLE
365. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Bizde de hata var ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: We have faults too DATE: 8/8/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Administration President Hristofyas, who made a confession about the crisis at the Yeşilırmak gate, which led to the postponement of the first meeting of the new round of negotiations, admitted that they were mistaken because they acted imprudently. READ ARTICLE
366. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyden kuzeye verilen su ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Water supplied from south to north DATE: 15/8/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A news report was published by ALITHIA newspaper claiming that 300 thousand tons of water are supplied to Famagusta annually from sources in Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
367. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Elektrikte Rum'dan yüzde 50 daha pahalıyız ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We are 50 percent more expensive than Greek side in electricity DATE: 16/8/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: People's Party Chairman Raşit Pertev who said that electricity prices are up to 50 percent higher than the Greek side, demanded that the government reduce the bills to at least the level of the South. READ ARTICLE
368. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Seyis: Pile olayı, fanatik çevrelerin provokasyonu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Seyis: The Pile incident is a provocation of fanatic circles DATE: 23/8/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Dev-Is General Balkan, Mehmet Seyis, said that the ugly attacks on the Atatürk bust and some Turkish Cypriot properties in Pyla were a provocation of the fanatic circles that excluded the Cypriots from both sides. READ ARTICLE
369. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Negatif barış ve hak ihlalleri ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Negative peace and rights violations AUTHOR: Niyazi Kizilyurek DATE: 3/9/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates the negotiations between the two parties in the context of land for equality. He describes the situation we are in as negative peace. READ ARTICLE
370. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Büyük görüş ayrılığı teyit edildi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Major disagreement confirmed DATE: 5/9/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Foreign Minister Kiprianu, claiming that concessions were made to the Turkish Cypriots, said that there can be no going forward from this. READ ARTICLE
371. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: KKTC’yi Tanıtma ve Yaşatma Derneği’nden açıklama ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Statement from the Association for the Recognition and Sustenance of TRNC DATE: 5/9/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Association for the Recognition and Sustenance of TRNC said that the Greek Cypriots established an association under the name of Hellenic Resistance Movement, revealing their true faces against the TCs. READ ARTICLE
372. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Kiprianu: Maraş’ın iadesinden daha iyi bir GYÖ (Güven Yaratıcı Önlem) olamaz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Kiprianu: There can be no better GYÖ (confidence-building measures) then the return of Varosha DATE: 21/9/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Foreign Minister Markos Kiprianu said, The thesis of the Greek Cypriot side has always been that the issue of Varosha can be resolved before the solution of the Cyprus problem. READ ARTICLE
373. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs Gençlik Gelişim Ağı Projesi Tanıtıldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Cyprus Youth Development Network Project Introduced DATE: 1/10/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: 125 youngsters from both sides of Cyprus whom attended the event agreed that cooperation through the network contributes to young people getting to know each other READ ARTICLE
374. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas'tan Talat'a: Cumhuriyetten vazgeçmeyiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas to Talat: We will not give up the Republic DATE: 7/10/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Dimitris Hristofyas stated that there has been no impressive progress in the direct negotiations with Mehmet Ali Talat aimed at resolving the Cyprus problem and stressed that they will not give up on the Republic of Cyprus READ ARTICLE
375. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Çözüm Kıbrıslılardan gelmeli 13-10-2008 ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: The solution must come from the Cypriots DATE: 13/10/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Greek Cypriot Administration Hristofyas reiterated that they insist that the solution comes from the Cypriots for the Cypriots, arguing that the solution of the Cyprus problem depends more on the political will of Turkey. READ ARTICLE
376. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs Rum lideri Hristofyas: Çağdaş bir ülkede garantörlük gerekmez ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot leader Christofias: There is no need for a guarantorship in a modern country DATE: 23/10/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Hristofias answered questions about the negotiations and stated that there was no need for a guarantors in a modern country. READ ARTICLE
377. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Dillirga'da barikatların açılması umutları ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hopes of opening barricades in Dillirga DATE: 24/10/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Andreas Karos, Chairman of the Committee for the Opening of the Dillirga Barricades, said in a statement that new hopes and feelings of optimism emerged in the Dillirga region with the establishment of a communication between the issues of opening the Ledra and Dillirga barricades Dec READ ARTICLE
378. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Haspolat’taki mevzide birr Rum cesedine ulaşıldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A Greek body was found in a military position in Haspolat DATE: 1/11/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus (CMP) found the body of a Greek Cypriot during the excavation in Haspolat village (Mia Millia) . READ ARTICLE
379. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas'tan Obama'ya: Mesajınızdan cesaret aldık ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas to Obama: We were encouraged by your message DATE: 8/11/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In his congratulatory message to Obama, Dimitris Hristofyas pointed out that this victory took place precisely at a time when a solution was expected in Cyprus READ ARTICLE
380. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rumlar Çözüme İnanmıyor/ Onda altısı çıkmaz bekliyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots Do Not Believe in a Solution/Six out of ten are waiting for a dead end DATE: 10/11/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to a survey, 6 out of 10 Greek Cypriots do not believe in a solution. READ ARTICLE
381. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Erçakıca: Kıbrıslı Türkler,izolasyonu bir yanılsama olarak değil, gerçekten yaşıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Erçakıca: Turkish Cypriots experience isolation not as an illusion, but in reality DATE: 4/12/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Presidential Spokesperson Hasan Erçakıca stated that the isolation of the Turkish Cypriots is not an illusion and that the Greek Cypriot side's efforts in this regard have increased and that it is using its EU membership for this purpose. READ ARTICLE
382. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs: Birliktelik Oluşturma, Dayanışma ve Basın Özgürlüğü Anlaşması yürürlüğe girdi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Cyprus: The Agreement on Association, Solidarity and Press Freedom came into force DATE: 19/12/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The agreement signed by BASIN-SEN and the Cyprus Journalists Union stipulates that an initiative will be taken to use the International Press Card distributed by IFJ as a single document for crossings to both sides in Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
383. NEWSPAPER: afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Müzakereler iki halk arasında yapılmıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: Negotiations are not Decoupled between two peoples DATE: 22/12/2008
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Dimitris Hristofyas said, Although the Cyprus problem is not at the beginning of the procedure we cannot say that we are satisfied with the progress we have made to the extent we want. READ ARTICLE
384. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis: Takvimler reddedilmemeli ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis: Calendars should not be rejected DATE: 5/1/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The leader of the Greek Cypriot main opposition DISI, Nikos Anastasiades, expressed concern and concern about the results obtained so far from the direct negotiations. READ ARTICLE
385. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rum parti başkanları: 'Yeni öneriler zemin olamaz' ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot party leaders: 'New proposals cannot be the basis' DATE: 11/1/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: At the informal political party leaders' council meeting held at the Greek Cypriot (Greek) Presidential Palace under the chairmanship of Greek Cypriot leader Demetris Christofias, it was decided that the proposals presented by President Mehmet Ali Talat would not be the basis for negotiations. READ ARTICLE
386. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rumların tavrı zaman kaybettiriyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The attitude of the Greeks is wasting time DATE: 11/1/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Talat's representative Özdil Nami said the ongoing negotiations between Talat and Christofias did not achieve the hoped progress because of the Greek Administration. READ ARTICLE
387. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Stefanu saldırıya tepki gösterdi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Stefanu reacts to the attack DATE: 19/1/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Government Spokesman Stefanos Stefanu condemned the attack on Turkish Cypriots by masked Greeks in front of the APOEL football club in the Greek part of Nicosia READ ARTICLE
388. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Türk tarafının tezleri kaygı yaratıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The theses of the Turkish side create concern DATE: 5/2/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: AKEL Secretary General Andros Kiprianu said that the theses of the Turkish Cypriot side cause concern. READ ARTICLE
389. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar mülkiyette iade için ısrarlı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks insist on return of property DATE: 5/2/2009 READ ARTICLE
390. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Talat: Mülkiyet konusunun temelini takas, tazminat ve iadee oluşturuyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Talat: The basis of the property issue is exchange, compensation and return DATE: 5/2/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Regarding the Cyprus negotiation process, President Mehmet Ali Talat said that a solution to the property issue could be found on the basis of compensation, exchange and return. Talat emphasized that while the Turkish side considered all three options, the Greek side insisted more on extradition. READ ARTICLE
391. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: 608 milyon sterlin ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 608 million pounds DATE: 21/2/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A total of 301 GCs who left their properties in the north in 1974 and applied to the TRNC Property Compensation Commission have demanded a total of 608 million pounds for compensation. READ ARTICLE
392. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Markidis: Taşınmaz mal sahibi istediğini yapar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Markidis: The immovable owner does what he wants DATE: 24/2/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Former Greek Chief Prosecutor Alekos Markidis said that people who have real estate in Cyprus can sell these properties through the Greek Land Registry Office, regardless of the Greek Cypriot, Turkish Cypriot or foreign distinction READ ARTICLE
393. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Herkes dikkatli olsun ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Everyone be careful DATE: 6/3/2009 READ ARTICLE
394. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos'un oğlu başkan yardımcısı oldu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos' son becomes vice president DATE: 17/3/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Democratic Party (DIKO), one of the government partners in the Greek Cypriot part, held its 10th meeting at the weekend. Nikolas Papadopoulos, the son of former Run leader Tasos Papadopoulos, was elected to the post of DIKO vice president at the congress. READ ARTICLE
395. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Yağmuralan köylüleri AİHM’nin yanıtını bekliyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Yağmuralan villagers are waiting for the ECHR's response DATE: 17/3/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The former Turkish Cypriot residents of Yağmuralan (Vroşia) village in Southern Cyprus are waiting for a response to the legal fight they initiated at the ECHR against the RoC due to the demolition and razing of their village before 1974. READ ARTICLE
396. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rum Başsavcı: Polis terörünü cesaretlendiren bir karar... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot Chief Public Prosecutor: A decision that encourages police terrorism... DATE: 21/3/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot Administration High Criminal Court's decision that 10 Greek Cypriot police officers who beat and tortured two university students named Yannos Nikolau and Markos Papagorgiou in the middle of the street were not guilty was met with anger and reaction in the south. READ ARTICLE
397. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Görüşmesini yasaklamasını mı isteseydim ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Christofias: Should I have asked him to ban his meeting? DATE: 3/4/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The head of the Greek Cypriot administration, Dimitris Christofias, explained the reasons for the postponement of the meeting planned within the framework of direct negotiations to find a solution to the Cyprus problem. READ ARTICLE
398. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Darbe Yeriz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We will suffer a blow DATE: 3/4/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The representatives of Turkish Cypriot economic organizations raised concerns over the idea of Turkey’s opening its ports to South Cyprus before an agreement is reached on the Cyprus problem READ ARTICLE
399. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar 10'uncu protokolda ısrarlı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots insist on the 10th protocol DATE: 12/4/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Hristofyas, who announced that territorial and security issues will be discussed in the upcoming negotiations. he pointed out that the 10. protocol is the most serious issue that hinders progress in the negotiation of the title in question READ ARTICLE
400. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar özel temsilciye karşı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greeks are against the special representative DATE: 17/4/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Government Spokesman Stefanos Stefanu said that the Greek Cypriot Administration is against the appointment of a special representative of any country related to Cyprus READ ARTICLE
401. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Görüşmelerde tempo artıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The tempo of the talks is increasing DATE: 6/5/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Assessing the situation arising in the negotiations with the Orams decision, the Turkish leader decided to intensify his efforts in comprehensive negotiations READ ARTICLE
402. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Liderler perşembe günü yeniden bir araya gelecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Leaders will meet again on Thursday DATE: 6/5/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A meeting was held in the buffer zone within the framework of the Cyprus negotiations. Leaders will meet again to discuss the economy topic READ ARTICLE
403. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Haçlı Zihniyeti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Crusader Mentality DATE: 17/5/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A Greek campaign has been launched to stop a Turkish Cypriot to sell his products to the South who already sold 4 thousand tons of potatoes , the outlet said READ ARTICLE
404. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: BES ve Sıdıkek-PEO Baf'ta buluştu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: BES and Sıdıkek-PEO met in Paphos DATE: 20/5/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Sunday May 17, the members of the Municipal Workers' Union (BES) and the Sıdıkek-PEO Union visited the Paphos region in Southern Cyprus and toured its historical and tourist sites READ ARTICLE
405. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: rum halkını rahatlattı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: He relieved the Greek people DATE: 1/6/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: While the negotiations for a comprehensive solution were continuing, Hrşstofyas tried to reassure the Greek Cypriot people by saying, Don't let your eyes be left behind. READ ARTICLE
406. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Vatanımızı yeniden birleştirme hedefine bağlıyım ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Christofias: I am committed to the goal of reuniting our homeland DATE: 14/6/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Christofias said: I am firmly committed to the goal of reunifying our homeland and I will continue with devotion to the principles of solution and belief in the justness of our struggle. READ ARTICLE
407. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Zorda Kaldık ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We’ve been left in a difficult situation DATE: 22/6/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Socialist Democracy Party (TDP) Chairman Mehmet Çakıcı said the CJEU’s Orams case verdict is the failure of the property regime adopted in Northern Cyprus after 1974. READ ARTICLE
408. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Yüksek Mahkemesi'nden Kıbrıs Türk malı için hayır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: No for Turkish Cypriot property from the Greek Supreme Court DATE: 25/6/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Supreme Court did not accept the request of a Turkish Cypriot resident in the UK who wants to transfer the immovable property given to him in the South READ ARTICLE
409. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Garanti ve İttifak Anlaşmalarının devamına büyük önem veriyoruz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We attach great importance to the continuation of the Guarantee and Alliance Agreements DATE: 9/7/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Talat and Christofias will hold their first meeting today on the topic of security and guarantees in their ongoing negotiations to find a solution to the Cyprus problem. READ ARTICLE
410. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Garantörlüğün devamı mı AB Garantörlüğü mü= ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Continuation of the guarantee or EU guarantee? DATE: 11/7/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: There are contrasts in the theses presented by the Turkish and Greek sides on guarantees READ ARTICLE
411. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Talat ve Hristofyas’a Barışlı Zeytin Dalı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Olive Branch with Peace to Talat and Christofias DATE: 14/7/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Independent Young Cypriots organization presented two olive branches with Peace written in Turkish, English and Greek on them to President Talat, one for him and one for to be conveyed to Greek Cypriot leader Christofias. READ ARTICLE
412. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Türk malını sahte evrakla satan Rum 6 yıla mahkum oldu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A Greek who sold Turkish goods with false documents was sentenced to 6 years DATE: 18/7/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Andreas Sofokleus, 52, who sold land in the Limassol and Larnaca regions, most of which belonged to Turkish Cypriots, to a Greek Cypriot living in the UK by arranging false documents, was sentenced to six years in prison in court the previous day. READ ARTICLE
413. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kendi elleriyle Rumları AB'ye itenlerin susması gerek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Those who push the Greek Cypriots into the EU with their own hands must remain silent. DATE: 8/8/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: CTP-BG Secretary General Kutlay Erk responded to İrsen Küçük, who criticized CTP-BG regarding the meeting process; Those who pushed the Greek Cypriots into the EU with their own hands should not complain now, but should apologize to the Turkish Cypriots and remain silent, he said. READ ARTICLE
414. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Gizli rum bakanlar kurulu toplantısı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Secret Greek council of ministers meeting DATE: 14/8/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It is reported that the Greek Council of Ministers, which is on vacation, was hastily called to an extraordinary meeting at the Presidential Palace yesterday. READ ARTICLE
415. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Acılarla dolu 25 gün unutulmayacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 25 painful days will not be forgotten DATE: 17/8/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The 35th anniversary of the liberation of Lefke from Greek captivity, which was liberated during the second phase of the Peace Operation, was celebrated with a ceremony, the news outlet said. READ ARTICLE
416. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Tatsızlık ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Unpleasantness DATE: 3/9/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The first of the second round of direct negotiations, which was expected to take place between Talat and Christofias, was postponed by the Greek side. Greek Presidential Commissioner Yorgos Yakovu said that TRNC authorities' behavior towards Greek worshipers at the Yeşilırmak crossing point overshadowed their negotiations. READ ARTICLE
417. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Gelişigüzel bir kontrol beklemişler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They expected a random check. DATE: 4/9/2009 READ ARTICLE
418. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum siyasi partiler saç saça baş başa ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot political parties are head to head DATE: 5/9/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek political parties clashed with each other about the responsibility of those who took place in Yeşilırmak. READ ARTICLE
419. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Değişmeyen hedef Kıbrıs sorununun çözümü ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: The unchanging goal is the solution of the Cyprus problem DATE: 8/9/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Greek Administration Dimitris Hristofyas noted that despite the difficulties posed by the Turkish side and some people on the Greek Cypriot side, the solution of the Cyprus problem has unchanged goals. READ ARTICLE
420. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı olmayana izin yok ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Non-Cypriots are not allowed DATE: 16/9/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: GC Police did not allow 3 TRNC citizens to cross the Ayios Dometios (Metehan) Checkpoint on the grounds that neither their mothers nor their fathers were Cypriot, during a group visit to Hala Sultan Tekke in Southern Cyprus for the Night of Qadr. READ ARTICLE
421. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Üniter Federasyon ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Unitary Federation DATE: 2/10/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek leader Christofias revealed that they are aiming for a unitary state at the military ceremony held on the so-called independence day of the Republic of Cyprus, the newspaper said. READ ARTICLE
422. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: AB'ye girmemizi Denktaş'a borçluyuz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We owe our entry into the EU to Denktaş DATE: 4/10/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Klerides, one of the former presidents of the Greek Cypriot Administration, stated that they owe their victory in the struggle to enter the EU to Denktas's intransigence. READ ARTICLE
423. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Barış yabancı bir dildir ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Peace is a foreign language AUTHOR: Nese Yasin DATE: 4/10/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author conveys the impact of the division of Cyprus on people in his unique style. He says that the negotiation table is not actually a peace table and the language used is not a peace language. READ ARTICLE
424. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: RMMO'da yeni trajedi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: New tragedy in GNGA DATE: 7/10/2009 READ ARTICLE
425. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'deki nüfus 800 bine yaklaştı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The population in the South is approaching 800 thousand DATE: 8/10/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to the latest determinations, the population of Southern Cyprus is reported to be 796 thousand 900. READ ARTICLE
426. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: 70 bin kişi güneye gelip malını alsın ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 70 thousand people should come to the south and take their goods DATE: 8/10/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A call from the Greek official to Turkish Cypriots whose goods are located in Southern Cyprus… READ ARTICLE
427. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kayıplar bu kez Berlin'de tartışılacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The missing people will be discussed in Berlin DATE: 9/10/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Journalist Sevgül Uludağ, the author of the book 'Oysters that lost their pearls' and the Bi-Communal Initiative of Relatives of Missing Persons and War Victims is organizing an event in Berlin. READ ARTICLE
428. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Güney’de ilginç buluşma ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Interesting meeting in the South DATE: 7/11/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Nicosia organization of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP) and the Nicosia and Kyrenia organizations of AKEL held ta joint event with the aim of rapprochement between the two communities. READ ARTICLE
429. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Barış güvercinleri arasında yaşıyor... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: He lives among the doves of peace... DATE: 15/11/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Evaluations of the Greek Cypriot Yannis Arhandus, who lives in the Karpaz, about the Cyprus problem. It gives a message to leaders to finish it as soon as possible. READ ARTICLE
430. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas Talat'a ağır suçlamalarda bulundu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas made serious accusations against to Talat DATE: 28/11/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Administration President Dimitris Hristofyas, who has made very serious accusations against President Mehmet Ali Talat in letters sent to the 26 heads of state of the EU, accused the Turkish side and Talat of dragging the procedure of direct negotiations to arbitration in a statement to LGR radio broadcast in London yesterday. READ ARTICLE
431. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar, Apostolos Andreas Manastırı'nda ayin yaptı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks held a ceremony at the Apostolos Andreas Monastery DATE: 1/12/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greeks performed mass at Apostolos Andreas Monastery yesterday. READ ARTICLE
432. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos boş mezarı başında anıldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos was commemorated at the beginning of the empty tomb DATE: 13/12/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: As a result of a shocking act, the President of the Greek Administration Tasos Papadopoulos, whose grave was opened the previous day and whose body was stolen, was commemorated with a ceremony held at a church and an empty grave in South Nicosia yesterday on the occasion of the first anniversary of his death. READ ARTICLE
433. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Sağlık Komiseri göreve ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A call for the Health Commissioner to do his job DATE: 19/12/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: TC businessman Tansel Nizam who said he made an investigation in South Cyprus found out that hormone-containing pesticides which is banned in the EU and prohibited in North Cyprus since 1987, were sold freely in SC and were occasionally smuggled to the North. READ ARTICLE
434. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: B Planı': Bölünmüş Mandıra ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Plan B': Divided Dairy farm AUTHOR: Sami Ozuslu DATE: 21/12/2009
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author discusses how the division of Cyprus affects every stage of life, economic, social, political and civil. READ ARTICLE
435. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Papadopulos'u KKTC'de arıyorlar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They are looking for Papadopoulos in TRNC DATE: 2/1/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: t was claimed that investigations into the exhumation and theft of the remains of former President of the Republic of Cyprus, Tassos Papadopoulos, which occurred one day before the anniversary of his death, have turned towards the direction of the TRNC and the Central Prison of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
436. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Türk tarafı gerekli iradeyi göstermeli ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Turkish side must show the necessary will DATE: 5/1/2010 READ ARTICLE
437. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas, KKTC sularını da kutsamayı diledi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas also wished to bless the TRNC waters DATE: 7/1/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A ceremony was held on the Greek side yesterday for the Feast of Theophany READ ARTICLE
438. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum tarafı önerileri neden reddetti? ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Why did the Greek side reject the proposals? AUTHOR: Aysu Basri Akter DATE: 11/1/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author discusses the intensified Cyprus negotiations, how this was reflected in the Turkish media and how the new proposals brought to the table were received. READ ARTICLE
439. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Karar politik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The decision is political DATE: 20/1/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After the British Court of Appeal announced its verdict in favour of the Greek Cypriot Meletis Apostodilis on the Orams case, Linda Orams spoke to Kıbrıs Newspaper and said that the decision was political. READ ARTICLE
440. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de kilise yine sahnede ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The church is on the stage again in the South DATE: 1/2/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Orthodox Church launched an ohi campaign on the issue of rotating presidency and weighted voting, which were discussed in the negotiations. READ ARTICLE
441. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Talat'ın sarayındaki görüşmeye Rum liderlerden tepki ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Reaction from Rum/Greek leaders to the meeting at Talat's palace DATE: 2/2/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot political party leaders reacted harshly to UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon's meeting with President Mehmet Ali Talat at the Presidential Palace. READ ARTICLE
442. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde ve kuzeyde Ban için etkinlik Kıbrıs'ta barış engellenemez ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Event for Ban in the south and north Peace cannot be prevented in Cyprus DATE: 2/2/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The bi-communal United Cyprus Peace Initiative, formed by Turkish and Greek Cypriots, welcomed the first visit of UN Secretary-General Ban Ki Moon to the island with a support action with banners on both sides of the island the other day. READ ARTICLE
443. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Lefkoşa Rum Belediyesi Başkanı Eleni Mavru Yenidüzene konuştu: 'Müzakerelerden bu kez sonuç çıkacak' ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Nicosia Greek Municipality Mayor Eleni Mavru spoke to Yenidüzen: 'This time the negotiations will yield results' DATE: 2/2/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Nicosia Greek Mayor Eleni Mavrou said that Cyprus is too small an island to be divided and stated that she is hopeful about the negotiations. READ ARTICLE
444. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rumların %72,6'sı dönüşümlü başkanlığı reddediyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 72.6% of Greek Cypriots reject the rotating presidency DATE: 4/2/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The results of the Eurobarometer survey conducted by the EVRESIS company in South Cyprus on behalf of the ANTI television channel between January 21st and January 30th, with the participation of 1,009 people, were published. READ ARTICLE
445. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Savaşa gider gibi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Just like going to war DATE: 22/2/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A GC named Hristo Themistocleous, living in SC trying to cross to the TRNC was caught by the TRNC police at the Ayios Demetios checkpoint with 73 live hunting cartridges, a knife and a wooden stick . Themistocleous stood behind the court. READ ARTICLE
446. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Dönüşümlü başkanlık konusunda tartışma ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Debate over rotating presidency DATE: 2/3/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was stated that the rotating presidency proposal, presented by Greek Cypriot Administration President Demetris Christofias in direct negotiations, became a matter of debate, especially with various statements made by the main opposition DISY and the government. READ ARTICLE
447. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Çözümde Karpaz'ın özerk olmasını istiyorlar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: In the solution, they want Karpaz to be autonomous DATE: 2/3/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Andreas Assiotis, Vice President of the Free United Karpaz Association, claimed that it would be in the interest of all Karpaz residents for Karpaz to be autonomous under the authority of the central government in the event of a solution to the Cyprus problem. READ ARTICLE
448. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs Türk ve Rum Düğünleri ile Kıbrıs Türk ve Rum Halk Edebiyatlarından Örnekler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot Weddings and Examples from Turkish Cypriot and Greek Folk Literature DATE: 2/3/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The presentation of Mahmut İslamoğlu and Şevket Öznur's books Turkish Cypriot and Greek Weddings and Examples from Turkish and Greek Cypriot Folk Literature was held at Saçaklı Ev. READ ARTICLE
449. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Çözümde Karpaz'ın özerk olmasını istiyorlar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: In the solution, they want Karpaz to be autonomous DATE: 2/3/2010 READ ARTICLE
450. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Eski bir Rum mezarlığı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: An old Greek cemetary DATE: 10/3/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After the Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus examined the bones found in Vatili (Vadili) village that were found during an electrical infrastructure work, it was revealed that the place where the excavation was carried out was an old Greek cemetery. READ ARTICLE
451. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum tarafı zamana oynuyor... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek side is playing for time... AUTHOR: Ünal Fındık DATE: 12/3/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates the decisions taken by the Greek Cypriot national council and their adoption before the TRNC Presidential elections. READ ARTICLE
452. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kitas, Papadopulos'un cesedinin çalınması olayına karıştığını itiraf etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Kitas admitted his involvement in the theft of Papadopoulos' body DATE: 15/3/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Andonis Prokopiu Kitas, nicknamed Al Capone, who is serving a life sentence in the Greek Cypriot Central Prison, admitted that she was involved in the theft of the body of the former president of the Greek Cypriot Administration, Tasos Papadopoulos. READ ARTICLE
453. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Talat'ın açıklamaları doğru olarak algılanmamalı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Talat's statements should not be perceived as correct DATE: 3/4/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Stefanu, who made a statement on the Greek Cypriot side before the press conference held by Mehmet Ali Talat two days ago regarding the point reached in direct negotiations, argued that Talat's remarks should not be perceived as data and facts. READ ARTICLE
454. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kiliseden halka seferberlik çağrısı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Call for mobilization from the church to the public DATE: 4/4/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Archbishop II. Hrisostomos stated that he was completely against the policy followed in the Cyprus problem and called on the Greek Cypriots to take action. READ ARTICLE
455. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Davlos sevdası ve Türk Rum dostluğu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Love of Davlos and friendship of Turk-Greek AUTHOR: Fatma Azgın DATE: 9/4/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author talks about her visit to a Greek Cypriot friend who started living in Davlos (Kaplıca). READ ARTICLE
456. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Maraş'ı savunmadı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: He didn't defend Varosha DATE: 16/4/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Taner Derviş, former general director of the Cyprus Foundations Administration, accused TRNC President Talat of not defending Varosha against the Greek Cypriot initiatives launched in the international platform. READ ARTICLE
457. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: TC kökenlilerin oy kullanmasını Papadopulos onaylamamış ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Papadopoulos did not approve of people of Turkish origin voting DATE: 1/5/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Tassos Papadopoulos Research Center stated that former President of the Republic of Cyprus, Tasos Papadopoulos, never accepted the granting of voting rights to Turkish Cypriot citizens of TC origin in the newly established federal state of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
458. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türkler ve Kıbrıslı Rumlar'dan İngiltere'den dünyaya barış mesajı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Peace message from Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots to the world from England DATE: 2/5/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: DEKFA Proodeftiki and KGP in London participated in the march held in London on the occasion of May 1 International Workers' Day. READ ARTICLE
459. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas'tan itiraflar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Confessions from Hristofyas DATE: 5/5/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Hristofyas admitted that he was primarily responsible for the adoption of the arbitration procedure, which does not exist anywhere in the UN resolutions READ ARTICLE
460. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum avukatlar tapu kayıtlarına ulaşmalarına izin verilmesini istedi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek lawyers asked to be allowed to access land registry records DATE: 5/5/2010 READ ARTICLE
461. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Birleşmeyi güçlendirecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: It will strengthen the unification DATE: 7/5/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Günay Çerkez, the head of the TC Chamber of Commerce said the EU was constantly misled by the Greek Cypriots with false information and has a very wrong stance regarding the Direct Trade Regulation. Direct trade will strengthen the unification he said. READ ARTICLE
462. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rumların yüzde 72'si görüşmelerin çıkmaza gireceği inancında ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 72 percent of Greek Cypriots believe that the talks will reach a deadlock DATE: 1/6/2010 READ ARTICLE
463. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Büyükelçilik önünde protesto ... 4 kişi tutuklandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Protest in front of the embassy... 4 people arrested DATE: 2/6/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The translation of the Greek media Simerini Newspaper's news about the protests held in front of the Israeli Embassy in Cyprus on June 1, 2010, due to Israel's attack on the ships of activists carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza, and the relevant news headlines of other newspapers were given. READ ARTICLE
464. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneydeki okullarda çalışan Kıbrıslı Türk öğretmenler konusu milletvekillerin gündeminde ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The issue of Turkish Cypriot teachers working in schools in the south is on the agenda of parliamenters DATE: 3/6/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The issue of Turkish Cypriot teachers working in schools in South Cyprus was brought up during yesterday's meeting of the Committee on Control of the Greek Cypriot Parliament. READ ARTICLE
465. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Netleşme olmazsa, kriz çıkar! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: If there is no clarity, there will be a crisis! DATE: 4/6/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Republic of Cyprus, Dimitris Hristofyas, stated that following President Derviş Eroğlu's recent remarks questioning the negotiation process, it was deemed necessary by the Greek Cypriot side to cancel yesterday's meeting within the framework of direct negotiations, in order to prevent any deadlock or crisis. READ ARTICLE
466. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas'a güven yüzde 61 ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Trust in Hristofyas is 61 percent DATE: 6/6/2010 READ ARTICLE
467. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs ekonomisi kötü durumda... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Economy of south Cyprus is in a bad condition AUTHOR: Vedat Yorucu DATE: 22/6/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates the economy of Southern Cyprus, there is a decline in the tourism sector, there is an increase in the number of unemployed people. READ ARTICLE
468. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: 22 Eylül'e kadar mola ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A break until 22nd of September DATE: 24/6/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The meetings of some Turkish and Greek Cypriot political parties, which meet periodically at the Ledra Palace Hotel in the buffer zone, were paused until 22nd of September. READ ARTICLE
469. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de Lopez paniği! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Lopez panic in the South! DATE: 3/7/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Jennifer Lopez's planned visit to the TRNC has stirred panic among the Greek Cypriot side. They are practically begging her manager not to come. READ ARTICLE
470. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Lopez'e Rum engeli ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot obstacle to Lopez DATE: 3/7/2010 READ ARTICLE
471. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum basını: rezil olduk ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek press: we were disgraced DATE: 3/7/2010 READ ARTICLE
472. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas Maraş'a karşılık müzakere başlıklarını açıkladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas announced the negotiation topics in response to Varosha DATE: 6/7/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Dimitris Hristofyas conveyed to Turkey the proposal that they could allow the opening of some chapters in EU negotiations in exchange for Turkey returning the closed-off area of Varosha. READ ARTICLE
473. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Biz kadınlar özgürlüğümüzü elde edene kadar yürüyeceğiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Us women will march until we get our freedom DATE: 6/7/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Women Supporting the Solution in Cyprus Platform has participated in the World Women's March organization in Istanbul. Turkish and Greek Cypriot women presented a joint statement at the event. READ ARTICLE
474. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs'taki yabancı sayısı 155 binin üstünde ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The number of foreigners in Southern Cyprus is over 155 thousand DATE: 12/7/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Minister of Internal Affairs Neoklis Silicosis announced that the number of foreigners on the Greek side is over 155. READ ARTICLE
475. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Komşuda ekonomik çöküş ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Economic collapse in the neighbor DATE: 1/8/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Alarm bells are ringing in the South Cyprus economy. READ ARTICLE
476. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de Kıbrıs Türk çalışan sayısında önemli düşüş ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Significant decrease in the number of Turkish Cypriot employees in the South DATE: 1/8/2010
477. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Olası bir anlaşma bizi tekrar o yıllara götürmesin ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A possible agreement should not take us back to those years AUTHOR: President Kemal Oktar's Message DATE: 2/8/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In his message published on the occasion of the 1 August Social Resistance Day, Sağlık-Sen President Kemal Oktar emphasized that a possible agreement must be built on solid foundations that will not lead the two peoples to those days again. READ ARTICLE
478. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kiprianu, Tayvanlaşma tehlikesinden söz etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Kiprianu spoke about the danger of Taiwanization DATE: 2/8/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Rum/Greek Foreign Minister Markos Kiprianu said that there is a danger of TRNC becoming Taiwanese. READ ARTICLE
479. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Silahlanmaya devam ediyorlar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They continue to arm DATE: 2/8/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was announced that the Rum/Greek National Guard Army will purchase 400 military general use vehicles of various types and three helicopters for search and rescue purposes within the scope of the new strategic armament program worth 220 million euros. READ ARTICLE
480. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Liderlerin ortak açıklama yapması talep edilebilir ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Leaders may be requested to make a joint statement DATE: 2/8/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was claimed that it is very likely that the leaders will be asked to make a joint statement at the last meeting of the negotiations between President Derviş Eroğlu and Greek Cypriot Administration President Dimitris Hristofyas, which will be suspended due to the summer season, on August 10. READ ARTICLE
481. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Ya çözüm ya taksim ! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Either solution or partition ! AUTHOR: Tumay Tugyan DATE: 2/8/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates the Cyprus problem in terms of ownership and questions what the UN's mission on the island will be. READ ARTICLE
482. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: RMMO'daki yemin sırasında bayılanlar oldu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: There were people fainting during the oath taking at RMMO DATE: 8/8/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The 2010-2 conscription of the Greek Cypriot National Guard swore an oath yesterday during ceremonies held at the rookie training camps in Larnaca and Anarida and were granted weekend leave. Some attendees fainted during the Greek ceremony READ ARTICLE
483. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: 36 yıl geçti unutmadık ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 36 years have passed, we have not forgotten DATE: 16/8/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: 83 Turkish Cypriots, who were gathered from their homes and massacred by the Greek Cypriots in Tashkent (Dohni) on 15 August 1974, were commemorated with a ceremony READ ARTICLE
484. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Üçlü görüşmeye Rumlardan evet ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots say yes to tripartite meeting DATE: 2/9/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Eroğlu requested a trilateral meeting in New York with the participation of Hristofyas, which was declined by Hristofyas. READ ARTICLE
485. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Liderler tam gün görüşme için buluşuyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Leaders are meeting for a full-day talk DATE: 10/9/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Eroglu and Hristofyas will hold the second full-day meeting planned within the framework of the Cyprus negotiations today. READ ARTICLE
486. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Çözüme hazırız ancak Rum değil ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We are ready for a solution, but not the Greek Cypriots DATE: 24/9/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Nicosia Turkish Municipality Mayor Cemal Bulutoğluları met with Pawel Dobrowolski, Polish Ambassador to Nicosia . Bulutoğluları said they are ready for a solution but the Greek Cypriots do not approach the issue in good faith. READ ARTICLE
487. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas 50 bin TC kökenli vatandaşın kalması önerisini geri çekti... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas withdrew him proposal for 50 thousand citizens of Turkish origin to stay ... DATE: NA/9/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Dimitris Hristofias has withdrawn his proposal regarding the stay of 50,000 citizens of Turkish Cypriot origin. READ ARTICLE
488. NEWSPAPER: Afrika/Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Türk okullarına yapılan ziyaretler bazı Rumları kızdırdı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Visits to Turkish schools angered some (RUMS)Greeks DATE: 1/10/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The news that the Greek teachers' union called AIIagi described the visits of Greek teachers to Turkish Cypriot schools the day before as unacceptable was evaluated. READ ARTICLE
489. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de yangın paniği ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Fire panic in the South DATE: 1/10/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that a fire broke out the day before in the villages of Kalo Horio Chloru and Oyunda in the Greek Cypriot side of Nicosia* (It was conveyed as the newspaper wrote) READ ARTICLE
490. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti'nin kuruluşu kutlanıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The establishment of the Republic of Cyprus is celebrated DATE: 1/10/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It has been reported that various events will be held on the Greek side today on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
491. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar, Güzelyurt'a yürüyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Rumlar / Greeks are marching to Güzelyurt DATE: 1/10/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: (Omorfo) The newspaper mentioned it as Güzelyurt Mayor Haralambos Pittas and City Council members are organizing an event called Guzelyurt Commemoration Days and Guzelyurt Region between 4-10 October. READ ARTICLE
492. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: 1 Ekim resmi geçidinin yapılacağı caddeye Yunan bayraklarını asmadılar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They did not hang Greek flags on the street where the October 1 official parade will be held DATE: 2/10/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The report stated that Greek flags were not hung on Haciyosif street in the Greek Cypriot side of Nicosia where the official parade would be held as part of the so-called 50th anniversary celebrations of the Republic of Cyprus READ ARTICLE
493. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas 1 Ekim'de coştu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas was enthusiastic on October 1 DATE: 3/10/2010 READ ARTICLE
494. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum-Yunan hattında yüksek gerilim ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: High voltage on Greek-Greek Cypriot line DATE: 3/10/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Hristofias' statement Cyprus has been invaded by Greece strained relations between Athens and the Greek Cypriot side. READ ARTICLE
495. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Dalkavuklar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Sycophants AUTHOR: Aysu Basri Akter DATE: 6/10/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish Cypriots who are using hospitals in the south READ ARTICLE
496. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: İyi başlangıç ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A good start DATE: 17/10/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Crossings from the Yeşilırmak (Limnidi) Checkpoint to Pirgos which was recently opened with a ceremony, continue without any problems. READ ARTICLE
497. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde bir ölü iki yaralı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: One dead, two injured in the south DATE: 1/11/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: On the first day of the hunting season, there was no incident in TRNC, but one person died and two were injured in Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
498. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Türkiye çözüme hazır değil ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: Türkiye is not ready for a solution DATE: 2/11/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Dimitris Hristofyas claimed in a speech at an event the day before yesterday that Turkey is currently not ready for the solution of the Cyprus problem. READ ARTICLE
499. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Yeni kapıların açılması gündemde ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Opening new doors is on the agenda DATE: 2/11/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: During yesterday's meeting between President Eroğlu and Greek Cypriot leader Hristofias, discussions revolved around property and the opening of new border crossings. READ ARTICLE
500. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum mallarının tazminatını Kıbrıslı Türkler ödeyecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish Cypriots will pay compensation for Greek properties DATE: 2/11/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to the expected outcome of President Derviş Eroğlu's visit to Ankara, Turkish Cypriots will pay one-third of the compensation for the Greek houses they live in. READ ARTICLE
501. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Bazı Rum Kayıpları Türk mezarlığına gömülmüş ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Some Greek Casualties were buried in Turkish cemeteries DATE: 1/12/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that the previous evening, the Greek Cypriot Parliament organized an event at the Famagusta Gate in South Nicosia regarding the missing persons, and Greek Cypriot Parliament Speaker Marios Karoyan also delivered a speech at the event. READ ARTICLE
502. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas rahatsızlandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas fell ill DATE: 1/12/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Administration President Dimitris Hristofyas, who traveled to Libya for an official visit, had to cut short his trip due to illness and returned to South Cyprus yesterday afternoon. READ ARTICLE
503. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Irkçılık bir kez daha kınandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Racism was condemned once again DATE: 3/12/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A delegation from CTP-BG Women's organization and AKEL women's organization POGO paid a patient visit to the Turkish Cypriot artist Sertunç Akdoğdu, who was attacked by Greek Cypriot racist groups during the Rainbow Festival held against racism in Larnaca on 12 November. READ ARTICLE
504. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Özgürlük istiyorlar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They ask for freedom DATE: 4/12/2010
ARTICLE SUMMARY: NGOs from Northern Cyprus and Southern Cyprus are trying to create public opinion so that homosexuality, which is not a crime in any European country, should be allowed in the TRNC. READ ARTICLE
505. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Cumhurbaşkanı Eroğlu: Rum tarafı iyi niyetli olursa ilerlme sağlanabilir ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: President Eroğlu: If the Greek side has good intentions, progress can be made DATE: 16/1/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Dervis Eroglu said that an agreement can be made at the tripartite meeting to be held in Geneva on January 26, if the Greek side has good intentions and is based on facts. READ ARTICLE
506. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Güneye gitmeyin ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Don't go to South DATE: 16/1/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Zorlu Töre, the Minister of Agriculture and Natural Resources asked consumers not to go to Southern Cyprus to buy meat as that the meat prices in the North have reduced. READ ARTICLE
507. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Ordusu'na 'Made in Turkey' damgası! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Made in Turkey' stamp on the Greek Army! DATE: 17/1/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It has been discovered that Turkish-made tires are being used by the armed forces of the Greek Cypriot side, officially known as the Greek Cypriot National Guard READ ARTICLE
508. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Pankartlı eylem ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Demonstration with banners DATE: 1/2/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Association of the Young Mujahideen has protested the Baraka Cultural Center who held a demostration in front of the Turkish Embassy in Nicosia. READ ARTICLE
509. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar 'izinsiz ayin' yapabilecek... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots will be able to perform 'rituals without permission'... DATE: 22/2/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to the statements of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Greek Cypriots living in TRNC will be able to perform rituals without obtaining permission. For applications from the south, applications must be made 30 days in advance. READ ARTICLE
510. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum gençlerde işsizlik bunalımı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Unemployment crisis among Greek youth DATE: 24/2/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The unemployment rate among young people in the south has exceeded 17.3% READ ARTICLE
511. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kısa süreli gerginlik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A short tension DATE: 3/3/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Police did not allow RoC flags’ entry into a rally named Social Existence organized by the Trade Unions Platform. READ ARTICLE
512. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar ırkçılıkta Avrupa birincisi! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks are Europe's first in racism! DATE: 11/3/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It emerged that Greek Cypriots rank first in Europe in terms of racism and are the least trusting society of their fellow compatriots READ ARTICLE
513. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rumlar mülklerine geri dönmeycek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots will not return properties DATE: 22/3/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to research, if the Cyprus problem is resolved, Greek Cypriots will not be able to return to their properties in the north. READ ARTICLE
514. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de olaylı anma günü ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Eventful commemoration day in the South DATE: 3/4/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The anniversary of EOKA's establishment was overshadowed by events in South Cyprus yesterday READ ARTICLE
515. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rumlar çözümden umutsuz... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots are desperate for a solution DATE: 11/4/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Research into the leaders' meetings revealed that Greek Cypriots were pessimistic about the solution. READ ARTICLE
516. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar sınıra asker yığıyor! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks are massing soldiers on the border! DATE: 22/4/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek National Guard is preparing to establish rapid intervention units ready for combat at the border READ ARTICLE
517. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Cinayetten tutuklandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Arrested for murder DATE: 22/4/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A Turkish Cypriot who has been living in Southern Cyprus for 33 years and converted to Christianity and changed his name to Andonis Kalogiru is accused of murdering a 39-year-old Greek woman. READ ARTICLE
518. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kaçak mallar yakalandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Contraband goods caught DATE: 15/5/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A large number of contraband goods intended to be transferred from Southern Cyprus to TRNC were seized at the Beyarmudu gate. READ ARTICLE
519. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Yanlışta ısrrarın sonu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The consequence of insisting on wrong DATE: 20/5/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: As the Turkish Cypriots flocked to the South due to May 19 public holiday, business owners in the North suffered a loss of customers. They blamed Turkish Cypriot government of making the North expensive by applying unnecessary funds and taxes. READ ARTICLE
520. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kumara ilgileri azaldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Their interest in gambling has decreased DATE: 22/5/2011 READ ARTICLE
521. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar sandık başında ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks are at the polls DATE: 22/5/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Today, there are parliamentary elections in South Cyprus READ ARTICLE
522. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Halkını öldürmedi, korku salmadı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: It did not kill its own people, it did not spread fear DATE: 1/6/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: TMT Association said that the Turkish Resistance Organization (TMT) was only making defense against Greek attacks and did not take any offensive action. READ ARTICLE
523. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar, Barnabas'ta ayin yapıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks perform rituals in Barnabas DATE: 5/6/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was noted that the Greek Cypriots will hold a religious service at St. Barnabas Monastery on Friday, June 10th READ ARTICLE
524. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs, borç batağına düştü ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Southern Cyprus fell into debt trap DATE: 16/6/2011 READ ARTICLE
525. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum hükümeti ve AKEL UNFICYP raporundan memnun ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek government and AKEL are satisfied with the UNFICYP report DATE: 16/6/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: the Greek Cypriot government and AKEL happily accepted the decision to extend the mandate of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (UNFICYP) for another 6 months. READ ARTICLE
526. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslılar federal çözüme açık ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Cypriots are open to a federal solution DATE: 6/7/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Public opinion polling in both communities of Cyprus by the Cyprus 2015 initiative revealed that Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots are open to a federal solution but have conflicting views on the issues discussed in the negotiations. READ ARTICLE
527. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de dehşet günü ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Day of horror in the south DATE: 12/7/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Explosions on a ship loaded with ammunition at a military base in Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
528. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde felaket! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Disaster in the South! DATE: 12/7/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: At the military naval base called Evangelos Florakis in Southern Cyprus
News came that there was an explosion on the Russian ship seized by the Republic of Cyprus administration. READ ARTICLE
530. NEWSPAPER: halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs halkına geçmiş olsun ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Get well soon to the people of Cyprus AUTHOR: Yürekli Kalem - Emine Sütçü DATE: 14/7/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: She saying that ‘Although we are two communities that are resentful and distrustful of each other, we are saddened by the bad incident that happened to the people of Soulthern Cyprus.’ READ ARTICLE
531. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: KKTC güneye elektrik satıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: TRNC sells electricity to the south DATE: 16/7/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: TRNC sells electricity to the south READ ARTICLE
532. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Güneye elektrik veriyoruz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We're supplying electricity to the South DATE: 16/7/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A part of the electricity deficit caused by the explosion at the naval base in Southern Cyprus, will be covered by the TRNC. READ ARTICLE
533. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde hükümet krizi aşılamadı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Government crisis in the south could not be overcome DATE: 1/8/2011 READ ARTICLE
534. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kayıp iki Rum askeri için cenaze töreni yapıldı... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A funeral ceremony was held for two missing Greek soldiers... DATE: 1/8/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A funeral ceremony was held for two Greek soldiers, whose bones were found during excavations regarding the missing, and who were thought to have died in 1974. READ ARTICLE
535. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde durum vahim ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The situation is dire in the south DATE: 20/8/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Signs of bankruptcy are starting to emerge at the Cyprus Electricity Authority. READ ARTICLE
536. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Resmen zorbalık ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: It's bullying AUTHOR: Anadolu Agency DATE: 21/8/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Talip Atalay, the head of TRNC's Religious Affairs was not allowed to cross into Southern Cyprus to visit mosques in Southern Nicosia and Limassol on the grounds that he is of Turkish origin. READ ARTICLE
537. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Yüzlerce Kıbrıslı Rum ayin için geldi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hundreds of Greek Cypriots came for the service DATE: 2/9/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Around 500 Greek Cypriots originating from Morphou (Morphou) came north for the ceremony and held a ceremony at the AyMamas church. READ ARTICLE
538. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Ay Mamas'ta buruk ayin ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Bitter ritual at Ayios Mamas DATE: 2/9/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: More than 500 Greeks of Morphou origin came to TRNC and attended the evening service at Ay Mamas Church in Guzelyurt. READ ARTICLE
539. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de suya da zam geliyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Water prices are also increasing in the South DATE: 3/9/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that the increase in electricity prices on the Greek Cypriot side will reflect much more than the 6.96% VAT rate announced by the Hristofyas government to consumers, as the generators currently used for electricity production consume much more fuel than the Vasiliko Power Station. READ ARTICLE
540. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Özel Temsilci Özersay: Antlaşma Rum tarafını caydırmaya yönelik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Special Representative Özersay: The agreement is aimed at deterring the Greek side DATE: 2/10/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Eroğlu's special representative, Kudret Özersay, said that we will seek rapprochement through give-and-take until the end of October. READ ARTICLE
541. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Al-ver olmadı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas: There was no give-and-take DATE: 8/10/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of Cyprus Dimitris Hristofyas stated that there were no give-and-take negotiations during yesterday's leaders' meeting; they particularly focused on the EU, police force, and economic issues. READ ARTICLE
542. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: İki oldu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: It's two now DATE: 16/10/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After Mihalakis Sarris, the former Minister of Finance of Southern Cyprus was found naked with a 17-year-old young man in a house in Nicosia, the police detained two more people, one of whom was claimed that Sarris had a sexual intercourse with him as well. READ ARTICLE
543. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Afrodit'in başı belada ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Aphrodite is in trouble DATE: 19/10/2011 READ ARTICLE
544. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Sınırda kimlik krizi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Identity crisis at the border DATE: 19/10/2011 READ ARTICLE
545. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: İşsizlik arttı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Unemployment increased DATE: 2/11/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A new increase in the unemployment rate has begun in Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
546. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar, Hristofyas yönetimden memnun değil ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks are not happy with Hristofyas administration DATE: 3/11/2011 READ ARTICLE
547. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar Sandığa Gitmeyecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks will not go to the polls DATE: 5/11/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The boycott is expected to break a record in the Presidential elections to be held in February 2013 in Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
548. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas ilk kez New York zirvesini değerlendirdi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas evaluated the New York summit for the first time DATE: 8/11/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Rum leader Dimitris Hristofyas announced that at the summit held in New York- Long Island, limited progress was made on the major headings of the Cyprus issue, such as Governance, Property, Territory, and Citizenship, to the extent that they would be ignored, Unfortunately, we are not close to a solution due to major disagreements between the two sides, he said. READ ARTICLE
549. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Liderlere baskı yapın ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Put pressure on the leaders DATE: 14/11/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Republican Turkish Party (CTP) MP Özdil Nami called on Turkish and Greek Cypriots to take the streets and put pressure on the two leaders until the summit they will hold with the UN Secretary-General in January. READ ARTICLE
550. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar kokain düşkünü ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks are addicted to cocaine DATE: 20/11/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: More than 10,000 people in the South are using cocaine. READ ARTICLE
551. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Mum yakıldı, dua edildi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Candles were lit and prayers were made DATE: 1/12/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Apostolos Andreas, one of the 12 apostles of Jesus, was commemorated on the day of his death (November 30) at the monastery in Karpasia named after him. READ ARTICLE
552. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: İşte böyle battılar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: This is how they sank DATE: 8/12/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Audit Office of Cyprus reported the scandalous unauthorized expenditures of the Cyprus Government. READ ARTICLE
553. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum kayıp yakınları şikayetçi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Relatives of Greeks disappeared file a complaint DATE: 13/12/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Relatives of missing persons from Cyprus claim that the efforts of the Committee on Missing Persons in the last two years have been disappointing READ ARTICLE
554. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de cinayet soruşturması ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Murder investigation in the South DATE: 14/12/2011
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot Administration police announced that they have started a criminal investigation in order to determine the circumstances of death of 25 Turkish Cypriots, whose identities were determined by DNA method in various parts of Cyprus within the framework of the studies carried out by the Missing Persons Committee and who disappeared in the period 1963-1964. READ ARTICLE
555. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: 2011'de 2 bine yakın başvuru ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Nearly 2 thousand applications in 2011 DATE: 1/1/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It is claimed that nearly 2,000 applications were made by Greek Cypriots to the Immovable Property Commission of the TRNC in 2011, and despite many Greek Cypriots panicking and applying to the commission, it was alleged that the commission acted very slowly in making decisions. READ ARTICLE
556. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Kiprianu: Kıbrıs sorununu çözemezsek Türkleşeceğiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Kiprianu: If we cannot solve the Cyprus problem, we will become Turkified DATE: 4/1/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: AKEL General Secretary Andros Kyprianou stated, If we cannot solve the Cyprus problem within the agreed framework, we will become Turkified. Any effort to deviate from the agreed framework will bring us one step closer to the Turkification of Cyprus READ ARTICLE
557. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas: Görüş ayrılıkları devam ediyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Christofias: Disagreements continue DATE: 15/1/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Eroglu and Hristofyas met again, but it was said that their differences of opinion continued. READ ARTICLE
558. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Sabırlıyım ama iyimser değilim ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: I'm patient but not optimistic DATE: 23/1/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Dimitris Christofias, the President of the Greek Cypriot Administration who went to London as a guest of the Turkish Cypriot Democracy Association, before the summit he will attend with the TRNC President Derviş Eroğlu in New York, said he is pessimistic over the negotiations. READ ARTICLE
559. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs Türkü tehlike altında ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish Cypriots are in danger AUTHOR: Talat's office DATE: 2/2/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Former President Mehmet Ali Talat said that the Turkish Cypriot people are suffering an identity erosion between Greek Cypriots and Turkey and so that they are in great danger. READ ARTICLE
560. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Hükümeti'nden Kalkınmayı destekleyecek ekonomik tedbirler paketi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Package of economic measures to support development from the Greek Government DATE: 5/2/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that the Greek Cypriot government has prepared an economic package of measures aimed at supporting development, and yesterday briefed political parties on this matter. READ ARTICLE
561. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: CTP ve EDON'dan barış çağrısı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Call for peace from CTP and EDON DATE: 18/2/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: CTP Youth organization and EDON emphasized that at the current stage of the Cyprus Problem, a call for peace should be made with a common voice, despite all the blockage. READ ARTICLE
562. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: İnançlı halkın zaferiydi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: It was the victory of faithful people DATE: 10/3/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Those who were martyred during the Greek attacks in Paphos in 1964 were commemorated with a ceremony held in Güzelyurt. READ ARTICLE
563. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de kabine değişiyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Cabinet changes in the South DATE: 16/3/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot government, preparing for partial restructuring, will make changes in three ministries. It is noted that former Mayor of Nicosia, Eleni Mavru, may enter the cabinet as the Minister of Interior READ ARTICLE
564. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneydeki mallarını satanlar tehlikede ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Those who sell their goods in the south are in danger DATE: 16/3/2012 READ ARTICLE
565. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlara tüm memleketi verseniz tatmin edemezsiniz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Even if you gave the whole country to the Greek Cypriots, you would not be able to satisfy them DATE: 18/3/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Eroglu met with the public in Karşıyaka. I believe the negotiations have been good so far. If you look at the demands of the Greek Cypriots, you cannot satisfy them even if you give the whole country, he said. READ ARTICLE
566. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: İznimiz yok ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: we don't have permission DATE: 2/4/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Hüseyin Helvacıoğlu, one of the owners of the Larnaca Airport land, accused the Greek government and Hermes Airports Company officials of doing illegal business. READ ARTICLE
567. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: EOKA'yı andılar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They commemorated EOKA DATE: 3/4/2012 READ ARTICLE
568. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum polisi Pile'de KKTC vatandaşını gözaltına aldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek police detained a TRNC citizen in Pile DATE: 6/4/2012 READ ARTICLE
569. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türk'e 11 Milyon Euro... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 11 Million Euros to the Turkish Cypriot... DATE: 11/4/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that the Greek Ministry of Internal Affairs, with the approval of the Greek Council of Ministers, purchased the land of a Turkish Cypriot in Mutluyaka village of Larnaca. READ ARTICLE
570. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de korkunç cinayet ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Terrible murder in the South DATE: 1/5/2012 READ ARTICLE
571. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneydeki işsizlik en kötü seviyede ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Unemployment in the south is at its worst DATE: 6/5/2012 READ ARTICLE
572. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas aday olmayacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristofyas will not be a candidate DATE: 6/5/2012 READ ARTICLE
573. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'le mazot pazarlığı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Fuel bargaining with south DATE: 6/5/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that some Turkish Cypriots were attempting to negotiate agreements with Greek Cypriot fuel companies to purchase 10 tons of mazut*gas daily. READ ARTICLE
574. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum kimliği hamili Kıbrıslı Türk'e uçuş yasağı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Flight ban on Turkish Cypriots with Greek ID card DATE: 7/5/2012 READ ARTICLE
575. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türk ve Rum işcilerin sorunları masaya yatırıldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Problems of Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot workers were discussed DATE: 10/5/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Federation of Turkish Cypriot Trade Unions and the Cyprus Workers' Confederation (SEK) in the south held a joint evaluation meeting regarding working life in the north and south of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
576. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Metehan'da izdiham ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Congestion in Ayios Demetios DATE: 17/5/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Due to the sudden decision of the Turkish Cypriot Gasoline Operators Association to go on strike , Turkish Cypriots whose tanks were empty have flocked to the South to buy fuel. This caused a stampede at the Ayios Demetios checkpoint . READ ARTICLE
577. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyin nüfusu yaşlanıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The population of the south is aging DATE: 3/6/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The increase in immigration to South Cyprus has led to a rise in the population compared to the past 10 years. READ ARTICLE
578. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rum satıcı kayıp ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot seller missing DATE: 10/6/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish Cypriot police seized 8 grams of drugs, arresting Zeki Polat and Selim Uzun. It was stated that the drug in question was bought from a Greek Cypriot . READ ARTICLE
579. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneydeki Merkez Bankası önünde tuvalet - mezar taşı heykelli protesto ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Toilet in front of the Central Bank in the south - protest with tombstone statue DATE: 12/6/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In protest of the economic situation in Southern Cyprus, toilet-tombstone sculptures were placed in front of the Central Bank of Cyprus building. READ ARTICLE
580. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Çünkü Rumlar düşmandı (!) ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Because the Greek Cypriots were enemies (!) AUTHOR: Mert Ozdag DATE: 15/6/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates the judicial incident in Pyla and mentions that Turkish Cypriot media organs are making nationalist propaganda. READ ARTICLE
581. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Arasta canlandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Arasta came to life DATE: 1/7/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Many Greek Cypriots, foreigners residing in the South and tourists crossed the Lokmacı checkpoint yesterday, making the shopkeepers of the historical Arasta Bazaar happy. READ ARTICLE
582. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum hasta YDÜ'de şifa buldu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek patient found healing in NEU DATE: 9/7/2012 READ ARTICLE
583. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar ekonomiden ümitsiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks are hopeless about the economy DATE: 9/7/2012 READ ARTICLE
584. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Talat, Hristofyas'a çaktı gürledi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Talat thundered at Christofias DATE: 21/7/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Talat, Christofias spoke angry words READ ARTICLE
585. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs sorununda Kıbrıslı Rumlar da başrol oynadı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots also played a leading role in the Cyprus problem DATE: 2/8/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot leader Dimitris Christofias said that Greek Cypriots also played a leading role in the emergence of the Cyprus problem. READ ARTICLE
586. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney tecavüzlerle çalkalanıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The South is shaken by rapes DATE: 4/8/2012 READ ARTICLE
587. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Sınırda gerginlik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Tension at the border DATE: 5/8/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot motorcyclists made demonstartions along the Nicosia border to prrotest the death of Tasos Isak and Solomos Solomu, who lost their lives in the border incidents in 1996. READ ARTICLE
588. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde Uysal ayaklanması ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Uysal uprising in the south DATE: 1/9/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The employment of Kemal Uysal, a Turkish Cypriot graduate of Near East University, at the Permanent Representation of Cyprus in Brussels for the EU Presidency stirred controversy on the Greek Cypriot side. READ ARTICLE
589. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Çocuklar barışı yaşadı! / Barışa özlem ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Children experienced peace! / Longing for peace DATE: 1/9/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: CTP women's organization organized an event on the occasion of September 1, World Peace Day. 1st Year World Peace Day events will be organized bi-communally in the buffer zone. READ ARTICLE
590. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Barış Bizlerin Elinde ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Peace is in our hands DATE: 2/9/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: DEV-İŞ and PEO organized a Peace and Reunification Meeting in the buffer zone on the occasion of September 1, World Peace Day. READ ARTICLE
591. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde kriz masası ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Crisis desk in the south DATE: 2/10/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After the arrest of Greek Cypriot police officers by the TRNC authorities, a crisis unit was formed in South Cyprus READ ARTICLE
592. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Bakışlar öfkeli ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Angry looks DATE: 2/10/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: 3 GC police officers who accidentally crossed into the TRNC-controlled Akıncılar (Lurucina) village while chasing a Turkish Cypriot for allegedly driving dangerously, were arrested by TC Police forces and stood behind a Turkish Court. READ ARTICLE
593. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rum polisler yargı huzurunda ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot police officers before the judiciary AUTHOR: Didem Mentes DATE: 2/10/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Three Greek Cypriot police officers, who were chasing Akıncılar resident Coşkun Alaslan for allegedly dangerous driving in Dali and allegedly crossing the border to the north, were brought before the judiciary yesterday. READ ARTICLE
594. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kaderimiz bir! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Our destiny is one! DATE: 1/11/2012 READ ARTICLE
595. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar sandığa gitmeyecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks will not go to the polls DATE: 5/11/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It is expected that the boycott will reach record levels in the elections in the South, with one out of every three people saying they will not go to the polls READ ARTICLE
596. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneydeki kiliseye Türk bayrağı! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish flag on the church in the south! DATE: 6/11/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was alleged that the Greek flag at the Agios Andonios Church in the village of Kellia, located in the Larnaca district, was removed and replaced with the Turkish flag. READ ARTICLE
597. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Bize sahip çıkın ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Take care of us DATE: 7/11/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After living in Southern Cyprus for many years, TRNC citizen Songül Köksal, abandoned by her husband and became a fugitive, crossed to the North and visited Kıbrıs newspaper with her five children and asked for help. READ ARTICLE
598. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde yerli ürün kampanyası ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Domestic product campaign in the south DATE: 14/11/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In Southern Cyprus, which is struggling with the economic crisis, the decrease in the use of credit cards by consumers and the start of calls for domestic product consumption READ ARTICLE
599. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rumlar, Kıbrıslı Türkleri istiyor mu istemiyor mu ? ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Do Greek Cypriots want Turkish Cypriots or not? AUTHOR: Süleyman Irvan DATE: 17/11/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates the results of an survey and discusses the views of Greek Cypriots towards Turkish Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
600. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar ayin yaptı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots performed a ritual DATE: 1/12/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Approximately 1,200 Greek Cypriots living in Southern Cyprus and the villages of Dipkarpaz (Rizokarpazo) and Sipahi (Aytrias) have attended a ritual held at the Apostolos Andreas Monastery in Karpaz Peninsula. READ ARTICLE
601. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Susmak-Susturulmak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: To be silent - to be silenced AUTHOR: Erdinç Gunduz DATE: 2/12/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author draws attention to social issues by saying that Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots have been silenced for so many years and even chose to remain silent. READ ARTICLE
602. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum yönetimi kayıplar sektörü kurdu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek administration established a sector of losses DATE: 3/12/2012 READ ARTICLE
603. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: kalbim sızlıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: my heart aches DATE: 6/12/2012
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Facing difficult times due to the economic downturn, Greek Cypriot leader Hristofyas addressed his people. READ ARTICLE
604. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Halk fedakarlıkta bulunmak zorunda kalacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The people will have to make sacrifices DATE: 2/1/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Greek Cypriot Administration, Dimitris Christofias, addressed the Cyprus issue, Greek Cypriot presidential elections, natural gas, and the economy in his New Year's message READ ARTICLE
605. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis genişletilmiş müzakerelerden yana... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis favors expanded negotiations... DATE: 2/1/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Anastasiadis shared his views on the Cyprus issue and stated that he would strive for a solution that would be accepted by the Greek Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
606. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rum'un yalanı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot's lie DATE: 4/1/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Mustafa Naimoğluları, the President of the Turkish Cypriot Livestock Producers Association reacted harshly to the claim of the President of the Paphos Livestock Association, Evagoras Hrisanthu, that Blue Tongue disease was seen in small cattle in Northern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
607. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Ziller yeniden Kıbrıs için çalıyor... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The bells are ringing again for Cyprus... DATE: 4/2/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates the elections in the south and the negotiation process for the solution of the Cyprus problem. READ ARTICLE
608. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Eylem yaparız ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Warning to take action AUTHOR: Hizmet-Sen statement DATE: 4/2/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: TRNC Service Union said they would not allow the destruction of the Tomb of the Martyr Companions during the restoration of the Apostolos Andreas Monastery. READ ARTICLE
609. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türke Taşlıca'daki evini verdiler ama... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They gave the Turkish Cypriot her house in Taşlıca, but ... DATE: 6/2/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot resident will continue to stay at home until the end of the state of emergency or until further notice READ ARTICLE
610. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Tarlaya uçtu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Car flew off to the field DATE: 1/3/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: 29-years-old Stelios Christodoulou, a teacher at Rizokarpazo Greek Primary School, lost control of his vehicle and flew off to a field, while he was heading towards Dipkarpaz from Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
611. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rumlarla yaşadığımız zaman daha rahattık ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We were more comfortable when we lived with Greek Cypriots DATE: 16/3/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Ziba Kaya, originally from Aymarina, said that we were more comfortable when we lived with Greek Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
612. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Bankalardaki mevduatlara hükümet el koydu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The government seized deposits in banks DATE: 17/3/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: An even heavier outcome for Greek Cypriots than expected.. READ ARTICLE
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Thousands of people rushed to ATMs in the South yesterday, but the situation remained calm.. READ ARTICLE
614. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: AB paketine meclisten ret ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Parliament's rejection of the EU package DATE: 20/3/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Another harsh blow to Anastasiadis from the EU... READ ARTICLE
615. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Yasa tasarılarını geçirin ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: pass the draft laws DATE: 23/3/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Call from the Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus: 'Pass the bills. READ ARTICLE
616. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar bankamatiklere akın etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks flocked to ATMs DATE: 1/4/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After news of the haircut on deposits in South Cyprus emerged, thousands of people rushed to ATMs yesterday in order to withdraw money, but many found that the amount subject to the haircut was already blocked. READ ARTICLE
617. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Bedava sağlık hizmeti kalkıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Free healthcare is abolished DATE: 7/4/2013 READ ARTICLE
618. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlara 105 milyon sterlin'lik tazminat ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 105 million pounds compensation to Greek Cypriots DATE: 7/4/2013 READ ARTICLE
619. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde korku, panik ve kaos ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Fear, panic and chaos in the south DATE: 7/4/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Rumours of cuts in deposits at cooperatives in South Cyprus led to a widespread panic among the public, who rushed to the banks where their deposits were held READ ARTICLE
620. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Talat: Çözüm olsaydı Rumlar kriz yaşamazdı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Talat: If there was a solution, the Greek Cypriots would not have a crisis DATE: 8/4/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Talat evaluated the economic situation in southern Cyprus and noted that if there had been a solution in 2004, the Greek Cypriots would not have experienced today's crisis. READ ARTICLE
621. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Üzerinden uyuşturucu çıktı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Drugs found on him DATE: 17/4/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Kostos Sofroniou, who wanted to cross to the TRNC from Metehan with his dog, reacted harshly when he found out that the dog had to be quarantined. He tried to enter the TRNC without completing legal procedures, has beaten a police officer and drugs found on him.. READ ARTICLE
622. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Mücadele ortak olmalı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The struggle must be common AUTHOR: Hasan Yıkıcı DATE: 3/5/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: May 1st passed with enthusiastic and determined demonstrations held both in the north and the south, raising the spirit of struggle READ ARTICLE
623. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Tehdit mektupları gazetcilerin başına kaldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Threatening letters left to journalists DATE: 4/5/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: He stated that the journalists were considered guilty regarding the threat letters sent to the Politis newspaper on behalf of Anastasiadis and Greek Cypriot Central Bank President Panikos Dimitriadis. READ ARTICLE
624. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Artık yemeklerle yaşıyorlar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They now feed on leftover food. DATE: 12/5/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Many families in the Greek Cypriot side, struggling with the economic crisis, are living off leftovers from restaurants READ ARTICLE
625. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Bütünlüklü çözümü beklemeyelim ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Let's not wait for the solution DATE: 16/5/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Famagusta Initiative Spokesperson Serdar Atai said that the first step towards a solution could be taken by opening Varosha under UN control. READ ARTICLE
626. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis Rum önerilerini geri çekme hazırlığında ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis is preparing to withdraw Greek proposals DATE: 4/6/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Greek Cypriot Administration Nikos Anastasiadis is preparing to withdraw the proposals put forward by the Greek Cypriot side during the negotiations for the solution of the Cyprus problem between 2008 and 2012. READ ARTICLE
627. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Beni güneye götürün ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Take me to the South DATE: 4/6/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A Greek Cypriot who was injured in a traffic accident in Northern Cyprus asked the paramedics who came to the scene to take him to the border, not to a Turkish hospital. READ ARTICLE
628. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Karışıklıklar Türk turizmine darbe ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The confusion is a blow to Turkish tourism DATE: 11/6/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Support rally from Greek Ecologists to 'Turkish Greens'.. READ ARTICLE
629. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney alevlere teslim ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The South surrendered to the flames DATE: 20/6/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A fire broke out yesterday morning in Khirokitia, Theodoros and Maroni villages of LArnaka. READ ARTICLE
630. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Hrisostomos: Türkler Türktür, değişmeyecekler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hrisostomos: Turks are Turks, they will not change DATE: 2/7/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Archbishop Hrisostomos of the Greek Orthodox Church stated that the challenges regarding the restoration of the Apostolos Andreas Monastery in Dipkarpaz will be overcome with the assistance of UNFICYP, sooner or later READ ARTICLE
631. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Türkçe isimleri kullanmayacaklar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They will not use Turkish names DATE: 6/7/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot Parliament approved a law banning the use of Turkish place names in all written documents published in South Cyprus READ ARTICLE
632. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Oyuna gelinmesin ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Let's not get deceived DATE: 16/7/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Presidency said Varosha is part of a comprehensive solution and that the Greek side is using this issue to create an artificial agenda. Spokespeerson Ertuğ called on the public not to be deceived. READ ARTICLE
633. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Dışişelri Bakanı Erk: Kalecikle ilgili habrler Rum basını tarafından çarpıtıldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Foreign Minister Erk: The news about Kalecik was distorted by the Greek press DATE: 23/7/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Minister of Foreign Affairs Kutlay Erk stated that the environmental disaster that occurred as a result of the leakage of tons of oil into the sea as a result of the malfunction in the pipeline during the discharge of oil from the ship to the AKSA Electric Power Plant off the coast of Kalecik village on July 16, and the way the situation that emerged afterwards was handled by the Greek administration and the press was sad. READ ARTICLE
634. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde sağlıkla ilgili yeni yasa yürürlüğe girdi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: New law on health comes into force in the South DATE: 1/8/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish Cypriots will no longer be able to receive free healthcare services from hospitals in South Cyprus starting today. READ ARTICLE
635. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Larnaka'da panik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Panic in Larnaca DATE: 11/8/2013 READ ARTICLE
636. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Maraş önerisinin sızması, güneyi karıştırdı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The leak of the Varosha proposal caused confusion in the south DATE: 11/8/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The leak of the Greek Cypriot side's proposal to return Varosha to the Greek Cypriots before the start of negotiations as part of confidence-building measures, in exchange for the 'opening' of Ercan Airport, has caused turmoil in South Cyprus READ ARTICLE
637. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rum basını yalan yazdı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek Cypriot media have lied DATE: 20/8/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Gülden Plümer Küçük, Turkish Cypriot member of The Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus (CMP) denied the news published in the Greek media that an agreement had been reached and signed for doing excavations in military areas in TRNC. READ ARTICLE
638. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis Kıbrıs Rum Başsavcılığı'na ifade verecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis will testify to the Greek Cypriot Chief Public Prosecutor's Office DATE: 25/8/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Chief Public Prosecutor's Office will deal with the case of the former President of the Greek Cypriot Administration, Dimitris Christofias, who refuses to testify to the investigation committee on the economy.
It is expected to make the relevant decision on Tuesday. READ ARTICLE
639. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Kasulidis: Bizi saldırı mesesi olarak kullanmayacaklar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Kasulidis: They will not use us as a target for attack DATE: 2/9/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Foreign Minister Kasulidis of Cyprus said that he has received assurances that Cyprus territory will not be used in attacks against Syria. READ ARTICLE
640. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde Ercan rahatsızlığı artıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Ercan illness is increasing in the south DATE: 2/9/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that Ercan Airport has had serious negative impacts on Greek Cypriot tourism and economy, with an 18.5% decrease in travel from Larnaca Airport READ ARTICLE
641. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: II. Hrisostomos: Beni susturacak kişi doğmadı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: II. Hrisostomos: No one was born to silence me DATE: 8/9/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: he Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Church, Chrysostomos II, pointed to AKEL and the Governor of the Central Bank of Cyprus, Panicos Dimitriadis, saying, 'They wanted to shut my mouth, but no one born has been able to do that yet READ ARTICLE
642. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar isteksiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots are reluctant DATE: 17/9/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Derviş Eroğlu said that it is time for a solution in Cyprus, but the Greek side is reluctant on this issue. READ ARTICLE
643. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Anorthosis zirveye yükseldi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anorthosis rose to the top DATE: 18/9/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After APOEL, which started as the leader in the league, was defeated by AEL Limassol, Anorthosis, which defeated its rival Apollon Limassol, rose to the leadership. READ ARTICLE
644. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Şehitliğe defnedildi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Buried in the martyrdom DATE: 1/10/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: İsmail Karabıyıklı, who was kidnapped with his 3 friends in the Kaymaklı region of Nicosia on December 28, 1963, and whose bones were found 50 years later during the excavations of CMP, was buried in the martyrdom in the Nicosia cemetery. READ ARTICLE
645. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Krizin gölgesinde tören ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Ceremony in the shadow of the crisis DATE: 2/10/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The 53rd anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus was celebrated yesterday in South Nicosia. However, the ceremonies were affected by the economic crisis READ ARTICLE
646. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türk'ün adını Dimitris olarak değiştirmesine ret ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Rejection of Turkish Cypriot to change his name to Dimitris DATE: 9/10/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was claimed that the so-called 'Kyrenia District Office' allegedly rejected the request of a Turkish Cypriot living in London to change his name to 'Dimitris' on the grounds that he is not a Christian READ ARTICLE
647. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Meçhul bir kaybın kemikleri bulundu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Bones of an unknown missing person found DATE: 13/10/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The identity of a Greek person who disappeared in the Greek Cypriot side in the period 1963-1964 was determined by the DNA method and it was determined that s/he had been missing since that period READ ARTICLE
648. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Maraş'ı ver Limanı AB'ye aç ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Give Varosha and open the port to the EU DATE: 2/11/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot side announced the proposals it will take to Ankara READ ARTICLE
649. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Klerides yaşamını yitirdi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Klerides passed away DATE: 16/11/2013 READ ARTICLE
650. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Bir tarih daha yaşama veda etti...Klerides yaşama gözlerini yumdu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Another history passed away... Clerides passed away DATE: 16/11/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Former President of the Greek Cypriot Administration, 94-year-old Glafkos Clerides, died yesterday evening at the Evangelistra Clinic, where he was treated. READ ARTICLE
651. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Ortak açıklamada uzlaşı umudu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hope for compromise in joint statement DATE: 17/11/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was stated that the Greek Cypriot side expects the contacts between the Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot sides to be concluded with an agreement next week for the purpose of forming a joint statement READ ARTICLE
652. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Eroğlu taziyelerini bildirdi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Eroğlu expressed his condolences DATE: 17/11/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Following the death of Glafkos Clerides, one of the former presidents of the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus, President Derviş Eroğlu called his daughter Keti Clerides on the phone and expressed his condolences. READ ARTICLE
653. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Alkışlarla uğurlandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: He was sent off with applause DATE: 20/11/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Former President Klerides of the Greek Cypriot Administration was bid farewell with the attendance of thousands. Greek Cypriots, bidding farewell to their renowned leader for the last time, applauded as they said goodbye to Klerides READ ARTICLE
654. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde özelleştirmeye onay ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Approval for privatization in the south DATE: 7/12/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The privatization of Public Enterprises, one of the most important conditions set by the Troika, has been approved by the Greek Cypriot Council of Ministers. READ ARTICLE
655. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: İşbirlikçilere inat KKTC'ye sarılın ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hold on to TRNC despite collaborators DATE: 20/12/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Claiming that there are some collaborators among the Turkish Cypriot people trying to lower their own level to being a tribe, TMT Association said the best answer would be holding onto the TRNC out of spite,. READ ARTICLE
656. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Kasulidis: Kıbrıslı Türklerin AP seçimlerine daha kolay katılımı için önlem alıyoruz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Kasulidis: We are taking precautions for Turkish Cypriots to participate more easily in the EP elections DATE: 23/12/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Foreign Minister Yannakis Kasulidis of Cyprus announced that they will take measures to facilitate the participation of Turkish Cypriots in the European Parliament elections to be held in May. READ ARTICLE
657. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Barbaros araştırma gemisi Girne kıyılarına yaklaştı iddiası... Güney Kıbrıs Türkiye'yi BM'ye şikayet etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Barbaros research ship allegedly approached the coast of Kyrenia... Southern Cyprus filed a complaint against Turkey to the UN DATE: 25/12/2013
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was claimed that the Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha research ship moved in the northern and eastern regions of the Kyrenia coast the previous day. The Greek Cypriot administration complained to the UN about Turkey and Barbaros being in Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
658. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Gerçeklere dayalı anlaşma ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Factual Agreement DATE: 1/1/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Eroğlu asked the Greek Cypriots to reconsider their stance and said, We hope that 2014 will bring an agreement based on the facts that exist on the island. READ ARTICLE
659. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de tarihi tasarı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Historical design in the South DATE: 24/1/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The cabinet of the Republic of Cyprus made an important decision at its meeting yesterday and approved the bill that stipulates that all Turkish Cypriot citizens who are citizens of the Republic of Cyprus and have ID cards will be registered in the voter lists and sent it to the House of Representatives. READ ARTICLE
660. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Görüş ayrılıkları giderilmeye çalışılıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Trying to resolve differences of opinion DATE: 2/2/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon reminded that the Cyprus negotiations were suspended for a long time due to the developments arising from the Greek Cypriot side. READ ARTICLE
661. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: 208 Rum arazisi projeden etkilenecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 208 Greek lands will be affected by the project DATE: 9/2/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The echoes in the south continue regarding the water to be brought from Turkey to the TRNC through submarine pipes, which is considered the Project of the Century. READ ARTICLE
662. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Trodos'ta kış, Baf'ta yaz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Winter in Trodos, summer in Paphos DATE: 17/2/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The island experienced all seasons at the same time over the weekend. READ ARTICLE
663. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Özelleştirmye onay çıktı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Approval was given for privatization DATE: 5/3/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Southern Cyprus approved the privatization law one day before the deadline for fulfilling its responsibilities arising from the memorandum in order to receive the fourth tranche of money from the Troika. READ ARTICLE
664. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Mağusa'da iki toplumlu deniz panayırı yapıldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A bi-communal sea fair was held in Famagusta DATE: 17/3/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The bi-communal Sea Fair (Kataklismos) was held in Famagusta yesterday. READ ARTICLE
665. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: İşbirliği şart ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Cooperation is a must DATE: 23/3/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Günay Çerkez, the president of the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce, pointed out that the world is now turning into a single market and said that a new order is needed along with the solution. READ ARTICLE
666. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Barış kültürü oluşturmalıyız ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We must create a peace culture DATE: 27/3/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A conference in Limassol which the President Mehmet Ali Talat was attended as a speaker, was marked by the violent protests of the extreme Greek nationalist ELAM group. READ ARTICLE
667. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Ada mayınlardan arındırılsın ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The island should be cleared of landmines DATE: 3/4/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Derviş Eroğlu offered a proposal to Nikos Anastasiadis, the President of the Greek Cypriot Administration that the island be cleared of landmines as a confidence-building measure. READ ARTICLE
668. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Pile'de iki toplumlu kumarhane ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Bi-communal casino in Pyla DATE: 17/4/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: We have not yet succeeded in establishing the United Cyprus, but we have established the United Casino. The first Turkish-Greek joint casino opened in Pile and attracted great attention! READ ARTICLE
669. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: İki toplum arasındaki güvene katkı sağladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Contributed to the trust between the two communities DATE: 20/4/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The ceremony and procession held in the Ay Jeorgios Ikserinos Church within the walls of Famagusta took place with the participation of thousands of Greek Cypriots, as well as high-ranking officials and Turkish Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
670. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: İki toplumun müteahhitleri bir araya geldi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Contractors of the two communities came together DATE: 1/5/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Contractors Association visited the Turkish Cypriot Building Contractors Association READ ARTICLE
671. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Onları öldürdüklerini sananlar bu iki halk kahramanını ölümsüzleştirdiler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Those who thought they killed them immortalized these two folk heroes DATE: 1/5/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Drviş Ali Kavazoglu ve Kostas Mishaulis was commemorated with a bi-communal event organized by BKP Youth Branches and EDON Youth Organization. READ ARTICLE
672. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Ortak vatan için ortak mücadele ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Common struggle for a common homeland DATE: 2/5/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: With the organization of DEV-İŞ and PEO, Greek and Turkish Cypriots celebrated May 1 Labor Day with a crowded rally at. Nicosia Buffer Zone. The rally was the first bi-communal Labor Day celebration in Cyprus since 1958. READ ARTICLE
673. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Bu seçime bağlı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: It depends on the choice AUTHOR: Şener Levent - Açı corner DATE: 7/5/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The future of the island, which has been divided for 40 years, depends on this election... READ ARTICLE
674. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Sana da kıydılar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They killed you too AUTHOR: Şener Levent - Açı corner DATE: 9/6/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In the village, which left its mark in history as a bi-communal brotherhood village, the statues of two lost Greek Cypriot heroes were unveiled, wrapped in Greek flags. READ ARTICLE
675. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Türkçe ve Rumca şarkılarla taverna gecesi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Tavern night with Turkish and Greek songs DATE: 9/6/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Tavern night, organized by Merit Nicosia Hotel and Casino, brought Turkish and Greek Cypriots together, singing famous tavern songs in both languages together. READ ARTICLE
676. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Nami, Banglades Dışişleri Bakanıyla görüştü Rum tarafı süreci sabote etmekte ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Nami met with Bangladesh Foreign Minister Greek side is trying to sabotage the process DATE: 21/6/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Foreign Minister Ozdil Nami, in his statements during his visit to Saudi Arabia, said that the Turkish Cypriot side sincerely wanted a solution, but the Greek Cypriot side sabotaged the process. READ ARTICLE
677. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: 404 Kıbrıslı Rum ve 125 Kıbrıslı Türk kaybın kimlik tespiti yapıldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 404 Greek Cypriots and 125 Turkish Cypriots missing were identified DATE: 14/7/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The identities of 404 Greek Cypriots and 125 Turkish Cypriots who went missing in the years 1963-64 and 1974 have been identified READ ARTICLE
678. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Türk önerileri, görüş birliklerini uzaklaştırdı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish proposals alienated consensus DATE: 15/7/2014 READ ARTICLE
679. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Çözüm için şartlar uygun ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Conditions are suitable for a solution DATE: 20/7/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Leader Anastasiadis said that all the preconditions exist today for a solution that everyone can win and said, As long as the Turkish Cypriot side and the Turkish side understand this. READ ARTICLE
680. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kuzeyde...Güneyde 40 yıl Tören, Şenlik, Acı, Anma ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: In the North...40 years in the South Ceremony, Festival, Pain, Remembrance DATE: 21/7/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Following the July 15 military coup and the July 20 military intervention, the anniversary of the division that continues until today was commemorated. READ ARTICLE
681. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Alaminyo Şehitleri anıldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Alaminyo Martyrs commemorated DATE: 23/7/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Those who were martyred while serving in Larnaca's Kofinu Division - Alaminyo Team in 1974 were commemorated with a ceremony on the 40th anniversary of their deaths. READ ARTICLE
682. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar yol haritasını reddetti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks rejected the road map DATE: 1/8/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Council of Political Party Presidents, which convened the day before under the chairmanship of Greek Cypriot Administration President Nikos Anastasiadis, rejected the road map presented by President Derviş Eroğlu at the negotiation table. READ ARTICLE
683. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Motosikletliler Isaak-Solomu anısına barikatları kapatmaya çalışacak... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Motorcyclists will try to close the barricades in memory of Isaak-Solomu... DATE: 2/8/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Some Greek Cypriot motorcyclists announced that they would try to close the barricades during the three-day motorcycle demonstrations to be held in memory of Tasos Isaak and Solomos Solomou, who were killed during the border incidents in 1996. READ ARTICLE
684. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Çözüm için güven şart ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Trust is essential for a solution DATE: 18/8/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The 2014 evaluation of CMIRS revealed that the real solution to the Cyprus problem could be achieved if the individuals living on the island trust each other. READ ARTICLE
685. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde 2014'te 244 kişi devlete borçları yüzünden hapiste ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: In the South, 244 people were imprisoned for their debts to the state in 2014 DATE: 20/8/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In the Greek Cypriot community, it was reported that 395 individuals were imprisoned in 2013 due to their debts to the state, while as of now, 244 individuals have been imprisoned in 2014. READ ARTICLE
686. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar Gazimağusa'da ayin yaptı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks held a ritual in Famagusta DATE: 1/9/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriots held a ceremony once again yesterday at the Georgios Kserinos Church in Famagusta Walled City. READ ARTICLE
687. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Acılar bir daha yaşanmasın ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Let the pain never happen again DATE: 1/9/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriots gathered again to hold a mass within the walls of Famagusta. READ ARTICLE
688. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Çingeneler güneyde zor durumda ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Gypsies are in a difficult situation in the south DATE: 9/9/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In a report by the European Union on Romanian in Europe, it was stated that in the late 1990s, gypsies people from the TRNC who migrated en masse to South Cyprus experienced intense racism and societal exclusion READ ARTICLE
689. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: AB Rum tarafını çözüme teşvik etmeli ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: EU should encourage the Greek side for a solution AUTHOR: Anadolu Agency DATE: 20/9/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Foreign Minister Özdil Nami said the EU should not make unfair demands from Turkey in the context of the Cyprus issue so that the Greek side could be encouraged towards a solution. READ ARTICLE
690. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Emareleri Rum polisine iade ettiler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They returned the evidence to the Greek police DATE: 1/10/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Approximately two years ago, items belonging to the Greek Cypriot police that had been confiscated were returned in the buffer zone through the initiative of the Presidency. READ ARTICLE
691. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Yeni silahları sergilemediler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They did not display the new weapons DATE: 2/10/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Independence Day of the Republic of Cyprus was celebrated yesterday in Southern Cyprus. New weapon systems were not included in the military parade READ ARTICLE
692. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: İnsiyatif zamanı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Initiative time AUTHOR: Sami Ozuslu DATE: 10/10/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates the war in the Middle East and the Cyprus problem. He emphasizes the importance of peace. READ ARTICLE
693. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Soyguncular Güney Kıbrıs'ta yaşıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Robbers live in Southern Cyprus DATE: 12/10/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The identities of three people who attempted robbery at St. Mamas Church in Güzelyurt after crossing the border with their vehicle using the Bostancı checkpoint from Southern Cyprus, have been identified. READ ARTICLE
694. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar, alışverişe geliyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks are coming to shop DATE: 16/10/2014 READ ARTICLE
695. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney, krizden memnun ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: South is happy with the crisis DATE: 17/10/2014 READ ARTICLE
696. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum tarafı ne istiyor? ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: What does the Greek side want? DATE: 2/11/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Eroğlu gave information about the demands of the Greek Cypriot side. READ ARTICLE
697. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Moral verici ortak projeler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Morale boosting joint projects DATE: 2/11/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Nicosia Turkish Municipality and Nicosia Greek Municipality are working on joint projects READ ARTICLE
698. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum liderliği kaçıyorsa, Rum toplumuna ulaşmak gerekir ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: If the Greek Cypriot leadership is running away, it is necessary to reach out to the Greek Cypriot community. DATE: 3/11/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Kudret Özersay, who announced that he would be a candidate in the presidential elections, announced that in such a period when the negotiations were suspended, the closed Varosha could be opened under the Turkish Cypriot administration and the property could be returned to the former owners, subject to some conditions. READ ARTICLE
699. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum polisi İŞİD alarmında ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek police on ISIS alert DATE: 4/11/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot police have increased their measures against ISIS terrorists in the south... Entry and exit points of the country have been tightly controlled READ ARTICLE
700. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde Kıbrıs Türk mallarının dağıtımına başladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Started distribution of Turkish Cypriot goods in the south DATE: 12/11/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Interior Minister Sokratis Hasikos stated that the distribution of Turkish Cypriot properties and other properties in South Cyprus has begun and will continue. READ ARTICLE
701. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde KKTC'ye öfke ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anger towards TRNC in the south DATE: 15/11/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: There was tension at the Lokmacı crossing as well... ELAM burned the TRNC flag READ ARTICLE
702. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Olumsuz hava şartları güneyi de vurdu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Adverse weather conditions also hit the south DATE: 11/12/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The roads were closed, people were trapped in their vehicles, and there were power outages. READ ARTICLE
703. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Talat: Rum tarafını çözüme baskılamak gerek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Talat: It is necessary to pressure the Greek Cypriot side to a solution DATE: 11/12/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Talat said that the Cyprus issue has been stuck since 2010, and that since the Greek Cypriot side does not need a solution as much as the Turkish Cypriots, it is necessary to pressure them towards a solution. READ ARTICLE
704. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Çözüm sürecine sendikal katkı yapılacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Unions will contribute to the solution process DATE: 17/12/2014
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The bi-communal Cyprus Pan-Union Forum Standing Committee decided to contribute to the Cyprus solution process in its activity plan prepared for 2015. READ ARTICLE
705. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis'ten geniş tabanlı hükümet çağrısı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis' call for a broad-based government DATE: 2/1/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Anastasiadis repeated his call for a change of direction in the Greek Cypriot political leadership, unity and a broad-based government in his New Year's message. READ ARTICLE
706. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: İsyan noktası ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Riot point DATE: 13/1/2015 READ ARTICLE
707. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Aynı trajedi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The same tragedy DATE: 13/1/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Employees of the closed Cyprus Airways got into a scuffle with the police in front of the Ministry of Finance, and some were injured. READ ARTICLE
708. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Doğrudan Ticaret rafta ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Direct Trade has put aside DATE: 20/1/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Direct Trade Regulation (DTR), which was prepared by the European Union in 2004 to help the economic development of the Turkish Cypriots, could not be implemented READ ARTICLE
709. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Mezarlıklar içler acısı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Cemeteries are pathetic DATE: 15/2/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: KANAL Sim, who visited the cemeteries of Greek Cypriots in the north of the island and Turkish Cypriots in the south, noted that the cemeteries were ruined and dilapidated. READ ARTICLE
710. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Küçük: DNA Laboratuvarı'ndan şüphe duyulmamalı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Küçük: DNA Laboratory should not be doubted DATE: 19/2/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Members of The Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus (CMP) responded to the allegations of a Greek Cypriot missing person’s family over his DNA tested remains. READ ARTICLE
711. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: İki toplum arasındaki güven ve işbirliği önemli ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Trust and cooperation between the two communities are important DATE: 3/3/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Presidents of the Turkish Cypriot chamber of commerce and the Greek Cypriot chamber of industry met at a seminar held in England. READ ARTICLE
712. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Barış için el ele ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hand in hand for peace DATE: 16/3/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Famagusta Initiative and Famagusta Our City Initiative organized a peace event called Oranges in the Sand on the beach of the Palm Beach Hotel in Famagusta. READ ARTICLE
713. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs Türk ekonomisine darbe vuracak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: It will deal a blow to the Turkish Cypriot economy DATE: 17/3/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In a letter to Jean Claude Juncker, the President of the European Commission, President Derviş Eroğlu said that the approval of the Greek Cypriot side's application for the registration of halloumi in its current form would deal a serious blow to the Turkish Cypriot economy. READ ARTICLE
714. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kumarhaneler Rumlara kapanıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Casinos are closing to Greek Cypriots AUTHOR: Sami Ozuslu DATE: 1/4/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author criticizes the relationship between Turkey-America and Greek Cypriots in a humorous way. READ ARTICLE
715. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Yönetimi verdiği sözü tutmadı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek Administration did not keep its promise DATE: 2/4/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Although 10 years have passed since the Greek Administration committed to the UN to open a Turkish school in Limassol in 2005, no steps have been taken on the issue. READ ARTICLE
716. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis'ten yeni uyarı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: New warning from Anastasiadis DATE: 19/4/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Anastasiadis met with Greek Prime Minister Alexis Çipras in Athens the other day. READ ARTICLE
717. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis, Eide ve Kiprianu, Akıncı'yı kutladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis, Eide, and Kiprianu congratulated Akıncı. DATE: 27/4/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Republic of Cyprus Nikos Anastasiadis, UN Secretary-General's Special Adviser on Cyprus Espen Barth Eide, and AKEL General Secretary Andros Kiprianu congratulated Mustafa Akıncı, who was elected President, by phone. READ ARTICLE
718. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs Rumca Küstüm, Türkçe Kırıldım Satiriko Tiyatrosun'ndaydı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Cyprus I got crossed with you in Greek, get offended in Turkish was in the theatre of Satiriko DATE: 1/5/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Nicosia Municipal Theater's play Cyprus I was offended in Greek, I got hurt in Turkish was staged at the Satiriko Theater in Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
719. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs'ta çözüm zamanı geldi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: It's time for a solution in Cyprus DATE: 2/5/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Some unions and organizations from Northern Cyprus and Southern Cyprus organized a bi-communal event on the occasion of May 1 Labor Day, conveying messages supporting the solution and reunification in Cyprus . READ ARTICLE
720. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis'ten yeşil ışık ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Green light from Anastasiadis. DATE: 24/5/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Republic of Cyprus Nikos Anastasiadis stated that he is ready to accept the Confidence-Building Measures, including the proposal for the opening of the fenced-off city of Varosha, if independent presidential candidate Mustafa Akıncı is elected. READ ARTICLE
721. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Çözüm yakın ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The solution is near DATE: 5/6/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Mustafa Akıncı met with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon in New York. Akıncı, who left the meeting satisfied, said that a solution could be reached within months. READ ARTICLE
722. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'den endişelendiren işaretler... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Worrying signs from the South... AUTHOR: Kutlay Erk DATE: 6/6/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates the changing political atmosphere on the island after Akıncı was elected president. He evaluates the changes in the Greek Cypriot community, that peace efforts are more courageous, that the church is silent. READ ARTICLE
723. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: İlişkilerimizi eşi görülmemiş biçimde geliştirdik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We have developed our relations in an unprecedented way DATE: 17/6/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: During the contacts of Greek Cypriot Leader Anastasiades with Israel, it was agreed that the two countries should immediately reach an agreement for the joint use of common energy resources. READ ARTICLE
724. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis'ten temkinli iyimserlik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Cautious optimism from Anastasiades DATE: 18/6/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Anastasiadis said that they are cautiously optimistic that a happy ending can be reached in the Cyprus problem READ ARTICLE
725. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Liderlere Salamis'te tiyatro daveti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Theater invitation to leaders in Salamis DATE: 5/7/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Theater Organization is expected to stage its play Hippolitos at the Salamis Ancient Theater on July 28. An invitation will be sent to Akıncı and Anastasiadis to watch the play next Monday. READ ARTICLE
726. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Mustafa Akıncı ve Kıbrıs Rum toplumu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Mustafa Akıncı and the Greek Cypriot community AUTHOR: Niyazi Kizilyurek DATE: 5/7/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates how Akıncı's election as president was perceived by the Greek Cypriot community. READ ARTICLE
727. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis: İki halkın geleceği AB üyesi birleşik bir Kıbrıs'ta ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiades: The future of the two peoples is in a united Cyprus, a member of the EU DATE: 9/7/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Stating that his vision intersects with Akıncı's vision and that this vision includes a permanent and fair solution, Greek Leader Anastasiadis said that this is a structure with two regions, two communities, a single international identity, a single citizenship and a single sovereignty, based on political equality on the basis agreed upon so far. said that. READ ARTICLE
728. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar'ın KKTC ve TC'deki kredi kartı harcamaları arttı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Credit card expenditures of Greek Cypriots in TRNC and Turkish Republic increased DATE: 17/7/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Fileleftheros Newspaper said there was a great increase in the purchases made by Greek Cypriots with credit cards in TRNC and Turkey and the Greek authorities are suspicions of ready-made clothing trade from TRNC to Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
729. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de 24 kişiye 1, Kuzey'de 17 kişiye 1 memur! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 1 civil servant for every 24 people in the South, 1 civil servant for every 17 people in the North! AUTHOR: Meltem Sonay DATE: 17/8/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The number of 'actively employed' personnel in the public sector who receive regular salaries every month reveals that both the south and the north of the island are rich in civil servants. READ ARTICLE
730. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kötü birşey yaşanmadı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Nothing bad happened DATE: 26/8/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: While it was claimed that the Greek Cypriots who visited Paşaköy (Ashia) the other day caused disturbance in the village, Dina Pattihi, the organizer of the visit said that they were welcomed very warmly by the villagers. READ ARTICLE
731. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde endüstriyel kenevire onay ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Approval for industrial hemp in the South.
DATE: 3/9/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The bill allowing industrial hemp production in the South was approved. READ ARTICLE
732. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Türk-Rum ortak grevi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek-Turkish joint strike DATE: 8/9/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish and Greek workers at the bases went on strike against the British government, which cited the economic crisis as a reason for salary cuts. READ ARTICLE
733. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Şehitleri toprağa vermek istiyoruz' ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We want to bury the martyrs DATE: 9/9/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Tashkent Committee of Relatives of Missing Persons visited the Committee Laboratory of Missing Persons in the buffer zone with a group of relatives of the missing. READ ARTICLE
734. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Barış şarkıları söylediler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They sang peace songs DATE: 19/9/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Zülfü Livaneli from Turkey and Maria Faanduri from Greece held a bi-communal concert within the framework of the September 1 World Peace Day events. READ ARTICLE
735. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Ne böyle sınır olsun, ne böyle düşmanlıklar' ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: No such borders, no such hostilities' AUTHOR: Levent Ozdag DATE: 19/9/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The bi-communal Grand Concert, where Zülfü Livaneli and Maria Faranduri took the stage, organized within the framework of the 1st September World Peace Day events, took place last night in the buffer zone in Nicosia. READ ARTICLE
736. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Teodorakis barış mesajı gönderdi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Teodorakis sent a message of peace. DATE: 20/9/2015 READ ARTICLE
737. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis bayramımızı Türkçe kutladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis wished us a happy holiday in Turkish. DATE: 25/9/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The President of the Republic of Cyprus, Nikos Anastasiadis, who is currently in the United States for official visits and meetings, sent a message congratulating the Kurban Bayram of the Turkish Cypriots and all Muslims in Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
738. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyden övgüye statükocu tepkisi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Status quo-supportive reaction from the South earns praise. DATE: 28/9/2015 READ ARTICLE
739. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hala Sultan gezisine helikopterli koruma ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Helicopter protection for the Hala Sultan's trip still DATE: 1/10/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A group of a thousand people consisting of people of Turkish origin who were not allowed to cross to southern Cyprus visited the Hala Sultan Tekke in Larnaca. READ ARTICLE
740. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Korku üstüne siyasetle çözüm elde edilmez ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A solution cannot be achieved through politics based on fear DATE: 2/10/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: BKP chairman İzzet İzcan who attended a bi-communal event in Limassol said there is no need for a guarantee system that will keep Cyprus captive forever by citing security. You cannot achieve a solution through politics based on fear, he said. READ ARTICLE
741. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumların evet için şartı: yerleşikler ve asker gidecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks' condition for yes: residents and soldiers will leave DATE: 5/10/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to a survey conducted with a thousand people in Southern Cyprus, 77 of the Greek Cypriots will not accept a solution that would liquidate the so-called Republic of Cyprus. 58.6 percent say no to the solution with rotating presidency. READ ARTICLE
742. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis. Sunulan tezleere itiraz var diye masayı terk etmeyeceğiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis: We will not leave the table just because there are objections to the theses presented. DATE: 10/10/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Greek Cypriot Administration, Anastasiadis, stated that it is out of the question to accept the solution if it violates the European acquis, fundamental freedoms and human rights. READ ARTICLE
743. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de Kıbrıs Havayollarından sonra ilk yrel havayolu şirketi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The first local airline after Cyprus Airlines in the South DATE: 1/11/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was stated that Tus Airways will be the first local airline in Southern Cyprus after Cyprus Airlines. READ ARTICLE
744. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kazılar sürüyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Excavations continue DATE: 5/11/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus found the remains of 26 people during the excavation it started in Marata and Sandallar Martyrdom. CMP is also searching for a mass grave in Abohor. READ ARTICLE
745. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türk ve Rum siyasiler, Antropoloji Laboratuvarı'nı ziyaret etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish and Greek Cypriot politicians visited the Anthropology Laboratory. DATE: 6/11/2015 READ ARTICLE
746. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: ELAM Ledra Palace'te Kıbrıslı Türklere saldırdı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: ELAM attacked Turkish Cypriots at Ledra Palace. DATE: 17/11/2015 READ ARTICLE
747. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Mart'ta referandum imkansız ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A referendum in March is impossible DATE: 19/11/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot leader Anastasiadis said It does not seem that a referendum can be held in March if there is no radical change in the facts. READ ARTICLE
748. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: 4 Rum öğrenci hakkında tutuklama emri ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The arrest warrant for 4 Greek Cypriot students. DATE: 19/11/2015 READ ARTICLE
749. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: ELAM saldırıları... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: ELAM attacks.. DATE: 20/11/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Following the arrest of 4 individuals earlier this week for attacking Turkish Cypriot cars during the 'anti-15 November' protests last Monday, the identities of 11 more individuals were identified and subsequently arrested yesterday. READ ARTICLE
750. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'de Ulusal Konsey'den 4 saatlik toplantı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 4-hour meeting from the National Council in the South DATE: 6/12/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The National Council in the South met yesterday under the chairmanship of Anastasiadis. READ ARTICLE
751. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türkler güvenliklerini Türkiye'nin garantörlüğünde görüyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish Cypriots see their security under Turkey's guarantorship AUTHOR: TAK Agency - interview DATE: 8/12/2015
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In an interview with TAK over the guarantees, President Mustafa Akıncı said Turkish Cypriots' demands regarding guarantee and security should be understood. READ ARTICLE
752. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Korku Zamanları ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Time of fear AUTHOR: Niyazi Kizilyurek DATE: 3/1/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author criticizes, in a literary language, the fear that causes conflicts not only in Cyprus but also in different parts of the world. READ ARTICLE
753. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Barış için dua ettiler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They prayed for peace DATE: 17/1/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Approximately 100 Greek Cypriots, who lived with Turkish Cypriots in the Turkish neighborhood in Kyrenia before 1974, held a ceremony at the Saint George Church in their old neighborhood years later. READ ARTICLE
754. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Barış eğitimi için önemli adımlar...''Unutmuyorum' sloganı değişmeli' ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Important steps for peace education... The slogan 'I do not forget' should change DATE: 1/2/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot co-chairman of the Education Technical Committee, Mihalinos Zembilas, said that the content of the Den Ksehno slogan, which has been the main pillar of education policies since 1974, should be re-determined and take into account today's realities. READ ARTICLE
755. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyden alışveriş yapanlar dikkat! Çocuklar tehdit altında! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Attention for those shopping from the South! Children under threat! DATE: 16/2/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: RAPEX, the EU rapid alert system for dangerous non-food products, warned that 35 products sold in the EU markets pose health and safety risks, 11 of which are in the Southern Cyprus market. READ ARTICLE
756. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Denya Camisi kundaklandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Denya Mosque was set on fire DATE: 22/2/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The historical mosque in Denya, Southern Cyprus, was set on fire by an unidentified person or persons. Greek Cypriot Administration President Nikos Anastasiadis strongly condemned the arson of the mosque. READ ARTICLE
757. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kimse, Kuzey Kıbrıs'ta yaşamı durdurmamızı beklemesin ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: No one should expect us to freeze life in Northern Cyprus DATE: 5/3/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Mustafa Akıncı responded to the statements of the Greek Cypriot Administration officials in the press, saying, If there is no Guzelyurt (Morphou) there is no solution. READ ARTICLE
758. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Sizi Lefkaralı Mariku ile tanıştırayım ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Let me introduce you to Mariku from Lefkara AUTHOR: Marilna Evangelou DATE: 19/3/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author discusses the Cyprus problem based on the narration of Mariku from Lefkara. READ ARTICLE
759. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum kaynakları çözümden önce paylaşmayız ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We do not share Greek resources before a solution DATE: 1/4/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Leader Anastasiadis said that it is out of the question for them to evaluate and manage the natural resources of the island together with the Turkish Cypriots before the solution of the Cyprus problem. READ ARTICLE
760. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis: Biz bun momentumun devamını değil, çözüm istiyoruz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis: We do not want the continuation of this momentum, we want a solution DATE: 20/4/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akıncı and the Greek Cypriot leader Anastasiadis met yesterday within the framework of the Cyprus negotiations. Anastasiadis stated that the solution should be in a way that responds to the concerns of both communities. READ ARTICLE
761. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kuzey Kıbrıs yüzde 16 daha ucuz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Northern Cyprus is 16 percent cheaper DATE: 21/4/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Commerce announced the results of the Comparative Price Levels study it conducted to determine the price differences between Northern Cyprus and Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
762. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Şampiyonluk APOEL'in ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Championship goes to APOEL DATE: 4/5/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: APOEL became champions in the Southern Cyprus 1st League. With this success, APOEL achieved its fourth consecutive championship and 25th championship in total. READ ARTICLE
763. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis'ten suçluların cezalandırılması talep edildi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis was requested to punish the criminals DATE: 8/5/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Presidency condemned the Greek Cypriots on motorcycles attacking 3 Turkish Cypriots in Southern Nicosia over the weekend. READ ARTICLE
764. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rum ve Kıbrıslı Türk öğrenciler çalıştayda bir araya geldi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Cypriot Greek and Cypriot Turkish students came together at the workshop. DATE: 10/5/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Approximately 160 Cypriot Greek and Cypriot Turkish students from various age groups came together at the workshop as part of a two-year peace culture education project focusing on the field of education. READ ARTICLE
765. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: 3 Rumdan biri dönmeye hazır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: One out of three Greek Cypriots is ready to return. DATE: 16/5/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Nikos Anastasiadis stated that the solution to the Cyprus problem should address the concerns of both Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
766. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güney bugün sandık başına gidiyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The south is heading to the polls today. DATE: 22/5/2016 READ ARTICLE
767. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Boykotçu darbesi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Boycott blow. AUTHOR: Şener Levent, Açı corner DATE: 23/5/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: ELAM entered the parliament for the first time and secured two seats. READ ARTICLE
768. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Seçimin süprizi ELAM ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The surprise of the election: ELAM. DATE: 23/5/2016 READ ARTICLE
769. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis Akıncı ile görüşmesini iptal etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiades canceled his meeting with Akıncı. DATE: 25/5/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Republic of Cyprus Nikos Anastasiades left Istanbul, where he attended the World Humanitarian Summit, not today as previously planned, but yesterday. READ ARTICLE
770. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Çocuklar sınırları aştı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Children crossed boundaries DATE: 3/6/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Within the framework of confidence-building measures in Cyprus, a group of Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot children came together in the buffer zone on the occasion of World Children's Day. READ ARTICLE
771. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Çocuklarla oyun oynadılar, barış mesajları verdiler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They played games with children and gave peace messages DATE: 3/6/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Akıncı and Greek leader Anastasiadis met with students from both communities in the Nicosia buffer zone on the occasion of June 1, World Children's Day. READ ARTICLE
772. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: endişeler giderilmeli ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The concerns must be addressed. DATE: 6/7/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Call from Anastasiadis to Turkish Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
773. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rum sporcular, Trabzon'da kürsüde! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot athletes are on the podium in Trabzon! AUTHOR: Eren Şişik DATE: 20/7/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Türkiye and the Republic of Cyprus, which claim at every opportunity that they do not know each other, competed in another organization. Trabzon hosted the World School Sports Olympics, which are held every three years. Greek Cypriot athletes participating on behalf of the Republic of Cyprus completed the organization with 13 medals. Turkish Cypriots also continued to watch such sports organizations from afar. READ ARTICLE
774. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Bir ELAM klasiği ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: An ELAM classic. DATE: 21/7/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A group of 30 ELAM members staged a protest at the barricade, halting crossings for a while. READ ARTICLE
775. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: ELAM yine kin kustu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: ELAM spits venom again DATE: 21/7/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: ELAM, the far-right Greek National People's Front in Southern Cyprus, organized a protest in 'Uzunyol' (Ledra Street) to condemn the July 20, 1974. READ ARTICLE
776. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Savaş, düşmanlık ve kin, yüreklerde bir yüktür ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: War, enmity and hatred are burdens on hearts DATE: 18/8/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Akıncı spoke at the Tashkent (Dohni) Martyrs' commemoration ceremony where 33 martyrs were buried. READ ARTICLE
777. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs'ın güneyinden kuzeye 'elektrik paylaşımı' ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Sharing electricity' from the south of Cyprus to the north DATE: 24/8/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Due to the malfunction in two steam units at the Teknecik Power Plant, 'energy' sharing is provided from south to north of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
778. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: TMK çözüme kadar görevinin başında ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: TMK will continue to serve until a solution DATE: 4/9/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After a Greek Cypriot filed a complaint in the ECHR regarding the effectiveness of the Immovable Property Commission (TMK) as a domestic legal remedy, the future of the commission became a hot topic. READ ARTICLE
779. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kritik parametreleri iyileştirmeyi başardık ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We managed to improve the critical parameters. DATE: 5/9/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Leader Anastasiadis announced that they have managed to improve the important and critical parameters included in the plans that have been rejected by the Cypriot people until now. READ ARTICLE
780. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde 'dönüşüm' meselesi tamam... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The 'transformation' issue in the south is okay... DATE: 17/9/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that the Greek Cypriot leadership sees the continuation of the Establishment Agreements, which it considers as securing the transfer/transformation of the Republic of Cyprus from a unitary state to a federation, as the strongest element in this direction, out of the rapprochement and mutual understandings achieved so far on three headings in the negotiations. READ ARTICLE
781. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslırumlar'da eğitimin özü son 200 senedir değişmedi! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The essence of education in Greek Cypriots has not changed in the last 200 years! AUTHOR: Sevgul Uludag DATE: 3/10/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to Dr Hristina Valanidu, who studies the history of the Greek Cypriot education system, the essence of education in Greek Cypriots has not changed since 1812 READ ARTICLE
782. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Barış için cesaret şart ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Courage is essential for peace. DATE: 3/10/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A formal parade was organized in the South to commemorate the anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
783. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Çözümün kimin istemediği görüldü ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: It was seen who didn't want the solution. DATE: 5/10/2016 READ ARTICLE
784. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis: Ara anlaşmaya yok ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis: No interim agreement. DATE: 8/10/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Greek Cypriot Administration Nikos Anastasiadis stated that there will be no interim agreement in the Cyprus issue. READ ARTICLE
785. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis: Omorfo şart ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis: Omorfo condition. DATE: 10/10/2016 READ ARTICLE
786. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Köylüler, İngiliz askerlerini kuşattı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The villagers surrounded the British soldiers. DATE: 21/10/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In the village of Asilafagu, located near Larnaca, villagers surrounded an area where around 100 British soldiers were stationed, alleging that they had cut down some trees. READ ARTICLE
787. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Aşı güneyde kullanılırsa, bizde de kullanılacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: If the vaccine is used in the south, we will use it too DATE: 21/10/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Administration officials are preparing to take precautions regarding the Blue Tongue disease seen in small cattle, and TRNC officials are waiting for the step to be taken by Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
788. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: kıyı şeridinde uzlaşı olmazsa sorunla karşılaşılacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: If there is no agreement on the coastline, we will encounter a problem. DATE: 2/11/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot spokesperson Hristodulidis emphasized that if there is no agreement on coastal issues and cultural and religious monuments on the map, there will be a problem in the negotiations in Switzerland. READ ARTICLE
789. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hedef olabildiğinde Kıbrıslı Rum'un topraklarına dönmesi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The goal is for the return of the Greek Cypriots to their lands when possible. DATE: 5/11/2016 READ ARTICLE
790. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: 10 bin euro para cezası ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A fine of 10,000 euros. DATE: 6/11/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Cyprus Football Association will impose fines on those traveling from Ercan. READ ARTICLE
791. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde çözüme destek gösterileri ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Support rallies for the solution in the south. DATE: 16/11/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Both university and high school youth in the Republic of Cyprus organized demonstrations to protest the independence of the separatist TRNC and to express support for the ongoing negotiations for the resolution of the Cyprus issue. READ ARTICLE
792. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Barışın tam zamanı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: It's time for peace AUTHOR: Levent Ozdag DATE: 19/11/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Cypriots took to the streets to express their demand for peace before the second Mont Pelerin Summit, and Nicosia Dereboyu groaned with the slogans Peace cannot be prevented in Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
793. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Çözüm masada, barış sokakta ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The solution is on the table, peace is at the streets DATE: 22/11/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Bi-communal Rally in support of political leaders was held in the buffer zone with the participation of approximately 1500 people from the Turkish and Greek sides, calling on the leaders to reach a mutually acceptable federal solution. READ ARTICLE
794. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türk öğrencilerin verdikleri mücadeleyle dayanışma içerisindeyiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We are in solidarity with the struggle of Turkish Cypriot students DATE: 3/12/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: PSEM supported the students' protest by publishing a press release regarding the traffic accident that occurred on the Kyrenia-Değirmenlik mountain road the other day. READ ARTICLE
795. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: İtiraf etti, planı anlattı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: He confessed and explained the plan DATE: 20/12/2016
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Pavlos Pavlikkas, who was arrested for allegedly stealing gold worth 136 thousand TL from Emtaş Kuyumculuk in Famagusta with three other people, confessed his crime. READ ARTICLE
796. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Haritalar tamam, sıra tarihi zirvede ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Maps are done, now it's time for the historical summit DATE: 12/1/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Leaders, presented the maps they prepared mutually and simultaneously last night during the ongoing Cyprus negotiations in Geneva. The Cyprus Conference, where Security and Guarantees will be discussed, is being held today. READ ARTICLE
797. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Son yılların modası Rum oyuncu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The trend of the last years is Grek Cypriot player AUTHOR: Huseyin Ozbarisci DATE: 23/1/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In recent years, the Turkish Cypriot Football Federation (KTFF) started to transfer Greek Cypriot players, albeit in a limited number, to the teams. With this decision, which has been implemented since the 2014-2015 season, 6 Greek Cypriot football players were transferred to the north of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
798. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: ELAM örgütünden tehdit alıyorum ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: I am receiving threats from the ELAM organization DATE: 2/2/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Prime Minister Hüseyin Özgürgün said that he was declared persona non grata on the Greek side because he said Turkish soldiers will not leave the island and that he also received threats from the ELAM organization. READ ARTICLE
799. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum ekologlardan karşı karar teklifi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The decision proposal from the Greek Cypriot ecologists. DATE: 5/2/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Against the proposal of DISY, which transfers the authority to determine anniversaries to be commemorated in Greek Cypriot schools from the parliament to the Ministry of Education and is supported by AKEL, ecologists have put forward a counterproposal regarding the Enosis Plebiscite in the Greek Cypriot parliament. READ ARTICLE
800. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis: Türkiye'deki referanduma kadar süreç canlı tutulmalı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis: The process should be kept alive until the referendum in Turkey DATE: 7/2/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Anastasiadis said that negotiations for the solution of the Cyprus problem should be kept under wraps until the referendum on constitutional amendments. READ ARTICLE
801. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Toz Duman İçindeki halimiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Our situation in dust and smoke AUTHOR: Nese Yasin DATE: 12/3/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates the division in Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
802. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Akıncı, Anastasiadis ile buluşmaya hazır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Akıncı is ready to meet with Anastasiadis DATE: 24/3/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Presidential Spokesperson Barış Burcu announced that the Greek Parliament taking the necessary steps in a short time to end the celebration of the ENOSIS plebiscite in schools will allow the negotiation process to restart READ ARTICLE
803. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneydeki meclisin kararından sonra... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: After the decision of the southern parliament... DATE: 25/3/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After the decision to cancel the celebration of enosis in schools during yesterday's session of the Greek Cypriot Parliament, Eleni Theocharous, the leader of the anti-federal solution Solidarity Movement Party, declared a national mourning on social media. READ ARTICLE
804. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Endişe yüzlerinden okunuyordu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Their concern was evident on their faces. DATE: 4/4/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was noted that during the dinner meeting, Anastasiadis urged for the negotiations to start promptly and unconditionally, while Akıncı insisted that negotiations should not begin until the law related to Enosis is annulled by the Greek Cypriot Parliament. READ ARTICLE
805. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Türk ve Rum gazeteciler ağaç dikti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish and Greek journalists planted trees DATE: 6/4/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Boards of Directors of the Cyprus Turkish Journalists Association and the Cyprus Greek Journalists Association conducted a symbolic tree planting. READ ARTICLE
806. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: DİSİ'nin önerisi Rum meclisinden kavgayla geçti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The proposal of DISY passed through the Greek Cypriot Parliament amidst controversy. DATE: 8/4/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot government expressed its regret over the events in the parliament. READ ARTICLE
807. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Ayin yasağı Meclis'e taşındı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The ban of a religious ritual brought to the parliament's agenda DATE: 12/4/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs' refusal to allow the ritual that the Greeks wanted to hold at Ay Ikserino Church on Easter was discussed in the Parliament. READ ARTICLE
808. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde ırkçılık yükselişte ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The rise of racism is increasing in the south. DATE: 18/4/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Racism incidents have increased in South Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
809. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum yönetiminden öğrencilere sınırdışı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Translate expelling students from the Greek administration DATE: 19/4/2017 READ ARTICLE
810. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Müzakerelerde kritik dönemeç ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A critical juncture in negotiations DATE: 20/4/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: After the retreat of the Greek Cypriot Parliament regarding the decision to celebrate the enosis referendum in schools, the leaders, who returned to the negotiation table on April 11 after a two-month hiatus, are continuing negotiations today. READ ARTICLE
811. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Müzakereler hemen başlamalı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Negotiations should start immediately DATE: 21/4/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Leader Anastasiadis stated during him contacts in London that solution negotiations should start immediately. READ ARTICLE
812. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: CTP ve AKEL, Tuzla'da ağaç dikecek... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: CTP and AKEL will plant trees in Tuzla... DATE: 21/4/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: CTP and AKEL Famagusta district representatives will plant trees in Tuzla with the slogan Plant a tree for friendship. READ ARTICLE
813. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: AKEL Genel Sekreteri Andros Kiprianu: Çözümden daha fazla uzaklaştık ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: AKEL General Secretary Andros Kyprianou: We have moved further away from a solution. DATE: 24/4/2017 READ ARTICLE
814. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: KKTC takımlarındaki Kıbrıslı Rum futbolcular konuştu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Cypriot Greek footballers from the TRNC teams spoke out. DATE: 27/4/2017 READ ARTICLE
815. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Lefkara'da Kıbrıs Türk taşınmazlarının kullanımına müdahale ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Intervention in the use of Turkish Cypriot real estate in Lefkara DATE: 18/5/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was stated that Turkish Cypriot real estate in Lefkara village was used by those who were not rightful owners. READ ARTICLE
816. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Irkçı Papaz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Racist Priest DATE: 18/5/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Church Hrisostomos criticized Greek leader Nikos Anastasiadis for accepting that people of Turkish origin would remain in Cyprus in a possible agreement. READ ARTICLE
817. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rum şirket 2.5 milyon Euro'yu da kaybetti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek (Cypriot) company lost the 2.5 million Euros as well DATE: 19/5/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek company, which was the owner of the Acapulco Holiday Village before 1974, objected to the usage and compensation fee of 2.5 million Euros determined by the Immovable Property Commission and lost the case it filed with the Supreme Administrative Court, demanding 18 million Euros. READ ARTICLE
818. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs'ta insanlık ayıbı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Shame on humanity in Southern Cyprus DATE: 16/6/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Government does not allow Erkan Bozkurt, who moved from the north to the south of the island 12 years ago, married a Greek Cypriot woman and had three children, to register the kids as his own, because his father is from Turkey. READ ARTICLE
819. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Katliamı yapanlar hariç, hiçbir Kıbrıslırum'a karşı nefret duymuyorum... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: I do not feel hatred towards any Greek Cypriots, except for those who carried out the massacre... AUTHOR: Sevgul Uludag DATE: 17/6/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Suat Kafadar from Dohni, the only survivor of the 84 people killed in the massacre carried out by EOKA-B in Dohni in 1974 and buried in two separate mass graves, said, I do not feel hatred towards Greek Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
820. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Müzakerelere yeni yöntem ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: New method for negotiations. DATE: 2/7/2017 READ ARTICLE
821. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Eski Rum bakanın eşinden mahkemede Türk malı savunması ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The former Greek Cypriot minister's spouse defends Turkish property in court.
822. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: RMMO her durum için hazır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: GNGA is ready for any situation DATE: 3/7/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Rum Defense Minister Fokaides stated that the Cyprus National Guard is operationally ready against Turkey's aggressive activities regarding natural gas and that they have operational plans for every situation. READ ARTICLE
823. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Garantilerde çıkmaz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Stalemate in Guarantees DATE: 4/7/2017 READ ARTICLE
824. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Yine Hüsran ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Disappointment again DATE: 7/7/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Cyprus Conference ended in failure on the 10th day of the talks. READ ARTICLE
825. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar kuzeydeki mallarını satıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek Cypriots are selling their properties in the north. DATE: 9/7/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Driven to complete despair by the failure of the negotiations, property owners in the south have now begun to take action to sell their properties in the north... READ ARTICLE
826. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: rans Montana’da kapanan son perdeden sonra tek çıkış yolu Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The only way out after the final curtain falls in Crans Montana is the Republic of Cyprus. DATE: 10/7/2017 READ ARTICLE
827. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis birlik içinde mücadelenin önemini vurguladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis emphasized the importance of struggle in unity DATE: 16/7/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Leader Nikos Anastasiadis made a statement to journalists after the religious ceremony held yesterday morning at the Ay Konstantin and Eleni Church in Nicosia for those who lost their lives in the coup. READ ARTICLE
828. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türkler geleceklerine karar vermeli ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish Cypriots should decide their future.
829. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs Rum müteahhit, askeri mahkemde ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot contractor in court martial AUTHOR: Ayse Guler DATE: 4/8/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A Greek Cypriot construction contractor and retired archaeologist who went to search for limestone in the Kırıkkale region were arrested on the grounds that they secretly entered and violated the first degree military restricted area. READ ARTICLE
830. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Fiyatlar aynı, kazançlar farklı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Prices are the same but the wages are different DATE: 8/8/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The prices of vegetables, fruits and legumes sold in the north and south of the island are almost the same, but there is a serious difference between the minimum wages. READ ARTICLE
831. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Metehan'da sabah eziyeti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Morning torment in Ayios Demetios DATE: 16/9/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In Nicosia Ayios Demetios (Metehan) checkpoint, Turkish Cypriots who want to cross Southern Cyprus every day in the early hours of the morning are being tortured by the Greek Administration as it is insisting on using only one official at the gate. READ ARTICLE
832. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Aynı metotla bir yre varılamayacağı ortada ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: It is obvious that we cannot get anywhere with the same method DATE: 24/9/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Mustafa Akıncı said that they were of the same opinion with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres regarding the future of the process in Cyprus, and that Guterres did not intend to make any attempt to revive the process due to the upcoming elections in Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
833. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis'e göre süreç tekrarlanacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: According to Anastasiadis, the process will be repeated.DATE: 2/10/2017 READ ARTICLE
834. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: 1 Ekim töreninde f-16'lar uçtu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: F-16 jets flew during the October 1st ceremony.DATE: 2/10/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Two F-16 aircraft from Greece flew during the official parade ceremony in South Cyprus on October 1st. READ ARTICLE
835. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneydeki 1 Ekim resmi geçit töreninde f-16'ları da uçtu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: F-16s also flew during the October 1st parade in the south. DATE: 2/10/2017 READ ARTICLE
836. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türk sürücü tutuklandı! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Turkish Cypriot driver is get arrested! DATE: 4/10/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: 65-year-old Greek Cypriot Yorgos Hristodoulou lost his life in a traffic accident that occurred in the early hours of yesterday morning on the Nicosia-Limassol main road in the south of Cyprus, and a Turkish Cypriot was arrested for the accident. READ ARTICLE
837. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis adaylığını resmen açıkladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis officially announced his candidacy. DATE: 15/10/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Administration President Nikos Anastasiadis officially announced today that he is running for re-election in the presidential elections. READ ARTICLE
838. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Müzakerelere Maskaralık dedi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: He called the Negotiations a farce DATE: 16/10/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Foreign Minister Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu said, Reviving the farce negotiations that have been going on for 50 years is out of question. READ ARTICLE
839. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs'ta dini liderler bir araya geldi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Religious leaders in Cyprus came together DATE: 14/11/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Religious leaders in Cyprus came together at a reception held upon the invitation of the Archdiocese of the Greek Orthodox Church of Cyprus, on the occasion of St Chryostom Feast, the name day of the archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Church of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
840. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Güneydeki seçimden nasıl bir Rum lider çıkmalı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: What kind of a Greek (Cypriot) leader should win the elections in the south? AUTHOR: Ali Baturay DATE: 17/11/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In an article he penned over the upcoming presidential elections in Southern Cyprus, Ali Baturay wrote that he sees Nikos Anastasiadis as the 'best of the bad'. READ ARTICLE
841. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Şarkılar barışa adandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Songs were dedicated to peace DATE: 8/12/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Songs dedicated to peace were once again sung at the joint concert organized by the Nicosia Municipal Orchestra, in which the Bi-Communal Choir for Peace participated as a guest choir. READ ARTICLE
842. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Bize ulaşın, ortak mücadele verelim ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Contact us, let's fight together DATE: 21/12/2017
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Şener Elcil, the Secretary- General of the Turkish Cypriot Teachers' Union (KTÖS), asked those born from mixed marriages and having difficulties in obtaining Republic of Cyprus citizenship to contact the union. READ ARTICLE
843. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs plakalı araçlar kundaklandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Vehicles with Southern Cyprus license plates were arsoned DATE: 2/1/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In the early hours of yesterday morning, two vehicles with Southern Cyprus license plates were set on fire in Famagusta. READ ARTICLE
844. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Üçlü zirveyle yeni anlaşmalar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: New agreements with the tripartite summit DATE: 17/1/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: At the tripartite summit held yesterday between Southern Cyprus-Jordan-Greece, cooperation agreements were signed in the fields of renewable energy resources, recognition of sailors' certificates and protection of cultural heritage. READ ARTICLE
845. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Milli Muhafız Ordusu'na açık deniz gemisi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Seagoing ship for the Greek National Guard DATE: 17/1/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The offshore ship purchased by the Greek Administration from Israel was delivered to the Greek National Guard Army. READ ARTICLE
846. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Türkiye bıraksın da kaderimize biz karar verelim ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Türkiye leave us, let us determine our fate DATE: 18/1/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek leader Anastasiadis criticizes Turkey for ending its influence on Turkish Cypriots for not allowing them to decide their future READ ARTICLE
847. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Lefkoşa'da Öcalan bayraklarıyla yürüyüş ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Marching with Öcalan flags in South Nicosia DATE: 20/1/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Kurds living in Southern Cyprus held a march in Southern Nicosia to protest Turkey's so-called Afrin attacks. READ ARTICLE
848. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Nikolas Stelya'nın KKTC'ye girişi engellendi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Entry ban to TRNC for Nikolas Stelya DATE: 27/1/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: TRNC police prevented journalist Nikolaos Stelya’s crossing to TRNC from South of Cyprus without giving any explanation as to the reason. READ ARTICLE
849. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Güney, Anastasiadis ile beş yıl daha dedi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The South said five more years with Anastasiadis DATE: 5/2/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Anastasiadis, who competed with AKEL- supported Stavros Malas in the second round of the presidential elections in Southern Cyprus, was elected as the president of the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus for the second time. READ ARTICLE
850. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum liderliği tansiyonu yükseltmekte ısrarcı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek Cypriot leadership insists on increasing tension DATE: 11/2/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Deputy Prime Minister and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that the Greek Cypriot leadership insists on increasing the tension in the region regarding the natural gas issue, and warned that as long as steps are taken that ignore our rights and cooperation is not approached, we, as the TRNC, will not refrain from taking corresponding steps together with the Republic of Turkey. READ ARTICLE
851. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: 1 yılda 2 bin vatandaşlık nasıl olur? Yanlıştır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: How can 2 thousand citizenships be obtained in 1 year? It is wrong DATE: 2/3/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Akıncı evaluated the ethnic discrimination in the country, the importance of the rights of Turkish Cypriots in the Cyprus problem and the Greek side's approach to the parameters. READ ARTICLE
852. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Özersay: Rum Basını, AİHM kararlarını yanıltıcı yansıtıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Özersay: Greek (Cypriot) Press reflects ECHR decisions in a misleading way DATE: 23/3/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Kudret Özersay said that the decision of the European Court of Human Rights regarding the Immovable Property Commission was very clear, but the issue was covered in a deliberately misleading way in the Greek press. READ ARTICLE
853. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Gündemsiz görüşme ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: meeting without agenda DATE: 1/4/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was stated that there will be no agenda at the social dinner that the leaders will hold on April 16 and that the parties will identify each other's intentions during the meeting. READ ARTICLE
854. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Derinya Kapısı'nı açın, Mağusa soluk alsın ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Open the Derinya Checkpoint let Famagusta breathe DATE: 1/4/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots held simultaneous demonstrations in the north and south of the Derinya border gate for the opening of the checkpoint without wasting any more time. READ ARTICLE
855. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs adasında barış ve huzur içinde yaşayabiliriz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We can live in peace and tranquility on the island of Cyprus DATE: 2/4/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Mustafa Akıncı said that peace and tranquility can be lived in Cyprus if those who govern the Greek Cypriot side accept that there is a society equal to them in these lands and are willing to share and govern Cyprus under equal conditions. READ ARTICLE
856. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Egemenliğimizi EOKA'cılara borçluyuz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We owe our sovereignty to EOKA members DATE: 3/4/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The founding anniversary of EOKA was celebrated with various events the day before in Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
857. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Siyasi eşitliği kabul ediyoruz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We accept political equality DATE: 5/4/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek leader Anastasiadis emphasized that the Greek side will accept the political equality of the Turkish Cypriots with great respect, but does not accept numerical equality. READ ARTICLE
858. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlarda zihniyet değişikliği yok ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: There is no change in mentality among Greeks DATE: 17/4/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Leaders came together last night. After the meeting Akıncı said there is no change in mentality among Greeks. READ ARTICLE
859. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Guterres çerçevesi Stratejik bir paket anlaşması olsun ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Let Guterres framework to be a strategic package agreement DATE: 1/5/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Mustafa Akıncı asked the Greek Cypriot side to express as soon as possible if they are ready to accept the Guterres Framework as it is presented, without diluting it or distorting it with its own interpretation. READ ARTICLE
860. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kilise çanları Karpaz'da 27 yıl sonra il kez düğün için çaldı... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The church bells rang for the wedding in Karpaz for the first time in 27 years...... AUTHOR: Gamze Pir Baykur DATE: 20/5/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The bells of Ayios Synesiou Church in Karpaz rang for the first time in 27 years for the happiness of the groom from Karpaz and the bride from Rhodes. READ ARTICLE
861. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis'ten dönüşümlü başkanlığa ön şart... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Prerequisite for rotating presidency from Anastasiadis... DATE: 24/6/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot leader Nicos Anastasiades said that a rotating presidency is something that has been agreed upon in the past. READ ARTICLE
862. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti pasaportu için 5 bin 152 başvuru ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 5 thousand 152 applications for Republic of Cyprus passport DATE: 27/6/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Turkish Cypriot Teachers' Union and the Turkish Cypriot Secondary Education Teachers' Union provided information about the applications of people who have problems obtaining a Republic of Cyprus passport, and announced that an office will be opened as of July 2 in order to assist those who have not applied. READ ARTICLE
863. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Meclisi'nden darbe ve harekat kınaması ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Condemnation of coup and operation from the Greek Parliament DATE: 17/7/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The coup and the Peace Operation were condemned in the special session held in the Greek Parliament READ ARTICLE
864. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Erhürman: Kıbrıs Rum halkını yöntenler statükoyu korumak istiyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Erhürman: Those who govern the Greek Cypriot people want to preserve the status quo DATE: 20/7/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Prime Minister Tufan Erhurman said that the main obstacle to the solution of the Cyprus problem is that the rulers of the Greek Cypriot people do not want to govern the island together with the Turkish Cypriots and share the island's opportunities with the Turkish Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
865. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar'ın uzlaşmaz tavrı sürüyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots' uncompromising attitude continues DATE: 25/7/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Fikri Ataoğlu, the Minister of Tourism and Environment criticized the attitude of the Greek Ministry of Energy, which he argued that it forced the members from Greece to resign due to Dr. Ahmet Savaşan's election as the vice president of the World Health Tourism Council. READ ARTICLE
866. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rumların %71.2'si 1963-74 dönemi soruşturulsun ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 71.2% of Greek Cypriots say The period 1963-74 should be investigated DATE: 2/8/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: 71.2% of Greek Cypriots supported that those responsible for crimes committed during inter-communal conflicts and war should be tried and punished if their crimes are proven. READ ARTICLE
867. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Sınır kapılarını kapattılar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They closed the checkpoints DATE: 5/8/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A thousand Greek motorcyclists held demonstrations in Nicosia’s 3 checkpoints on the 22nd death anniversary of Tasos Isaak and Solomos Solomu, who lost their lives in border incidents in 1996. READ ARTICLE
868. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Yeniden birleşme olanakları boğucu bir şekilde daralıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The possibilities for reunification suffocatingly narrowing DATE: 2/9/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot organizations made a joint statement and called for unity on the occasion of September 1, World Peace Day. READ ARTICLE
869. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs Türkiye'nin kıyılarına yakın noktalara kadar navtex ilan etti. ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Southern Cyprus declared navtex to points close to the coasts of Turkey. DATE: 19/9/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It has been reported that Southern Cyprus has issued a Navtex that reaches very close points of the Turkish coast to carry out search and rescue operations. READ ARTICLE
870. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türklere çağrı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Call to Turkish Cypriots DATE: 2/10/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Anastasiades made a statement to the press after the military parade in the capital Nicosia on the occasion of the 58th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Cyprus on October 1. READ ARTICLE
871. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Pile'de neler oluyor? ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: What's happening in Pyla? DATE: 12/10/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek police raided the workplace registered in the name of Turkish Cypriot Ahmet Çavuşoğlu in the mixed village of Pyla and seized goods worth 300 TL. Çavuşoğlu claimed that the Greek police beat him. READ ARTICLE
872. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Hristodulidis: İsteğimiz çözüm iki bölgeli iki toplumlu federasyondur ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Christodoulides: The solution we want is a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation DATE: 1/11/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Lute, advisor to the UN Secretary General, met with Anastasiades and Christodoulides yesterday. READ ARTICLE
873. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Derinya Kapısı Mağusa'nın soluk borusu oldu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Derinya Checkpoint became the windpipe of Famagusta DATE: 13/11/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Derinya checkpoint was opened with the participation of hundreds of both Turkish and Greek Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
874. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Statükonun devamı her iki toplum açısından tehlikeli ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Continuation of the status quo is dangerous for both societies DATE: 13/11/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Mustafa Akıncı held a press conference on the Cyprus issue. READ ARTICLE
875. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Bu zenginliğin tek sahibi gibi konuşmayı bıraksın ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: He should stop talking like he's the sole owner of this wealth DATE: 17/12/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Administration Leader Nikos Anastasiadis proposed sharing the natural riches of the island based on a population ratio of 4 to 1, which was met with reaction by Turkish Cypriot politicians. READ ARTICLE
876. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Yeniden birleşmiş bir ada ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A reunified island DATE: 19/12/2018
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Bi-Communal Peace Initiative, United Cyprus, visited the UN Secretary-General's Special Representative in Cyprus and UNFICYP Head of Mission, Elizabeth Spehar, and presented the main expectations of non-governmental organizations on across the divide. READ ARTICLE
877. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Federasyon bir ortaklıktır...Ortak olmak istemeyen bir tarafla zorla ortak olunamaz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Federation is a partnership... You cannot be forced to become a partner with a party that does not want to be a partner. DATE: 21/1/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Former Prime Minister and parliament speaker Sİbel Siber evaluated the Cyprus negotiations. READ ARTICLE
878. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Iosif'in suç ortağı Girne'de yakalandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Losif's accomplice was caught in Kyrenia AUTHOR: Ahmet Vamık DATE: 22/1/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Miroslav Balazovjech, the accomplice of Greek Cypriot Losif Losif, the former vice-president of APOEL, who is wanted for attempted manslaughter in Southern Cyprus and was captured in the TRNC, where he fled, and the person who hid him at home were arrested on a tip-off. READ ARTICLE
879. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kizilyurek: Kıbrıs'ın bütün insanlarına karşı sorumluyum ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Kizilyurek: I am responsible to all the people of Cyprus DATE: 19/2/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Speaking at the European Parliament candidate promotion event, Niyazi Kızılyürek said that it requires being responsible and sensitive towards all the people of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
880. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: AKEL ve DİKO'dan Anastasiadis'e sert eleştiriler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Harsh criticism of Anastasiades from AKEL and DIKO DATE: 20/2/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Greek Cypriot Administration Nikos Anastasiades, after an interview with Politis, it was stated that political parties have become a target board READ ARTICLE
881. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar en çok orduya güveniyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks trust the army the most DATE: 18/3/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It turned out that almost a tenth of Greek Cypriots do not trust Greek political parties, and the institution they trust the most is the army READ ARTICLE
882. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs'ta 1.2 milyon Euro'luk uyuşturucu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 1.2 Million Euros worth of drugs in Southern Cyprus DATE: 20/3/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: More than 100 kilos of cannabis were seized in an operation in Limassol. It was announced that the amount in question was the largest amount of cannabis seized in the South to date. READ ARTICLE
883. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Drogba gelecekmiş, Drogbalar hepsi orada olsa ne yazar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Drogba is coming, what would happen if all the Drogbas were there? DATE: 20/3/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Akıncı said that the most regrettable thing about not attending the bi-communal event was the attitude of UNFICYP. READ ARTICLE
884. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: 243 Türk ve 829 Rum hâlâ kayıp, zaman tükeniyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 243 Turks and 829 Greeks are still missing, time is running out AUTHOR: Interview - Mustafa Gürsel DATE: 8/4/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Gülden Plümer Küçük, the Turkish Cypriot member of The Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus, called on those who have information about missing persons or their burial places to contact the committee. READ ARTICLE
885. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kuzeydeki kayıp kazılarında çıkan sonuçlar hayal kırıcı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The results of missing people excavations in the north are disappointing DATE: 28/4/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Commissioner for Humanitarian Affairs Fotis Fotiou stated that, as the southern part of Cyprus and the relatives of the Greek Cypriot missing persons, they are not satisfied with the speed and results of the Missing Persons Committee, but they will support the committee's work. READ ARTICLE
886. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: 1 Mayıs, İki Toplumlu Miting ve Ara bölge... Karanlıkta kaybolan 'coşku'! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 1st of May, Bi-Communal Rally and the Buffer zone... 'Enthusiasm' which was lost in the darkness! AUTHOR: Meltem Sonay DATE: 3/5/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: May 1 was celebrated bi-communally. READ ARTICLE
887. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: DİSİ-AKEL gerginliği tırmanıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: DISI-AKEL tensions are escalating DATE: 22/5/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Anastasiadis accused Kiprianu of a Nihilistic approach, while AKEL referred to Anastasiadis and DISI as Goebbels READ ARTICLE
888. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Dimitris Hristofyas, hayatını kaybetti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Dimitris Hristofyas has lost his life DATE: 22/6/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The 6th president of the Greek administration died yesterday in the hospital where he was being treated READ ARTICLE
889. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Dimitir Hristofyas'ın vefatı hakkında ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: About the death of Demetris Christofias DATE: 22/6/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Akıncı, Talat, TDP and CTP commemorated the death of Christofias. READ ARTICLE
890. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Maraş konusunda hükümtin izlediği politika boş bir hayal ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The policy followed by the government regarding Varosha is an empty dream DATE: 1/7/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Deputy Prime Minister Kudret Ozersay reacted to Greek leader Anastasiadis' request for the establishment of a technical committee between the two sides regarding the closed Varosha issue. READ ARTICLE
891. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Öneride gelir paylaşımı da yer alıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The proposal also includes revenue sharing DATE: 16/7/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Mustafa Akıncı's proposal on hydrocarbons, delivered to Greek leader Anastasiadis through the UN, consists of 9 articles. READ ARTICLE
892. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Yönetimi, Güney Kıbrıs'tan emekli Kıbrıslı Türkleri mağdur etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek Administration aggrieved Turkish Cypriots who were retired from Southern Cyprus DATE: 2/8/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Due to the amendment made to the Social Insurance Law in Southern Cyprus, retirees living in regions outside the sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus cannot benefit from health services. READ ARTICLE
893. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Masada alternatif çözüm gündemi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Alternative solution agenda on the table DATE: 27/8/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Regarding the solution, it was claimed that the Turkish Cypriot side wants all kinds of alternative solutions, starting from the confederation to two separate states, to be on the negotiation table in case an agreement cannot be reached on the bi-zonal, bi-communal federation model, and therefore they are pressuring to keep the negotiation agenda open. READ ARTICLE
894. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Hükümet Maraş konusunda geri adım atmayacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The government will not step back over Varosha DATE: 14/9/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Prime Minister Ersin Tatar said it is out of the question for the government to step back regarding the Varosha, in response to Greek leader Anastasiadis' statement saying that he will take the Varosha issue to the United Nations Security Council. READ ARTICLE
895. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Burcu: Kıbrıs sorunu siyaseten eşit iki varlık ilişkisiyle çözümlenecektir ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Burcu: The Cyprus problem will be resolved with the relationship of two politically equal entities DATE: 19/9/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Presidential Spokesperson Barış Burcu said that it was wrong for Greek Cypriot leader Anastasiadis to attempt to define the Cyprus problem in terms of a minority-majority relationship. READ ARTICLE
896. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Federal devletlerde siyasi eşitlik tartışma konusu değildir... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Political equality is not a matter of discussion in federal states... AUTHOR: Unal Fındık DATE: 4/10/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author discusses political equality and bi-zonal federation in the context of the Cyprus negotiations. READ ARTICLE
897. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rum liderliğinin, statükonun muhafazası çabası nafiledir ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek (Cypriot) leadership's efforts to maintain the status quo are futile DATE: 11/10/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Foreign Ministry said the Greek leadership continues its efforts to maintain the status quo with its efforts to obstruct the initiative taken by the government over closed Varosha. READ ARTICLE
898. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Düşünceler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Thoughts AUTHOR: Asım Akansoy DATE: 16/11/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates Greek Cypriot political parties, the role of the church and Greek Cypriot nationalism in the context of the Cyprus problem. READ ARTICLE
899. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Emekliler Kıbrıs Rum Yönetimi'ne dava açtı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Pensioners filed a lawsuit against the Greek Cypriot Administration DATE: 27/11/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The amendment to the General Health System Law in Southern Cyprus prevented Turkish Cypriots retired from the South from benefiting from the system, and the issue was taken to court. READ ARTICLE
900. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Özersay: Niyetleri; mülteci sorunuysa işbirliğine hazırız, ekonomimize zarar gvermekse karşı tedbir alacağız ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Özersay: If their intention is the refugee problem, we are ready to cooperate; if their intention is to harm our economy, we will take countermeasures. DATE: 2/12/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Kudret Ozersay emphasized that, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, they are closely following the new practice launched at the border gates in the south of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
901. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs Gazetesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kaçak göçmenlerin yüzde 80'i KKTC'den ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 80 Percent of illegal immigrants are from the TRNC DATE: 23/12/2019
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Interior Minister Nuris claimed that there is a serious flow of illegal immigrants from the TRNC to Southern Cyprus READ ARTICLE
902. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney, Türkiye'yi Lahey'e şikayet edecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: South will complain about Turkey to The Hague DATE: 2/1/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Leader Anastasiadis said that they were preparing to apply to the Court of Justice in The Hague regarding Turkey's activities in the Eastern Mediterranean. READ ARTICLE
903. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Türk ve Rum öğrenciler topluca ziyaret yapmalı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish and Greek students should visit together DATE: 4/1/2020 READ ARTICLE
904. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: EastMed'in daha çok yolu var ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: EastMed has a long way to go DATE: 4/1/2020 READ ARTICLE
905. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Türkiye'yle çatışma riskini engellemek için her şeyi yapıyoruz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We are doing everything to prevent the risk of conflict with Turkey DATE: 6/1/2020 READ ARTICLE
906. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum polisi, güvenlik önlemlerini artırdı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek police increased security measures DATE: 8/1/2020 READ ARTICLE
907. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde barajlar peş peşe taşıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Dams are overflowing one after another in the south DATE: 9/1/2020 READ ARTICLE
908. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum polisine TOMA ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: TOMA to the Greek police DATE: 11/1/2020 READ ARTICLE
909. NEWSPAPER: halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlara toplam 300 milyon sterlin tazminat ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A total of 300 million pounds compensation to the Greek Cypriots DATE: 12/1/2020 READ ARTICLE
910. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs'ın federal çatı altında yeniden birleşmesi için çalışılacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Efforts will be made to reunify Cyprus under a federal roof DATE: 19/1/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Third Community Forum Association was established with the aim of working towards the reunification of Cyprus under a federal roof. READ ARTICLE
911. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rum genç cezaevinde ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A Greek Cypriot young person in prison DATE: 29/1/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A Greek Cypriot young person caught with drugs on her/him in Kyrenia was sent to prison. READ ARTICLE
912. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde bir kişide korona şüphesi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Corona suspicion in one person in the south DATE: 1/2/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A Chinese person who came to the south was hospitalized on suspicion of carrying coronavirus READ ARTICLE
913. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde yol güvenliği için yeni önlemler yürürlükte ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: New measures for road safety in force in the south DATE: 2/2/2020 READ ARTICLE
914. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde mülteci patlaması ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Refugee explosion in the south DATE: 3/2/2020 READ ARTICLE
915. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Oruç Reis sözde Rum MEB'inde iddiası ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Oruç Reis claim in the so-called Greek EEZ DATE: 3/2/2020 READ ARTICLE
916. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde kayıtlı 17 bin Kıbrıslı Türk yaşıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 17 thousand registered Turkish Cypriots live in the south DATE: 5/2/2020 READ ARTICLE
917. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Sınır ihlali gerilimi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Border violation tension DATE: 8/2/2020 READ ARTICLE
918. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Hellim, Rum makamlarının tekeline geçiyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hellim is being monopolized by the Greek authorities DATE: 8/2/2020 READ ARTICLE
919. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Hellim konusunda kolektif çaba olmazsa dava kaybedilecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: If no collective effort on halloumi, the case will be lost DATE: 8/2/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Industry said We are facing the risk of halloumi being completely monopolized by the Greek Cypriot authorities. READ ARTICLE
920. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Türk askerine taciz suçlaması ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Harassment accusation against Turkish soldier DATE: 9/2/2020 READ ARTICLE
921. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde özel görüşmeler artık resmen dinlenebilecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Private conversations in the south can now be officially listened to DATE: 9/2/2020 READ ARTICLE
922. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Tarafı KKTC'den patates talep etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Side requested potatoes from TRNC DATE: 12/2/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The potato producers in Southern Cyprus suffered losses due to excessive rainfall and cold weather, and the Greek side requested potatoes from the TRNC. READ ARTICLE
923. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: İşgalciler Maraş'ta ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Invaders are in Varosha DATE: 16/2/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The banner carried by a Greek woman left its mark on the day in the action in which a group of Greeks from Maraş participated. READ ARTICLE
924. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Bir eylem, bir toplantı ve yüreğimize kazının kareler... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: An action, a meeting and images etched in our hearts... DATE: 17/2/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A protest was held for Varosha, which has become a symbol of deadlock and decay in Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
925. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Barikatlarda isyan ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Rebellion at the barricades DATE: 1/3/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Administration's closure of four barricades for a week, citing Corona Virus measures, attracted great reaction. READ ARTICLE
926. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Lokmacı kapandı, Kermiya'da izdiham oldu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Lokmacı was closed, there was a stampede in Kermiya DATE: 1/3/2020 READ ARTICLE
927. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kapıların 7 günlüğüne kapatılma kararı uzatılacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The decision to close the doors for 7 days will be extended DATE: 1/3/2020 READ ARTICLE
928. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Sınır kapısı gerginliği ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Tension over checkpoint DATE: 1/3/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Administration closed the Derinya (Deryneia), Lokmacı (Ledra Street) , Bostancı (Astromeritis) and Aplıç (Lefke) checkpoints, claiming to be a precaution against Coronavirus. Demonstrations were held against the decision on both sides of the Lokmacı checkpoint. READ ARTICLE
929. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Limasol'da Corona Virüsü şüphesi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Corona Virus suspicion in Limassol DATE: 3/3/2020 READ ARTICLE
930. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde olağanüstü önlemler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Extraordinary measures in the south DATE: 16/3/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiadis announced new extraordinary measures throughout the country. READ ARTICLE
931. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde ürküten tablo ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A frightening view in the South DATE: 17/3/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The number of people infected with the new type of Coronavirus in Cyprus reached 52. While two people in the north were taken to the quarantine center in Nicosia on suspicion of Coronavirus, two people in the south were treated and discharged. READ ARTICLE
932. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde 3. ölüm ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 3rd death in the south DATE: 25/3/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A 58-year-old Greek pilot lost him life. READ ARTICLE
933. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis: Önlemlere uyulmazsa bir sonraki adım istisnasız sokağa çıkma yasağı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis: If the measures are not followed, the next step will be a curfew without exception. DATE: 25/3/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Administration President Nikos Anastasiadis shared a post on social media and warned after two people lost their lives in Southern Cyprus today. READ ARTICLE
934. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde krediler ve faizler donduruluyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Loans and interest rates are frozen in the south DATE: 27/3/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Finance Minister Konstantinos Petrides said that they will freeze bank loans and interest rates in the South for nine months... READ ARTICLE
935. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde 4 vakadan 1'i sağlık sektöründen ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 1 in 4 cases in the south are from the healthcare sector DATE: 4/4/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Epidemiological analysis regarding coronavirus was carried out in the south of Cyprus. There is a worrying process going on in the epidemic. READ ARTICLE
936. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kuzeyden iiyi güneyden kötü haberler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Good news from the north, bad news from the south DATE: 5/4/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: While good news came from the north of Cyprus yesterday, there is an unstoppable increase in cases of Coronavirus in the south. READ ARTICLE
937. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyden kuzeye ilaç ve tıbbi malzeme ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Medicine and medical supplies from south to north DATE: 12/4/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Mustafa Akıncı had a telephone conversation with Greek Cypriot Administration President Nikos Anastasiadis yesterday. READ ARTICLE
938. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rum tarafından KKTC'ye ilaç ve malzeme yardımı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Medicine and material aid to TRNC by the Greek Cypriot side DATE: 17/4/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: At the request of the bi-communal Health Committee, Southern Cyprus sent 2 thousand units of Chloroquine and protective equipment against Coronavirus to the North. READ ARTICLE
939. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rumlardan Uzun İnce Bir Yoldayım ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Uzun ince bir yoldayım from Greek Cypriots DATE: 1/5/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot musicians expressed their desire for reunification of the island with Turkish songs. READ ARTICLE
940. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Ara bölgede 7 saat mahsur kaldı, KKTC sahip çıktı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Stranded in the buffer zone for 7 hours, TRNC took care of her DATE: 13/5/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Fotini Amanatidou, a 39-year-old citizen of Southern Cyprus who crossed the TRNC border to go to the Greek Cypriot side of Southern Cyprus to see her children, was stranded in the buffer zone for 7 and a half hours when she was not accepted by the Greek police. READ ARTICLE
941. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Şartlar elverdiğinde açılacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Will open when conditions allow DATE: 17/5/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Administration announced that it will decide to open the border gates between TRNC and Southern Cyprus when conditions allow in accordance with health criteria. READ ARTICLE
942. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs, turiste özel 100 yataklı pandemi hastanesi yaptı. Bizimkiler ne yaptı? 'Kapı açılmasın' bu kadar basit! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The southern Cyprus built a 100-bed pandemic hospital specifically for tourists. What did our people do? 'Do not open the door', it's that simple! DATE: 1/6/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Emphasizing that I am not in favor of opening hotels, Dimag Caginer said that we should not open them before scheduled flights start and the gates to the south are opened. READ ARTICLE
943. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: İsrail'den Güney Kıbrıs'a 100 savaş uçağı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 100 warplanes from Israel to Southern Cyprus DATE: 2/6/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: 100 combat and transport aircraft participated in the exercise conducted by Israel with the Greek Army. READ ARTICLE
944. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: 360 bin kişilik nüfusa 6 bin test yetersiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 6 thousand tests are insufficient for a population of 360 thousand people DATE: 4/6/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Leontios Kostrikis, a member of the Advisory Board of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Cyprus, said in his statement about the teleconference held with the participation of Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot experts regarding the opening of the crossing points, that there was an exchange of ideas during the meeting, but our own epidemiology team did not receive much information about the situation in the Turkish Cypriot region. READ ARTICLE
945. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Güney-Kuzey geçişleri bugün başlıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Crossings between South and North start today DATE: 22/6/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Council of Ministers has brought forward the date of crossings from Southern Cyprus to Northern Cyprus, which earlier was announced to start on July 1. READ ARTICLE
946. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs'ta alkol satış yaşı 18'e yükseltilti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Alcohol sales age increased to 18 in Southern Cyprus DATE: 5/7/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In Southern Cyprus, the sale of alcohol and alcoholic products to people under the age of 18 is prohibited. READ ARTICLE
947. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Erdoğan Akıncı'yı çizdi, Özersay'ı istedi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Erdoğan drew Akıncı, wanted Özersay DATE: 16/7/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Shocking statement from Greek Cypriot Foreign Minister Nikos Hristodulidis. READ ARTICLE
948. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: 46 yıldır özgürüz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Free for 46 years DATE: 21/7/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The 46th anniversary of July 20, 1974 was celebrated with various ceremonies throughout the country. READ ARTICLE
949. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Yıllardır kardeşçe yaşıyoruz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We have been living as brothers for years DATE: 4/8/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriots living in Dipkarpaz state that they are equal to other citizens in the region in the fields of education, health and social life. READ ARTICLE
950. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Bölgede oyun kurucu olmamıza engel olamayacaklar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They won't be able to stop us being a playmaker in the region. DATE: 19/8/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Kudret Özersay evaluated the latest developments in the Eastern Mediterranean in the CNNTürk broadcast. READ ARTICLE
951. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde turist sayısında yüzde 88 azalma ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 88 percent decrease in the number of tourists in the south DATE: 22/8/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: There was a decrease in the number of tourists coming to Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
952. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rumlar askeri gücün arttırılmasını istiyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots want increased military power DATE: 24/8/2020 READ ARTICLE
953. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Çoğu dönecek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: most will return DATE: 24/8/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriots who own property in the closed Maraş are waiting for it to be opened and for an invitation from the Turkish side to return to the city... READ ARTICLE
954. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde pasaport skandalı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Passport scandal in the south DATE: 25/8/2020 READ ARTICLE
955. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Garantiler, Kıbrıs Türkü'nün neden vazgeçilmezidir? ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Why are guarantees indispensable for Turkish Cypriots? DATE: 4/9/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: If the Greek Cypriots want to know why Turkish Cypriots want Turkey's guarantorship at a high rate, they should question why they are seen as unreliable and a threat by the Turkish Cypriots, the editorial said. READ ARTICLE
956. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Kaos kapıda ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Chaos is on the way DATE: 9/9/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: There was a decrease in the number of tourists coming to Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
957. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Her üç Rumdan biri aşıya karşı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: One in three Greeks is against vaccination DATE: 13/9/2020 READ ARTICLE
958. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum ordusu, ABD ve İsrail'le tatbikatlar gerçekleştiriyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek army carries out exercises with the USA and Israel DATE: 14/9/2020 READ ARTICLE
959. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Pompeo'dan Güney Kıbrıs'a anlamlı ziyaret ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A meaningful visit from Pompeo to Southern Cyprus DATE: 15/9/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo paid a short visit to Southern Cyprus yesterday evening. READ ARTICLE
960. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: AB'den Güneye tam destek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Full support from the EU to the South DATE: 17/9/2020 READ ARTICLE
961. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs'ın güneyinde ressam okul müdürüne eserlerinden dolayı soruşutrma ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Investigation against painter school principal in the south of Cyprus due to her works DATE: 18/9/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: An investigation was launched against Yorgos Gavril, who is a painter and the principal of a school in the south of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
962. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde bir öğretmen pozitif çıktı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A teacher in the south tested positive DATE: 19/9/2020 READ ARTICLE
963. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Yönetimi'ne perde gerisinde baskı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Behind-the-scenes pressure on the Greek Administration DATE: 21/9/2020 READ ARTICLE
964. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs, yaptırımlarda ısrar ediyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Southern Cyprus insists on sanctions DATE: 24/9/2020 READ ARTICLE
965. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Larnaka'da korona alarmı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Corona alarm in Larnaca DATE: 25/9/2020 READ ARTICLE
966. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Türkiye'ye sözle değil eylemle cevap vereceğiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We will respond to Turkey with action, not words DATE: 26/9/2020 READ ARTICLE
967. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Türk ve Rum gençlerden liderlere ortak mektup ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Joint letter from Turkish and Greek youth to leaders DATE: 27/9/2020 READ ARTICLE
968. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Denktaş: Rumlar federasyonu taviz olarak görüyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Denktaş: Greek Cypriots see the federation as a concession DATE: 1/10/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Independent Presidential candidate Serdar Denktaş said that the Greeks saw the federation as a concession. READ ARTICLE
969. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Füze ve uçaksavarları sergilediler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They exhibited missiles and anti-aircraft guns DATE: 3/10/2020 READ ARTICLE
970. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Ortak Covid-19 merkezi önerisi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Joint Covid-19 center proposal DATE: 4/10/2020 READ ARTICLE
971. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Tarihi adım ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Historical step DATE: 9/10/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A part of the closed Varosha was opened to the public after 46 years. READ ARTICLE
972. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: En yüksek vaka artışı Limasol'da ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The highest increase in cases is in Limassol DATE: 16/10/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Following the record increase in Coronavirus cases in Southern Cyprus in recent days, the obligation to wear a mask in all closed areas has been reintroduced. READ ARTICLE
973. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlarda öfke büyük ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: There is great anger among the Greeks DATE: 16/10/2020 READ ARTICLE
974. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Derinya'da korkulan olmadı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: There was no fear in Derinya DATE: 19/10/2020 READ ARTICLE
975. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Tatar'ın kazanması olumsuz bir gelişme ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Tatar's win is a negative development DATE: 20/10/2020 READ ARTICLE
976. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Derinya'da barış için ortak mücadele çağrısı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Call for joint struggle for peace in Derinya DATE: 21/10/2020 READ ARTICLE
977. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Limasol ve Baf'ta sokağa çıkma yasağı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Curfew in Limassol and Paphos DATE: 23/10/2020 READ ARTICLE
978. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Adım skandala karışırsa istifa ederim ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: If my name is involved in a scandal, I will resign DATE: 23/10/2020 READ ARTICLE
979. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Maraş heyeti Büyükelçilerle buluştu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Varosha delegation met with Ambassadors DATE: 1/11/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Varosha Municipality, organized in the south of Cyprus, launched an information campaign regarding the developments. READ ARTICLE
980. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Masaya yeni fikirler koymanın zamanı geldi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: It's time to put new ideas on the table DATE: 4/11/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Ersin Tatar and Greek Cypriot Administration Leader Nikos Anastasiadis held their first informal meeting. READ ARTICLE
981. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Mülk talepleri AİHM'e havala edilmeli ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Property claims should be referred to the ECHR DATE: 29/11/2020 READ ARTICLE
982. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyin turizm gelirlerinde 2 milyar Euro azalma ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 2 billion Euro decrease in tourism revenues of the south DATE: 2/12/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The damage of the pandemic to the tourism of Southern Cyprus has been very great. READ ARTICLE
983. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güney Kıbrıs silahlanmada öne çıktı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Southern Cyprus came to the fore in armament DATE: 5/12/2020 READ ARTICLE
984. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Gençler barış için yürüdü ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Youth walked for the peace DATE: 6/12/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Young people marched for peace in Nicosia. READ ARTICLE
985. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde pasaport skandalı... Devletin kaybı 7 milyar Euro ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Passport scandal in the south... The state's loss is 7 billion Euros DATE: 12/12/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President of the Greek Court of Accounts, Odisseas Mihailidis, presented a report on golden passports to the Greek Parliament Audit Committee yesterday. READ ARTICLE
986. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Haklı-Haksız SAvaşlarımız, Yaralarımız ve Şifa Dili ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Our Just and Unfair Wars, Our Wounds and the Language of Healing AUTHOR: Niyazi Kizilyurek DATE: 13/12/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: By associating the Palestinian-Israeli conflict with the Cyprus issue, the author suggests resolving conflicts with the language of healing. READ ARTICLE
987. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Mutabakata uymuyorlar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They do not comply with the agreement DATE: 22/12/2020
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Candan Avunduk, the President of the Turkish Cypriot Chamber of Industry (KTSO) said that the leaders of the two communities reached an agreement over Halloumi in 2015, but the current Greek leader changed that decision regarding the issue. READ ARTICLE
988. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Linç kampanyasına işçi isyanı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Workers' revolt against lynching campaign DATE: 25/12/2020 READ ARTICLE
989. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Aşı' üzerinden siyaset ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Politics through 'vaccine' DATE: 14/1/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: TRNC President Ersin Tatar's statement that he would not accept internationally approved vaccines if they come from the Greek Cypriot Administration attracted reaction. READ ARTICLE
990. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Biz ekmeğimizin peşindeyiz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We are after our bread DATE: 26/1/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish Cypriot workers working in Southern Cyprus held a protest in Metehan checkpoint and the buffer zone on the grounds that the decisions taken by the High Committee on Infectious Diseases regarding them were 'unfair'. READ ARTICLE
991. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı olduğum için hiç kimseden özür dilemeyeceğim... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: I will not apologize to anyone for being Cypriot... DATE: 1/2/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Young Greek Cypriot peace activist, Chris Rotsakis, wrote in his last action, I will not apologize to anyone for being Cypriot READ ARTICLE
992. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: İnsan haklarına, demokrasiye ve hukukun üstünlüğüne yönelik mücadelemiz ortaktır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Our struggle for human rights, democracy and the rule of law is common DATE: 17/2/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Some organizations in the TRNC criticized the police's use of violence against demonstrators who marched to protest the pandemic practices in Southern Cyprus, and emphasized that the struggle for human rights, democracy and the rule of law is common. READ ARTICLE
993. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs Türkü'nün tek seeçeneği Rumlarla ortak olmak değil ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Partnership with the Greek Cypriots is not Turkish Cypriots' only option DATE: 1/3/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Minister of Foreign Affairs Tahsin Ertuğruloğlu said that if a negotiation basis aimed at a solution based on sovereign equality cannot be established at the conference to be held in Geneva in April on the Cyprus issue, what will be done in Cyprus will be decided together with Turkey. READ ARTICLE
994. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Pandeminin iki toplumlu temaslar üzerindeki etkisi vee bundan sonrası tartışıldı... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The impact of the pandemic on bi-communal contacts and the future was discussed... DATE: 5/3/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In the panel organized online by the AKEL Reconciliation Office, the impact of the pandemic on bi-communal contacts and the future were discussed. READ ARTICLE
995. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Biz barıştan, anlaşmadan yanayız ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We are for peace and agreement DATE: 2/4/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Prime Minister Ersan Saner published a statement on the anniversary of EOKA's establishment. READ ARTICLE
996. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis'ten veto uyarısı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Veto warning from Anastasiadis DATE: 7/4/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Administration President Nikos Anastasiadis put a veto on the table regarding the upgrade of the Türkiye-EU Customs Union. READ ARTICLE
997. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Sınırda şarkı söylediler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: they sang on the border DATE: 9/4/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots, who could not come together for a long time due to the Covid-19 epidemic, came together on both sides of the fence. READ ARTICLE
998. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rum bakanlar AstraZeneca aşısının ilk dozunu aldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriot ministers received the first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine DATE: 16/4/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot ministers received the first dose of the Astrazeneca vaccine against Covid-19. READ ARTICLE
999. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde koronavirüs kararnameleri mahkemelik oldu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Coronavirus decrees resulted in litigation in the south DATE: 21/4/2021 READ ARTICLE
1000. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güney 2 hafta kapandı! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Güney was closed for 2 weeks! DATE: 24/4/2021 READ ARTICLE
1001. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: 50'den fazla yangın ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: More than 50 fires DATE: 3/5/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Within the framework of Orthodox Christians' Easter celebrations, Hz. Southern Cyprus took on the appearance of a battlefield yesterday with the fires that broke out as a result of exploding firecrackers and lighting large fires within the framework of the ceremony of Jesus' resurrection after his crucifixion and burial. READ ARTICLE
1002. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Tatar, Anastasiadis'in Paskalya Yortusu'nu kutladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Tatar congratulates Anastasiadis on Easter DATE: 3/5/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Ersin Tatar called the President of the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus, Nikos Anastasiadis on the phone and congratulated him on Easter. READ ARTICLE
1003. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Lefkoşa'nın güneyinde Filistin'e destek gösterisi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Demonstration of support for Palestine in the south of Nicosia DATE: 17/5/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: While the escalating tension between Israel and Palestine continues, peace lovers organized a support rally in Fizlistin in the south of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
1004. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde genel seçime doğru ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Towards general elections in the South DATE: 24/5/2021 READ ARTICLE
1005. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde 6 yaşındaki kız çocuğunun kanında kokain izine rastlandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Traces of cocaine were found in the blood of a 6-year-old girl in the south DATE: 28/5/2021 READ ARTICLE
1006. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde DİSİ birinci parti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: DISI is the first party in the south DATE: 31/5/2021 READ ARTICLE
1007. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde yedi siyasi parti meclise girdi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Seven political parties entered the parliament in the south DATE: 1/6/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Following the elections held the previous day in Southern Cyprus, seven political parties managed to enter the House of Representatives. READ ARTICLE
1008. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum tarafı Sinovac aşısını en etkin aşı olarak onayladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek side approved the Sinovac vaccine as the most effective vaccine DATE: 18/6/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Presidency announced that the final stages of the work regarding the use of border crossings by vaccinated individuals are underway. READ ARTICLE
1009. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs'ın güneyinden Sinovac'a onay çıktı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Approval was given to Sinovac from the south of Cyprus DATE: 18/6/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The bi-communal health technical committee continues its work for the free movement of vaccinated persons throughout Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
1010. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Hristofyas'ı Kıbrıslı yanıyla hem sevdim hem saydım ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: I both loved and respected Christofias because of his Cypriot colours AUTHOR: Hasan Hastürer DATE: 21/6/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Journalist/Columnist Hasan Hastürer penned an article about Dimitris Hristofyas, the former President of the Greek Cypriot Administration, on the 2nd anniversary of his passing. READ ARTICLE
1011. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Liderlere yapıcı ve etkin bir şekilde müdahil olma çağrısı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Call for leaders to engage constructively and effectively DATE: 1/7/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Some representatives of Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot political parties met face-to-face for the first time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. READ ARTICLE
1012. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Limasol'da alevler yükseldi, ciğerimiz yandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Flames rose in Limassol, our hearts tore out DATE: 4/7/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The fire, which started in the Arakapas village of Limassol in Southern Cyprus, turned everywhere into a hell in a short time. READ ARTICLE
1013. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Maraş açılımında 2. aşamaya geçiliyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The second phase of Varosha initiative is underway DATE: 21/7/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Ersin Tatar announced that the region corresponding to 3.5% of the closed part of Varosha has been removed from the military zone status. READ ARTICLE
1014. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum liderliği mağdur olan taraf konumuna getirildi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greek Cypriot leadership was made the victimized party DATE: 26/7/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: TKP-YG Chairman Mehmet Çakıcı claimed that the wrong and changeable political maneuvers pursued by the Turkish Cypriot Side in this period have made the Greek Cypriot leadership the victimized party, rather than the accused party pro-non-solution in the past. READ ARTICLE
1015. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Maraş açılımını, insan haklarının yerine getirilmesi için yaptık ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We took the Varosha initiative to fulfil human rights. DATE: 3/8/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Council of Ministers, meeting under the chairmanship of President Ersin Tatar, discussed the Varosha initiative. READ ARTICLE
1016. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Sağlık Bakanı: Aşılama şart ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Minister of Health: Vaccination is a must DATE: 7/8/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Minister of Health Mihalis Hacıpandelas called for a new vaccination against the coronavirus. READ ARTICLE
1017. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Maraş çatışma noktası değil, barış köprüsü olmalı... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Varosha should be a bridge of peace, not a point of conflict... DATE: 9/8/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Özdil Nami stated that there is a need for a new negotiation process in the Cyprus issue. He stated that Varosha should be a part of the final solution of the Cyprus problem within the framework of territorial arrangements. READ ARTICLE
1018. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Biz farklı bir ırkız ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We are a different race DATE: 10/8/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Ersin Tatar defined the reason for the lack of solution of the Cyprus problem as ethnic and religious differences. READ ARTICLE
1019. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde barajlar yüzde 60 oldu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Dams in the south reached 60 percent DATE: 12/8/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It is stated that a year with little rain in Southern Cyprus, similar to the previous year, may cause serious problems regarding water rates and the occupancy of dams. READ ARTICLE
1020. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyin yardım teklifine yine mi ret? ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Rejection of the South's offer of aid again? DATE: 1/9/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek side, which stated that it was ready to intervene in any way against the oil spill on our coasts, offered help and support to the Turkish side it contacted... However, the authorities in the north, waiting for the help from Turkey, have not yet responded positively to this offer. READ ARTICLE
1021. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar önerdiklerine pişman oldu ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The Greeks regretted their proposal DATE: 2/9/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The meeting of the Greek Cypriot National Council, chaired by President of the Republic of Cyprus Nikos Anastasiades, which convened yesterday at 10:00 to discuss the cancellation of Republic of Cyprus passports by some TRNC officials and the proposal to return to the 1960 Constitution, concluded around 13:00. READ ARTICLE
1022. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde yetişkin nüfusun %74,2'si tamamen aşılandı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: In the south, 74.2% of the adult population is fully vaccinated DATE: 3/9/2021 READ ARTICLE
1023. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum tarafı New York'taki üçlü görüşmede ısrar ediyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek side insists on tripartite meeting in New York DATE: 5/9/2021 READ ARTICLE
1024. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: 60'a dönüş önerisi BM'ye gidiyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Proposal for return to 60 goes to UN DATE: 8/9/2021 READ ARTICLE
1025. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kınıyoruz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We're condemning DATE: 9/9/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Ministry of Education first requested that the relevant section of the English workbook praising Ataturk be 'teared out' and then requested that the book be confiscated. READ ARTICLE
1026. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Yüzde 25 60'a dönüşten yana ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 25 percent are in favor of returning to 1960 DATE: 15/9/2021 READ ARTICLE
1027. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Tatar, Kıbrıslı Rum liderliğini eleştirdi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Tatar criticized the Greek Cypriot leadership DATE: 17/9/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Presidency criticized the Greek leadership for reporting this to the press before an official invitation was made to New York for a tripartite meeting. READ ARTICLE
1028. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: 1960'a dönüş çözüme köprü ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Return to 1960, bridge to solution DATE: 20/9/2021 READ ARTICLE
1029. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: 2. Hrisostomos: Kendini önce Türk sonra Kıbrıslı hissedenlerle iyi ilişkimiz yok ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 2. Hrisostomos: We do not have good relations with those who feel Turkish first and then Cypriot DATE: 27/9/2021 READ ARTICLE
1030. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Anastasiadis: Birlikte kutlasaydık daha mutlu olurdum ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Anastasiadis: I would be happier if we celebrated together DATE: 3/10/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In her statements during the 61st anniversary celebrations of the Republic of Cyprus, Greek Cypriot Administration President Nikos Anastasiadis said, I would be happier if the Turkish Cypriots celebrated October 1 with us. READ ARTICLE
1031. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Doğu Akdeniz'de gerginliğe değil işbirliğine ihtiyaç var ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: What is needed in the East Med is not tension but cooperation DATE: 4/10/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus continues to take steps to escalate tensions regarding energy resources in the Eastern Mediterranean, the Presidency said. READ ARTICLE
1032. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: AKEL'den 'Artık Yeter' mitingi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Enough is Enough' rally from AKEL DATE: 31/10/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Reactions against Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Anastasiadis are growing in the south of the island. Organized by AKEL, a Enough is Enough rally was held in front of the Presidential Palace of the Republic of Cyprus yesterday. READ ARTICLE
1033. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Lefkoşa'daki Diyanellos ve Vergopulos sigara fabrikasında Kıbrıslıtürk, Kıbrıslıermeni ve Kıbrıslırum kadın işçilere birlikte çalışıyordu... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish Cypriot, Armenian Cypriot and Greek Cypriot female workers were working together in the Diyanellos v Vergopoulos cigarette factory in Nicosia... AUTHOR: Sevgul Uludag DATE: 5/11/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkish Cypriot, Greek Cypriot and Armenian Cypriot female workers worked together in the Diyanellos and Vergopoulos cigarette factories in Nicosia. READ ARTICLE
1034. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: İki katlı iskele üzerinden düştü ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Fell from two-storey scaffolding DATE: 5/11/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A 61-year-old Turkish Cypriot lost his life in a work accident that occurred in the south of Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
1035. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Stefanu: Anastasiadis'ten Ulusal Konsey toplantısı talep ettik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Stefanu: We requested a National Council meeting from Anastasiadis DATE: 9/11/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: AKEL Secretary General Stefanos Stefanu made an evaluation about the de-centralized federation proposal regarding the Cyprus issue. READ ARTICLE
1036. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs halkı nasıl birbirine düşman edildi? ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: How the people of Cyprus were made enemies of each other(Düzenlendi)Orijinali geri yükle AUTHOR: Serhat Incirli DATE: 19/11/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author discusses the question of whether there are two peoples in Cyprus or a single Cypriot people consisting of many communities. READ ARTICLE
1037. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Rum diplomatların tavrı acı ve gerçek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The attitude of Greek diplomats is bitter and real AUTHOR: Serhat Incirli DATE: 2/12/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author discusses the appointment of 5 ambassadors in Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
1038. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Papa Francis Güney Kıbrıs'a geldi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Pope Francis came to Southern Cyprus DATE: 3/12/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Pope Francis, the spiritual leader of the Catholic Church, which has 1.2 billion members worldwide, came to Southern Cyprus yesterday. READ ARTICLE
1039. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Papa Francis'in KKTC'yi de ziyaret etmesini bekliyoruz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We expect Pope Francis to visit also the TRNC DATE: 3/12/2021
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Ersin Tatar invited Pope Francis, the President of the Vatican and the spiritual leader of the Catholic world to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, who will pay a 3-day visit to Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
1040. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: BM Raporları, 'Egemen Eşitlik' ve Statükoya Hapsoluş ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: UN Reports, 'Sovereign Equality' and Being Trapped in the Status Quo AUTHOR: Ipek Borman DATE: 8/1/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author discusses UN reports, current policies regarding the Cyprus problem and the status quo. READ ARTICLE
1041. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Güney'den elektrik istiyoruz ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We're asking for electricity from the South DATE: 19/1/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Gürcan Erdoğan, General Manager of the Turkish Cypriot Electricity Corporation (KIB-TEK), said they requested energy from Southern Cyprus in order to meet the increasing electricity need due to the malfunction in power plants in recent days. READ ARTICLE
1042. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Daha çok kapı, daha çok istihdam, daha güzel insanlık, daha iyi ekonomidir ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: More doors, more employment, better humanity, better economy. DATE: 4/2/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author discusses Esin Tatar's policy, the opening of the Famagusta gate and the issue of opening the gates in Cyprus in general. READ ARTICLE
1043. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs Türk Halkı en az Kıbrıslı Rumlar kadar egemendir ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Turkish Cypriot People are at least as sovereign as Greek Cypriots DATE: 20/2/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Ersin Tatar received the delegation of the Independent Permanent Human Rights Commission of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. READ ARTICLE
1044. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Çözüm olmadan asla... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Never without a solution AUTHOR: Unal Fındık DATE: 28/2/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author discusses how the deadlock in the Cyprus problem affects the Turkish Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
1045. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Müzakereler Crans-Montana'da kaldığı yerden devam etmelidir ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Negotiations should continue where they left off in Crans-Montana DATE: 4/3/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: CTP and AKEL made a statement and put forward a common stance that the negotiations for the solution of the Cyprus problem should continue where they left off in Crans Montana in 2017. READ ARTICLE
1046. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs'taki duruma artık sessiz kalmayın ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Do not remain silent over the situation in Cyprus any longer DATE: 8/3/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Presidency strongly condemned the President of the Greek Cypriot Administration, Nicos Anastasiadis, who claimed that there was an 'illegal occupation' in Cyprus by exploiting Russia's intervention in Ukraine, the newspaper said. READ ARTICLE
1047. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rumlar Kuzey Kıbrıs'a akın etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots flocked to Northern Cyprus DATE: 2/4/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Since it was a public holiday in Southern Cyprus, Greek Cypriots crossed to TRNC to shop cheaper and travel . READ ARTICLE
1048. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Liderler ara bölgede bir araya geldi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Leaders met in the buffer zone DATE: 14/4/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Ersin Tatar and Greek leader Nikos Anastasiadis attended the presentation of the action plan prepared to ensure the active participation of women in a possible Cyprus solution process. READ ARTICLE
1049. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: İki Kıbrıslı arkadaş uzun bir yürüyüşe çıkınca neler olmuştu? ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: What happened when two Cypriot friends went for a long walk? AUTHOR: Sevgul Uludag DATE: 21/4/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Yalçın Adal and Stavros Corcis walked from one end of the island to the other for peace. READ ARTICLE
1050. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Tatar'ın Avrupa Parlamentosu'na yanıtı: Federal Anlayış Maceradır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Tatar's response to the European Parliament: Federal Understanding is an Adventure AUTHOR: Akay Cemal DATE: 15/5/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Columnist Akay Cemal discussed President Tatar's response to the European Parliament's call for Turkey in its latest report to abandon a two-state solution in Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
1051. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türklerin mallarının kirasından yıllık 16 milyon Euro gelir ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Annual income of 16 million Euros from the rent of properties of Turkish Cypriots DATE: 17/5/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Republic of Cyprus submitted a new proposal to the Advisory Committee regarding the regulation of the way the properties of Turkish Cypriots in the south of the island are managed. READ ARTICLE
1052. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: KKTC bir başarıdır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: TRNC is a success DATE: 2/6/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Tatar evaluated the developments regarding the Cyprus issue in the joint broadcast of TRT Radio and Radio Vatan. READ ARTICLE
1053. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Babası Türk annesi Kıbrıslı Rum olan çocuğa Kıbrıs Cumhuriyeti vatandaşlığı verilmiyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: A child whose father is Turkish and whose mother is Greek Cypriot is not granted Republic of Cyprus citizenship. DATE: 4/6/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: She was born in Southern Cyprus and is now 5 years old. Although her mother is Greek Cypriot, he does not have citizenship of the Republic of Cyprus and is trying to survive without an identity card just because her father is of Turkish origin. READ ARTICLE
1054. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde 'standart dışı hellim' krizi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Substandard halloumi' crisis in the south DATE: 4/6/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The view that all halloumi products, including the domestic market, in the south of the island should be required to have a Designation of Origin Protection product standard approved by the European Commission, caused the crisis. READ ARTICLE
1055. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Kapılarda kontrolü TC'li polis ekibi mi yapıyor? ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Is a Turkish police team checking the doors? DATE: 12/6/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to the information obtained by the newspaper from reliable sources, special police teams from the Republic of Turkey are searching vehicles coming from the south at the free passage gates. It is stated that the police officers who searched the Greek Cypriot vehicles were from the narcotics branch. READ ARTICLE
1056. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde bir askeri tatbikat daha ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Another military exercise in the south DATE: 13/6/2022 READ ARTICLE
1057. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Neofitu: Kıbrıs sorununun anahtarı, enerji ve NATO üyeliği ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Neofitu: The key to the Cyprus problem is energy and NATO membership DATE: 13/6/2022 READ ARTICLE
1058. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde kalan Kıbrıs Türk mallarında 1955 kararı belası ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The scourge of the 1955 decision on Turkish Cypriot properties in the south DATE: 16/6/2022 READ ARTICLE
1059. NEWSPAPER: Halkınsesi ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde videolu polis skandalı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Video police scandal in the south DATE: 18/6/2022 READ ARTICLE
1060. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Rum Çalışma ve Sosyal Güvenlik Bakanı Zeta Emilianidu hayatını kaybetti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Minister of Labor and Social Security Zeta Emilianidu passed away DATE: 18/6/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Greek Cypriot Minister of Labor and Social Security Zeta Emilianidou was reported to have died yesterday evening in the hospital where she was being treated for a cerebral aortic aneurysm she suffered. READ ARTICLE
1061. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Nihayet güneyden yardım istedik ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Finally we asked for help from the south DATE: 23/6/2022 READ ARTICLE
1062. NEWSPAPER: Afrika-Avrupa ARTICLE TITLE: Güney 4 yeni yangın söndürme aracı daha aldı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Güney purchased 4 new fire extinguishing vehicles DATE: 23/6/2022 READ ARTICLE
1063. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Her iki darbenin ortak özelliği Kıbrıs'ı Helen adası yapmaktır ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The common feature of both coups is to turn Cyprus into a Hellenic island. DATE: 15/7/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Ersin Tatar made a statement on the 48th anniversary of the July 15, 1974 coup in Cyprus and the 6th anniversary of the July 15, 2016 coup attempt in Turkey. READ ARTICLE
1064. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: 48 yıllık ateşkes: Barışı arayan ada ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 48-year ceasefire: The island seeking peace DATE: 20/7/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Turkey's intervention in Cyprus, one of the turning points of the island of Cyprus, has reached its 48th anniversary. Ceasefire conditions continue in divided Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
1065. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rum sporcu Marios Georgiou'dan altın madalya ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Gold medal from Greek Cypriot athlete Marios Georgiou DATE: 21/8/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Republic of Cyprus is celebrating Greek Cypriot athlete Marios Gorgiou's first gold medal in the men's pull-up at the European Gymnastics Championships. READ ARTICLE
1066. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Sınır kapılarında gümrükler kaldırılmalı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Customs duties should be abolished at checkpoints DATE: 23/8/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Enver Mamülcü, the President of the Turkish Cypriot Businessmen Association (İŞAD), said that there are great difficulties in domestic production due to increasing costs, therefore, first of all, hot money is needed and that they has some 'game-changing' suggestions to get out of this chaos. READ ARTICLE
1067. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kilise inşaatını işgal ettiler ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They occupied the church construction DATE: 19/9/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The unfinished building of the Hagia Loukas Church in Famagusta was occupied by some workplaces. Residents of the area speaking to the newspaper said the church should be cleaned and its surroundings should be wired and protected, in respect of the Greek Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
1068. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Türklerle güçlü işbirliği mesajı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The message of Strong cooperation with Turkish Cypriots DATE: 30/9/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Speaking at the Cyprus Forum, three important candidates in the presidential election of the Republic of Cyprus gave a message of strong cooperation with the Turkish Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
1069. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde öğrenim gören 50 Kıbrıslı Rum öğrenci kuzeyde ev kiraladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 50 Greek Cypriot students studying in the south rented a house in the north DATE: 30/9/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: 50 Greek Cypriot students studying at university in the south rented a house in the north due to the high cost of rent. READ ARTICLE
1070. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Andri Anastasiadis'ten Asya'ya ziyaret ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Visit to Asya from Andri Anastasiadis DATE: 2/10/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Andir Anastasiadis, husband of Greek Cypriot leader Nikos Anastasiadis, visited baby Asya, who is continuing his treatment in the south, and received information about her health condition. READ ARTICLE
1071. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rumlar'a ait olduğu düşünülüyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: It is thought to belong to Greek Cypriots DATE: 7/10/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The Committee on Missing Persons in Cyprus (CMP) found human remains during a well excavation in Akova (Gypsou) village. READ ARTICLE
1072. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: BM adeta çatışma ortamı yaratıyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: The UN creates an atmosphere of conflict DATE: 12/11/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was claimed that the fields in the Eylence Plain in the buffer zone, which were rented to Turkish Cypriot farmers in accordance with the existing agreement and where Turkish Cypriot farmers had been planting for years and which they had ploughed and fertilized for planting this year, were given to Greek farmers this year. READ ARTICLE
1073. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rumların %53'ü Kıbrıslı Türklerle birlikte yaşamayı istiyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 53% of Greek Cypriots want to live together with Turkish Cypriots DATE: 28/11/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: According to the survey, 53 percent of Greek Cypriots are willing to live together with Turkish Cypriots. READ ARTICLE
1074. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Genç nesiller için Kıbrıs'ta barışa ulaşmak boynumuzun borcudur ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: It is our duty to achieve peace in Cyprus for the young generations DATE: 1/12/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Presidential candidate of the Republic of Cyprus Christodoulides visited KTOS. READ ARTICLE
1075. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar Gambiya'ya kızdı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks are angry with Gambia DATE: 2/12/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Gambian Vice President Badara Alleu Joof's visit to TRNC and his meeting with President Ersin Tatar caused a negative reaction in Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
1076. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rum İlkokul öğretmenleri sendikası KTÖS'ü ziyaret etti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Teachers' union of Greek Cypriots Primary School teachers visited the KTÖS DATE: 16/12/2022
ARTICLE SUMMARY: POED President Myria Vassiliou and her delegation visited KTOS headquarters and held a meeting with KTOS executive board members READ ARTICLE
1077. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kalıpların dışında düşünülmeli ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Should be thought beyond the known patterns DATE: 1/1/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In his interview with Kıbrıs Newspaper, President Ersin Tatar said that the recognition of TRNC will make a significant contribution to resolving the Cyprus problem. READ ARTICLE
1078. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rumların Başkanlık seçimlerinin düşündürdükleri ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: What Greek Cypriots's Presidential elections made me think AUTHOR: Kutlay Erk DATE: 28/1/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: The author evaluates the presidential elections of the Republic of Cyprus READ ARTICLE
1079. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Çözüm ve barışın herkesin yararına olmasını sağlamak zorundayız ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: We have to ensure that the solution and peace are for the benefit of everyone DATE: 30/1/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Intrviews with Andreas Mavroyannis-Greek Cypriots are going to the polls this Sunday to elect their new leaders. READ ARTICLE
1080. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Yeni Rum lider Hristodulidis ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: New Greek leader is Hristodulidis DATE: 13/2/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In the second round of the presidential election held in Southern Cyprus, independent candidate Nikos Hristodulidis, openly supported by DIKO, DİPA and EDEK, became the new president of the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
1081. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: AKEL, deprem felaketinde çocuklaronı kaybeden ailelerin yanında ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: AKEL stands with the families who lost their children in the earthquake disaster DATE: 25/2/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: AKEL visited the cemetery in Famagusta of the athletes who lost their lives in the earthquake disaster in Turkey. READ ARTICLE
1082. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Diplomatik skandal ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Diplomatic scandal DATE: 15/3/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: With the mediation of the UN Development Programme and financing from the EU, a cooperation center was built in Koruçam, a village where Maronites live and is subject to TRNC laws. But according to the newspaper, the UN and the EU did not invite any officials from the TRNC to the opening ceremony. READ ARTICLE
1083. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde Şampiyon Melekler unutulmadı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Champion Angels were not forgotten in the South DATE: 29/3/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Students of GC School of Careers in the south of Cyprus hung photos in memory of the Champion Angels. READ ARTICLE
1084. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: GKRY'nin sistematik şekilde silahlanmasına yardımcı olunuyor ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Helping the systematic arming of the Greek Cypriot Administration of Southern Cyprus DATE: 23/4/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: In a written statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs commented on the anchoring of a US submarine in a Greek port and the statement of Greek Defense Minister Yorgallas that they would purchase weapon systems from the US. READ ARTICLE
1085. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: 1 Mayıs, ara bölgede kutlanacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: May 1 will be celebrated in the buffer zone DATE: 25/4/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: May 1 will be celebrated bi-communally. READ ARTICLE
1086. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Maraş'ta 3 otel satıldı mı? TMK'ya göre işlem yok ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Have 3 hotels been sold in Varosha? No action according to TMK DATE: 3/5/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Allegations that a Greek Cypriot owner in Varosha, controlled by the military, sold his hotel to a Turkish Cypriot businessman whose identity was not disclosed were on the agenda. READ ARTICLE
1087. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar KKTC'deki malları unutsun ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greeks should forget about the properties in TRNC DATE: 5/5/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Parliamentary Speaker Zorlu Töre, criticized the Greek Parliamentary Speaker who complained to the European Parliament via a letter over the developments regarding Varosha. READ ARTICLE
1088. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Irkçı, bağnaz Rum zihniyeti ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Racist, bigoted Greek mentality DATE: 1/6/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Foreign Minister Ertuğruloğlu and former negotiator Ertuğ reacted harshly to the Greek National Guard Commander's dream of planting a Greek flag in Kyrenia, the newspaper said. READ ARTICLE
1089. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıslı Rum benzincilerden Kermiya'da eylem... ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Kıbrıslı Rum benzincilerden Kermiya'da eylem... DATE: 28/6/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Gas station owners in the south of Cyprus protested at the Kermiya crossing point yesterday to protest the loss of income they experienced due to purchasing fuel from the north. READ ARTICLE
1090. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Sinsi bir plan ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: An insidious plan DATE: 5/7/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Former Presidential Special Representative Osman Ertuğ evaluated the Greek Administration's initiative over a package of measures for Turkish Cypriots on Kıbrıs TV. READ ARTICLE
1091. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Barış aktivisti-Kıbrıslı yönetmen Panikos Hrisantu'ya onur ödülü ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Honorary award to peace activist-Cypriot director Panikos Hrisantu DATE: 18/7/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Peace activist Cypriot director Panikos Hrisantou was presented with an honorary award at the 6th AEI Film Festival, held between 17-23 July this year. READ ARTICLE
1092. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Hristodulidis, teklifin değerlendirileceğini dile getirdi ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Hristodulidis said the offer will be evaluated DATE: 8/8/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Ersin Tatar called the President of the Greek Cypriot Administration Nikos Hristodulidis on the phone and reiterated his offer of assistance regarding the ongoing fire in Limassol. READ ARTICLE
1093. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kıbrıs'ın sınır tanımayan büyük sorunu! ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Cyprus' big problem that knows no borders! AUTHOR: Serhat Incirli DATE: 31/8/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Immigration and emigration in Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
1094. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Kadınlar ve gençlerin barış süreçlrine katılımının teşvik edilmsi konusunda fikir birliği ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Consensus on encouraging women and youth participation in peace processes DATE: 26/9/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Some Turkish Cypriot and Greek Cypriot political parties met in the buffer zone, and a consensus was reached that political parties should encourage the participation of women and youth in peace negotiations. READ ARTICLE
1095. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Barış için 120 kilometrelik yürüyüş başladı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 120 kilometer march for peace started DATE: 29/9/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Yalçın Adal and Stavros Georges are marching from Karpaz to Paphos to demand peace. READ ARTICLE
1096. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Babası Türk diye saldırdılar ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: They attacked him because his father was Turkish DATE: 29/9/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: A Greek child named Savva Antonniou with a Turkish Cypriot-origin father was attacked by some schoolmates. READ ARTICLE
1097. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Kuzey-Güney yok, Kıbrıs'ta Türk devleti var ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: There is no North or South, there is a Turkish state in Cyprus DATE: 6/10/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: President Ersin Tatar said they're saying 'No' to a solution under a federal roof during an event in Turkey. READ ARTICLE
1098. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Omonia'dan Filistin'e destek ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Support from Omonia to Palestine DATE: 31/10/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Omonia gave a message of peace by unfurling Palestinian flags during the AEK Larnaca match. READ ARTICLE
1099. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Güneyde aile içi şiddet olaylarına karışan 14 polis açığa alındı ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: 14 police officers involved in domestic violence incidents in the south were suspended DATE: 4/11/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: It was reported that the Legal Department of Cyprus, in cooperation with the police leadership, initiated criminal proceedings against 15 police officers involved in domestic violence incidents, and 14 of them were suspended. READ ARTICLE
1100. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Üstel: Cumhuriyetimiz dünyada hak ettiği yeri alacak ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: ÜsteL: Our Republic will take the place it deserves in the world DATE: 14/11/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Prime Minister Ünal Üstel published a message on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus. READ ARTICLE
1101. NEWSPAPER: Kıbrıs ARTICLE TITLE: Rumlar KKTC'den mal alımından rahatsız ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: Greek Cypriots not happy over the purchase of properties in TRNC DATE: 23/12/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: Foreigners buying flats from construction sites in TRNC alarmed the Southern Cyprus administration, Kıbrıs newspaper said. READ ARTICLE
1102. NEWSPAPER: Yeni Duzen ARTICLE TITLE: Örnek bir dostluk ve işbirliği ARTICLE TITLE IN ENGLISH: An exemplary friendship and cooperation AUTHOR: Sevgul Uludag DATE: 27/12/2023
ARTICLE SUMMARY: When the flour factory of Mitsidis Pasta, which controls 40 percent of the pasta market in the south of Cyprus, burned down in 1970, Raşit Ahmetraşit helped by giving flour until they could get their business back on track... READ ARTICLE